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Everything posted by joaby

  1. joaby

    Bullet Penetration

    Ok, I'm making a new thread because people are getting hung up on how unrealistic the concept of Ghosts is for their zombie apocalypse game. Bullet penetration should be a thing. First - bullets do actually penetrate bodies in certain situations IRL. So REALISM Second - A good shooter with a good weapon should be able to put down multiple zombies at once. Their flesh is weak and bruised. Also, at the moment I get ARs and Sniper rifles for human hunting, but bullet penetration would make these weapons goals for more than just self-defence/pre-emptive strikes. Third - It would open the game up to so much hilarity. Blue on blue situations would be far more likely when a stack of zombies attacked, and if this game isn't about pissing off your friends I don't know what it's about. I'm sure there are other reasons for it as well - throw them in below!
  2. Well I was referring to the OP but seeing how you pooped all over my shitty joke I guess it works for you as well.
  3. Well in a written post you come across as a bit of a douchebag, so I presume you probably sound like a douchebag in game as well.
  4. joaby

    [VIDEO] I was just in a helicopter dogfight

    Wait til you see how we lose the chopper :P
  5. joaby

    Weirdest shit ever...

    You're in a truck? Maybe they heard the truck and they'd just stumbled across the camp?
  6. joaby

    I always die while AFK or Alt+Tabbed

    Two screens champ! Then I never have to alt tab!
  7. joaby

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    Specious reasoning. Bandit skins were poorly implemented and they didn't really work. Survivors who earned them in Self-Defence were placed in a position where they had no choice but to start killing on sight (because they were suddenly shoot on sight targets) and Bandits who earned the skin couldn't ever reform because they were placed in a position where KOS was necessary. As always, you only count amongst the friendly people those who you actually met. You're not taking into account all the people you never saw who let you live.
  8. joaby

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    You had nothing and you were in Cherno with a broken leg. You asked for help. Seems to me like you got help.
  9. joaby

    AS50 or M14 Aim

    AS50 for sure.
  10. There's no way to stop it and not really any good way to police it. Better off just accepting it for what it is, adjusting your survival techniques accordingly and moving on.
  11. joaby

    I don't want to get banned for this!

    lol quick get hostile and justify your hoarding bullshit with some lame excuse about other people hoarding. With your wonderful argument I'm now a changed person and I don't want your shitty hoarding camp to get reset at all. Wait a second.
  12. joaby

    I don't want to get banned for this!

    5 dudes hoarding all the vehicles on the server what a bunch of legends! I hope your camp gets reset.
  13. shhh no tears only dreams now
  14. This one time I gave this guy I'd just met who had nothing at all in the world a gun and then he shot at me. Needless to say, I was shocked.
  15. joaby

    The Game

    Because OA is the version that keeps being updated maybe? Who cares. They deserve your money.
  16. Woah weirdest thing, something similar happened to me! I think it's like a cult or something. Had just left Staroye after getting some much needed foods and was about to cut through the field to the NorthWest when I saw a dude in a ghillie standing in the middle of it not moving. I watched him for a few minutes and he didn't move, and while I was watching I got to see that he had a L85. I'm like Oh hells yeah, he's AFK! but I only had a hatchet on me, so I sneak around to outside his peripheral vision and close in. When I'm like 10 metres out I stop even crouching and I just start to sprint, and the dude turns around and starts talking over direct chat. His gun's still lowered, so I'm thinking "well fuck it, I'm gonna take his shit anyway" and he starts out with. "We all have a story and mine is one of struggle that never quite ended in triumph. All I have now is this rifle, this set of gear and the deaths of my closest friends on my hands. We had been the proud team of Elektro PD, the warriors who had kept the streets of Elektro safe from the bandits on hill 175 and the would be bandits raiding the supermarket for gear. We spent so much time setting up channels to make sure we could focus our fire in specific areas, all in the hopes that somehow we'd make it a safe city once more. We identified those who shouldn't be in Elektro with the ferocity of a jaguar, our spirit animal and the symbol of our group. Alas, instead of making Elektro safe our efforts had the opposite effect. The bandits - those parasites who feed on the goodness of others - banded together to stop us. They used a different server to ours to co-ordinate their attacks, and when they logged in we were immediately in trouble - and we knew it. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared and she said 'you're movin' with your auntie and your uncle in Bel-Air.'" Harrowing.
  17. Oh well you're in luck, because somebody will post this same shit tomorrow!
  18. A++++ thread would read again
  19. joaby

    Elektro Sniping.

    I like to sit on the hill just to the west of 175 (the infamous Sniper Hill) with my AS50 shooting the snipers up there. But yeah if you've just spawned and you go to the power station at Elektro, you're gonna have a bad time.
  20. 3 days and you've found and lost all of this stuff? GG server hopping!
  21. Yes, I agree with Tyrog! I want pics! Also a grid location. And a server number. No real reason. Just for my own records.
  22. When I try to install the beta patch is says "wrong cd key" o_O
  23. A++++ thread, best laugh I've had in ages, the satirical way the OP writes like a dribbling idiot is just amazing.
  24. joaby

    DayZ Aussie Clan

    On GameArena general we crew up fairly often, but we're also the most paranoid people on earth so it'd probably never work out very well.
  25. joaby

    Rocket's overall plan.

    Maybe because it's not intelligent criticism z-layrex. It's half-arsed trolling. FrankDaTank's plan. Jump on forum. Outline 'Rocket's plan' by using a detailed lack of understanding of what an alpha is and then spattering in half-truths throughout. Defend troll post by saying it is 'valid criticism' despite the fact that it is openly hostile and actively stupid. Drool on self. Congratulate self for successful trolling with a wank. Drink own sperm and pretend it is 'trolled people's tears'.