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Everything posted by alexsamag

  1. alexsamag

    What gun was your first shooting kill with?

    It was the magnum on the Nort East Airfield,i saw the dude entering the airfield and i warned him to go away if he didnt want to die,a minute later he tried to "hide himself" and try to hit me with his axe.I had to shoot him,i felt sorry for him,but i tried to be friendly and he tried to kill me,so he earned that.
  2. alexsamag

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I have managed to find a Vs3 truck three times and i drove one around 2 minutes and it's beyond awesome,a little bit clunky the controls,but for the first iteration its impresive.Also i have to say that when you are near a vehicle or near someone driving a vehicle the game will crash for sure.In fact,my game crashed when i was near a vehicle and a few minutes later i tried to log in again,and at the moment the game was loading the truck,it crashed.I tried to log in again 3 times and the same result game crash.So be carefull,crashes are coming XD
  3. alexsamag

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Doors now make noises when opening and closing :)
  4. alexsamag

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I have to say that with the electric cattle prod you can,alterate the pulse of a person ,and if you use it to much ,you can cause him a heart attack :) I discovered it ,when i used it against a dude that tried to attack me when i was a freshspawn,knock him down,handcuff him and then started to experiment with him,all for science!
  5. alexsamag

    Advantage of little luggage?

    Hi,a couple of weeks ago Wobo a Dayz Youtuber made a video explaining the currently state of running in Dayz SA.I hope it helps you solve your questions :)
  6. alexsamag

    2 things NEEDED to be fixed in next update.

    Also,random leg braking is very simple to fix,only carring sticks and bandage,and thanks to the lumberjack mode,obtaining sticks is trivial :D
  7. alexsamag

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    It will hit Stable when is done,also the cars aren`t going to get into the game for a while ,because rocket said this a couple of weeks ago "So today I saw... work start on using new pathfinding with our zombies, first work on vehicles start, and plans for controls & action menu" . .Don`t expect cars ,i'm expecting more about barricading than cars,since cars or vehicles in general only allows yo to move faster,menawhile barracading and building will change the game ,people will be more focused on gathering resources and save them to build a base and that will be game changing :D