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About darkmaniak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. darkmaniak

    New Patch Memory Leak: Possible fix/workaround

    i had this problem for days, now i read this and i login.... flickering m4 handguard...
  2. darkmaniak

    Fear no bandit (operation annoyance)

    it's funny how all players are afraid to die in a game where there is still no point in survive. 90% of fun is run around harrassing other players and if killed respawn and harrassing again
  3. darkmaniak

    ghost noises

    ghost sounds are bugs, the only sounds you should hear are fences and birds. but remove the damn reloading sound on spawn, it isn't fake, other players can't hear that too.
  4. darkmaniak

    Can doors open correctly

    just increase the range you can interact with them
  5. darkmaniak

    Premium loot -- A balanced proposal to "gearing up"

    guns in military bunkers only, fill them with zombies, watch 20 people (cooperation game issue solved) with axes killing 100 zombies to reach the weapons safe while healing the injured friends...... watch 19 players with axes chasing the guy who looted the only gun in the safe :lol:
  6. darkmaniak

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    just to know, is this a military simulation or a survival game? why adding new guns? increase melee weapons instead, that's what you find and use during an emergency. in survival games you should be afraid to die, what's the point in increasing weapons? play fallout 3 if you want tons of weapons and irradiated monsters.
  7. darkmaniak

    Char Selection / Allow multiple Chars

    upvote for this. i play with my friends, hardcore only because i think 3pp is for retards who need a flying drone camera to see what hides behind walls or corners, and i can't login until all my friends can, so i'm not playing DayZ since 1 week. multiple characters per account OR 1 character per server (server hopping issue solved too).
  8. darkmaniak

    Real faces in game?

    upvote for this