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Everything posted by joaby

  1. joaby

    Banned for "NightCrawling" ?

    Came to post this
  2. I wouldn't call the corpses of many PKers on sniper hill a 'military grade spawn' exactly, but it is good for sweet loot.
  3. joaby

    DayZ's epic moments

    Posts video looking for feedback, gets feedback telling him he sucks for killing unarmed people on beaches, says he doesn't care about feedback. Classic internet
  4. Disco horseshit is bad atm. I have faith that it will be fixed. Wait til there are bear traps instead of straight up barriers to doorways :P
  5. joaby

    An Actual in game Day Z

    Yeah, I've also been thinking something along these lines because I've been wondering how to turn the game into a spectator sport. Once a person logs out they have 20 minutes to get back into the game or they're 'dead'. I think if you did it like Battle Royale and gave people reasons to gtfo of certain zones you could also give spectators a reason to keep watching as well.
  6. It's a honeymoon period thing - some people want to stick it out and help test an alpha, others were here because they saw it on gaming blogs and wanted to try it out. Don't blame the bandits yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn
  7. joaby

    let the hopper wars begin

    Lol yeah, you log into those hills at Stary and you're a hopper to me :P Best to go log out near Prud or Novy :D
  8. That quote in your sig is from my interview with Rocket, Aaron :3
  9. joaby

    let the hopper wars begin

    Yeah I get hoppers at Stary all the time. Camp on one of the very many hills around Stary with an AS50, they always spawn in at that hill directly above the tents.
  10. You know faggot is hate language, right? People use it to intimidate other people. Maybe you should grow the fuck up and stop using the term.
  11. joaby

    Struck by lightning

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RukUetw0hAM Rocket is a kiwi and he loves a bit of Akka dakka I assume the correct terminology is thunderstruck.
  12. joaby

    Watching other people QQ

    Lol bought a game mod. Proper grammar and spelling? Lol you thought you could edit this out' date=' huh. Typical day for someone who is bad at DayZ ^^^
  13. joaby

    So I just won Day Z...

    It's already happened. This forum doesn't exist! This is simply a construct of your mind, a feeble attempt by your psyche to deal with the reality... DAYZ IS REALITY! The only way for us to communicate with you is through this forum you dreamed up - don't ask me how, I'll explain when you return. For now though, I need you to attach a flare to your bicycle and I need you to ride it to the school in Elektro, and just ride it around the school three times.
  14. joaby

    Watching other people QQ

    Shouldn't you be clicking on monsters for hours on end? Why are you still here? Is it because this shitty troll thread is your idiotic attempt to 'Contribute to forum growth and information'? Also you'll have to point out what I misspelled...
  15. joaby

    Watching other people QQ

    this qq whiny post and that sig... man, what a combination. e - I can't believe this free mod has a slower update cycle than a game made by the richest third party publisher in the world! One has a team in the hundreds and the other hasn't broken from single digits. And yet Diablo 3 is still way more awful than DayZ...
  16. joaby

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I think we'll find that rumours of Rocket's quitting have been greatly exaggerated. The link from last night was pure FUD, half of it was old as shit information dredged up in some idiotic effort to make the project look bad. Here in Australia we call it Tall Poppy Syndrome - people who lack the talent to do anything of worth instead make it their mission to cut down those who are clearly superior to them. Rocket has been busy, that's all.
  17. joaby

    Is DayZ realistic?

    Actually, there are a couple of things going on here. I think DayZ was an experiment in a different way to how you think. What they were experimenting with was seeing whether DayZ was a viable game, because Rocket had shopped it around and had been told it wasn't what people wanted from a game... Obviously that's not true. As to how it would ever work as a psychological experiment about people's reactions in a zombie apocalypse... the thing about video games is that the number one way to interact with a game - almost any game - is through shooting/violence. It's unsurprising that when presented with the ability to interact with people in DayZ that most people are trigger happy.
  18. joaby

    Starry Sober.....

    If you look very closely, you can see me in the treeline on the right with my DMR, killing server hoppers farming the medical tents... Awesome find!
  19. Yeah, I'm sorry but this would just make pack hunting more inviting to me and my bandito friends. And hey - instead of one body to loot, we get at least two!
  20. Wait, so nobody has anything to say about the guy called Ghandi being vehemently against a peaceful server? Nobody?
  21. If it's good enough for Snake it's good enough for me!
  22. Yeah, dude dead on the firestation roof in Elektro - he got killed by someone on Sniper Hill.
  23. joaby

    Takistan & Arma III... For Science!

    Rocket has said DayZ will be based on Arma 2 (with Arma 3 elements, like lighting) when it becomes a real boy a couple of times now.