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Everything posted by MetapoliC

  1. MetapoliC

    Why add 100 pop server ?

    Because you are wrong by saying that all of them lag. I've been playing today for many hours on 50 and 100 servers. I had no lags at all! Even on a full server with 100 people I simply had no lags. It is getting better and better but to answer YOUR question: why not? Nothing stands in the way to do so, the only problem is that there are way too less such servers.
  2. MetapoliC

    Perfectly timed screenshot.

    :( what a bad screenshot
  3. MetapoliC

    DayZ is peaceful

    Welcome to this crazy world without any rules and hungry people
  4. MetapoliC

    Bows in experimental

    Can you please post a picture of a bow? Don't know the recipe
  5. MetapoliC

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    You swear yea? Give me some facts on that :D please?
  6. MetapoliC

    Soda Can Supressor

    I've imagined how it would look an a mosin :DD I'm ROFL'ing so hard right now. That long weapon and a can of Pipsi on it AAAA!!!
  7. MetapoliC

    DayZ Meeting Game 6

    When is the next meeting?
  8. MetapoliC

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I'm hearing stuff all the time, a couple of sounds every second. I think it's the birds and grashoppers which are "singing" at nights but they sound like zombies and ammo sorting ^^ Sometimes I hear myself reloading like 3 minutes after joining a server. Sometimes I jump once but my char jumps a minute later, two or even three times in a row. All that is annoying and it gives me a feeling this game is written realy bad
  9. MetapoliC


    What are you even talking about?! Wake up
  10. MetapoliC


    Ok let me explain it to you. If the Object Details is set to LOW/VERY LOW, the other players models will be almost invisible at 300+ meters. You will only see a helmet and the weapon. The whole body of the players will be invisible. Setting Object Details on NORMAL fully renders the players models at any distance. So the next time you are zooming in with an LRS, you will see the whole player if you spot one. But if it's set to low, you will only see a weapon and a helmet! Ofcourse you will not be able to see a player behind a wall/tree/bush if he doesn't show himself.
  11. MetapoliC

    Up all night

    The guys who created this video must be awesome people :)) Thanks for sharing the video. Enjoyed a lot!
  12. MetapoliC


    Sorry to hear it but setting to Normal is a solution for this problem. I am playing on a fairly old PC myself but I haven't noticed any changes. My other graphic settings ingame are all on low, shadows are disabled aswell as the sky.
  13. MetapoliC

    Any friendlies in standalone...?

    Yes that's true, I have to wait a couple of minutes each time I want to connect to an experimental server. I think there are only 10 experimental servers, 5 regular and 5 hardcore. Only two of them are 100 man servers. Does somebody have more experimental servers on his list?
  14. MetapoliC

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Yes my buddy has confirmed the 1:1 mouse on stable! At least he is saying that the mouse movement is much better than before, he is on stable branch.
  15. MetapoliC

    Any friendlies in standalone...?

    I've met a LOT of friendly people in this game. Most of them on experimental branch
  16. MetapoliC

    Wear your helmets, folks

    You've asked me a question, I gave you an answer and there comes the "."
  17. MetapoliC

    Wear your helmets, folks

    That awesome thing besides gaming
  18. MetapoliC

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Hell yes and I'm not going back to stable before 1:1 mouse is there haha
  19. MetapoliC

    Hardcore Server

    Thanks for another hardcore server but I think 2H restarts is way too fast and it makes it very easy to get any stuff, which is not challenging at all
  20. MetapoliC

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Now that is a helpful comment mouse movement 1:1 is already on stable??
  21. MetapoliC

    DayZ SA: "Waiting for host"

    Hey there. I had the same "problem" like a week ago. I've tried to connect to about 20 servers and only 1-2 of them would work. On other servers I was getting stuck with "Waiting for host". Try more servers, I'm sure some will work just fine. I can't say what the problem is but it must be game related.
  22. MetapoliC

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Read the change log here and on experimental
  23. MetapoliC

    Logging out question..

    If he handcuffs you while your char is still there, he can loot you.
  24. MetapoliC

    zombie spawning

    Zombies spawning right in front of me - not cool at all. I think rocket was commenting on this but I can't say for sure what he said. Thinking of a perfect zombie spawning system brings me to one thought - let there be a massive amount of zombs inside the cities, near the big apartments and at the military camps. I'm one of the guys who is disappointed by the zombs in this game. They are simply no threat to me. Looting the houses while even up to 10 zombies are trying to hit me even ONCE. The only thing which makes the zombies a little bit scary, is the fact they still can walk through walls and such. We rly need other zombies, these suck so hard it's ridiculous. After playing on experimental branch I can say that it is now harder to kill a zombie (most of the times) but they are still like my home pets which are following me and making strange noises while I'm looting.
  25. MetapoliC

    Large mall needs to be added!

    A mall hmmmm no.. It just doesn't fit in. A big market would be pretty much possible to make. Such markets are very common in Russia: http://www.orexca.com/img/bazaars/alaysky/alaysky4-4.jpg http://kofr.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/GrandBazar-2.jpg