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About XUL92

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  1. On the subject of a global chat, there is a way to do (which I do not know). Twice I've been on a server where people were playing music through global, both times it scared the crap out of it. & no for anyone thinking they were close by, I was running through the woods on an experimental server (on Tuesday) right after they came back up and the music sounded like it was coming from my desktop or something, but it was definetly in game. But back on topic; I like the sound of this app, even though I speak no German (got the gist of it from other replies).
  2. XUL92

    Reuniting with my true love...

    The zombie apocalypse was hard on everyone. But I, I found her. My light in the darkness. My port in the storm. My true love.
  3. XUL92

    How many have you killed and why ?

    Personally killed 10-15 (non new spawns) in ~123 hours. I play with a group, usually 2-3 of us and I'm the "smart one". I tend to spot people and let the other guys deal with the situation hiow they'd like. Most kills are Mike Tyson wannabe new spawns, a few were target practice (not something I really partake in anymore as my aim has increased). My favourite was a 400 meter headshot at the NEAF. (I know most people can do this with their eyes shut, but I play very cautiously, try not to KoS and give people a chance). On the other hand, I have died alot more than I've killed, usually due to dumb things like falling off places or ladders.
  4. XUL92


    Yeee I know, I know. They should fix it.
  5. XUL92


    6 of us cruised into Elektro and started taking new spawns into the church to keep them safe, things got hungry.
  6. Unfortunatly after nearly 300 posts in this thread I tend to agree.
  7. Just happened again. My friend is unconcious as I type this, we got into a firefight on a dirt road in the middle of no where and this issue suddenly appeared. PC put into DMZ etc, and all all other solutions listed so far that that I could do from this thread, no luck. Changing server then back into the same one fixed it though. Edit: It's because he's a medic in TMW.
  8. XUL92

    So I tried Hardcore..

    Also turning camera bob and motion blur (think it's called rotation blur in settings) off helps alot. These are 2 options I cannot stand in games, and drive me crazy.
  9. XUL92

    So I tried Hardcore..

    ^ Same thing happens to me when I inevitably have to go on Reg servers because some friends don't like HC. I prefer HC alot more, and not because it doesn't have the 3rd person advantages, but because it feels alot more immersive.
  10. XUL92

    Pants constantly ruined..

    Has it been raining? Rain seems to wreck clothing at an alarming rate.
  11. I've now tried turning off win firewall, and made an exception rule in Avast! for DayZ, needs testing though, will see how it goes and let you know.
  12. XUL92

    Let get MINIMALIST

    Black cowboy hat, red checked shirt, winter hunter pants (I think. Temporary), Improvised Backpack, empty chest holster (for now). Carrying a fire axe, mosin with PU scope and a sawed off shotgun. Origonally had a badly damaged double rifle with the same clothing, had a real "rancher" feel to it.
  13. I've had this happen to me twice, both when playing with 2 other people, since this thread, as said before is a bit of a mess I'll try explain exactly what happens with me. The first time it happened, I was playing with my friend, all was fine. Shortly afterwards we were joined by another person and all was fine for ~30 minutes. We stopped to eat/drink and without warning they stopped moving. They could see ME moving around, but for me they were simply crouching staring at a wall. I rejoined the server with the same effects, except that their models had moved position. Same thing, they could see me moving around but I couldn't see their movements. One of them had just eaten as I logged in aswel, as the munching SFX kept playing on a loop for me. We changed servers to see if it would fix the problem. It worked for, again, ~30 minutes on the new server then began again. Last night I had the same issue, except it was directly after a server restart. But again, same issue, they could see all my movements, but everything else (zombies and players alike) I couldn't see on my end. On both occurances I couldn't interact with anything; my inventory, hotbar, loot etc just wasn't responding. Again we server hopped and it fixed the issue. I'm using Avast! and always use BE servers if that helps in any way. Edit: oh and it's the same for me that the chain icon doesn't show up, my desync shows 0 for me, ping usually around 50-60 but for my friends it says 100000
  14. XUL92

    Cowboy Hat

    This is how it looks when inspected. http://i.imgur.com/2NQSaKI.jpg Oh and I found it in a barn near the NE airfield.