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About EroticOstrich

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. EroticOstrich

    Why am I shooting the ground while prone?

    It's a bug though the developers are aware of the issue.
  2. EroticOstrich

    How I Fixed FPS

    I can't say anything about the gear causing the problem - I don't know. What I have found is that it is seemingly time based. What I mean by that is that I will load the game and start playing with FPS being fine (30 range - which is fine for me i like playing on max graphics) though after around 20-30 minutes this drops to 1-10 FPS. Tested this a couple of times and always after a certain amount of time it seems to go to shit. *Note* - I play with a friend always so maybe the close proximity is bad? Anyway I have done all the FPS adjusting graphics related tricks mentioned here and in the steam post but it seemingly has no effect for me... at least not a lasting one. Prior to the last patch my game ran perfectly. I have an Alienware m17x with nvidea geforce GTX 680M, quad core with 8 threads etc etc. Though again i dont think its a hardware issue since prior to the last patch everything was perfect. EDIT: Since the patch this week they have indeed resolved this issue.
  3. EroticOstrich

    Died by climbing a ladder

    I had this happen, though a little different. My character climbed the ladder, climbed higher than the ladder was - and then fell. To his death.
  4. EroticOstrich

    Pistols in hands should not be ruined when shot

    Agree! After I kill someone it's always annoying to find 80% of their gear broken as a result.
  5. EroticOstrich

    Weather conditions / rain / storm + Night

    I think mist/fog (different levels of severity) would be a great addition to the current weather options. Mist/Fog could also impact how people adjust their game-play (rely more on sound etc.)