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Everything posted by ineedferrets

  1. ineedferrets

    Sticky notes?

    It's just an early idea but how about adding notes that can be left by players into the game? I think how it'd work is that you would have to find paper (but that would be very easily available) and a pen (not as easily found). Paper could be found in most, if not all buildings, and is spawned as often as empty cans. Pens can be found less easily, maybe made more available in houses, cafes and markets than other buildings. You could even use blood to write a note (it would use about 100 blood maybe, not sure, would need to make it unwanted). Pens would have a certain amount of usage before running out. The points of the notes is to leave them around so other people can see them. The notes are saved onto the server for other people to see. You could have to write them using the mouse or the keyboard. There are pros and cons of this; Pros - You could point out to other survivors potential hotspots for bandits. - You could use them for riddles for team mates. - If radios are implemented, you could point out certain wavelengths where you play music or talk about stuff on it to the rest of the world. - Point out warnings to survivors of areas you own and shoot on sight on. - People can point out PvP hotspots. - Zombie warnings. - People can lay out traps using notes. Cons - Bandits can lay out traps (if you're a dipshit idiot). - If paper and pen made too readily available, notes could be spammed everywhere. - People could write down stupid immature things, taking away immersion from the experience. - Over time, servers may become spammed with overdue notes (i.e. old information) and may need to have a time limit or reset at certain points. I really like the sound of it but what could be very bad is the break of immersion, isolation as you see masses and masses or notes covered with the word 'PENIS' everywhere or bulletin boards saying 'xXchernoXx clan hiring! come to xxx yyy to join'. Any thoughts on this?
  2. ineedferrets

    Looking for players to tag with

    Found like 20 results xD add me and mike if you can :)
  3. ineedferrets

    Looking for players to tag with

    I'm up for playing! Steam: i need ferrets I have a mic and im pretty chilled :)
  4. I'm some 18 year old guy. I don't really take the game too seriously, I'm not like; I just like to travel and see what I get. I try and befriend survivors but when push comes to shove it may get ugly. I'm up for playing with people of a similar age and just wanna mess around in dayz and survive. I don't have a ts channel but we can use the DAYZ teamspeak one or skype, anyone up for it?
  5. ineedferrets

    UK survivor looking for people to survive with.

    Sorry, I'm not looking for that kinda relationship.
  6. ineedferrets

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  7. ineedferrets

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  8. ineedferrets

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  9. ineedferrets

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Pretty effin funny, I tried one... Fucks sake, took me a while...
  10. ineedferrets

    Any friendly severs?

    I just killed a man when he ran infront of me and I panicked, whoever he was, I feel really bad for killing him without a warning. Haha. Anyways I wanted to repent and now I'm looking for a fiendly server (if there is one) anyone know some?
  11. ineedferrets

    Any friendly severs?

    He knows! Haha! Just kidding, I was over direct comms saying "friendly coming in fire station at cherno, if you hear me say so or i will shoot" and i went to top floor and saw him, panicked and shot and he shot at same time so we both died :/
  12. ineedferrets

    Radio-The future of Dayz

    YES! Please, this is one of the three things I wanna see in DayZ!
  13. It's annoying having hackers BUT why didn't you go ona rooftop in elektro or cherno and watch? mustve been beautiful :D
  14. ineedferrets


    Wouldn't it be fun capturing a player? I think it would be. Mind, I wouldnt have the heart to kill em or be a dick to em, id just mess around with em then give em all their weapons and shit back and say im sorry xD
  15. ineedferrets

    In-game mic chat?

    I was just wondering what was happening with in-game mic chat because I remember that people would be kicked for 'abusing' in-game mic chat. Is it still in the game and if you use direct comms is it only people nearby who hear you? I don't like using ts or skype with friends because I don't really feel immersed in the game. Thanks.
  16. ineedferrets

    Less-than-Lethal options???

    Love the idea of kidnapping someone xD I wouldn't kill em in the end, I'd probably set them free with a can of beans and a flashlight :P Actually, I probably wouldn't even do that. I'd untie em, give em a gun, a map and say I'm sorry.
  17. ineedferrets

    Bleeding is ridiculous?

    Fuck me it's frustrating when a zed breaks your leg, but kind of hilarious as well.
  18. ineedferrets

    Are there bigger plans for DayZ

    Actually, if you watch "WTF is... DayZ" Rocket talks about how ARMA2 DayZ has been an ongoing thing or something and that it'll be hard to just put DayZ in a new game. I'm not sure what's gonna happen but I really like DayZ and hope it gets better (if it can).
  19. ineedferrets

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    I can't stop laughing at the idea of a man in a ghillie suit on a bike sneaking up on people xD Mine would be a bandage after falling from a building running from a massive horde of zeds... I could've cried.
  20. ineedferrets


    I reckon Rocket has been working secretly with EA to release extra weapons that you get by buying them as DLC! Or he's working with activision to turn DayZ into Zombie mode in CoD. Could it be plausible that he's working with Square Enix to turn this into a JRPG or even Bethesda to produce a modern time Elder Scrolls. Or people are bitching and complaining or people are hacking, who knows?
  21. ineedferrets

    In-game mic chat?

  22. ineedferrets

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    I'm basically replying to bump this up because I played for 2 hours and everytime I tried to enter a building and it was sealed off due to barbed wire. Zombies then fucking see me and eat my testicles... I'm really annoyed...
  23. ineedferrets

    Joe and Petho play DayZ part 2

    Me and my friend carry on our adventure in Chernaurus, I fricking love this game :)
  24. ineedferrets

    God damn barbed wire!

    I dunno if I am the only one but I am getting sick of spawning somehwhere, then finding an building to loot only to be covered in barbed wire! It happens all the time and I never find any weapons and just die! I don't know what to suggest really, I would like for it to disappear when the player leaves the server or something but I don't rally know. Anyone else know how I feel?
  25. ineedferrets

    Vehicle Flipping

    Maybe they could add a script where if you flip over heavier vehichles you need more people to flip it back upright? Say 1 for the ATV, maybe 2 or 3 for cars and maybe 5 for the big trucks? (and 7 for the bus).