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Silentchaos (DayZ)

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About Silentchaos (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Silentchaos (DayZ)

    Musical Instruments and speakers

    +1 And there are already pianos in game just cant play them be cool if you could. And needs to be more then one thing to do besides kill survive. Find gear repeat.
  2. Silentchaos (DayZ)

    Musical Instruments and speakers

    As a person who loves the Combat as well as being a bambi song I would love for the ability to play muiscal instruments and even play them in game and amplifi that sound. Be nothing like seing DayZ pandhandlers in Berezino just to axe or shoot them after they played their song. I usually when I become a new spawn is join high pop servers and just stand around chasing people asking them to rap battle before axing them in the head once the guns are lowered ) But seriously add please: Guitars, Fiddles, Accordians, etc and make this game more then combat based. have a good night.