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About B_Man

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    On the Coast
  1. B_Man

    Red dot missing in optics

    Did it. Did it. Thank you. Havent seen that yet. Yes. Tried using a battery and not using a battery. Did it. Thank you guys for your input. I will keep trying. I am going to reinstall video drivers. I will post if I find a solution.
  2. Recently I picked up the M68 and now there is a gray square around the red dot like its not rendering. I have not reloaded my graphics drivers yet but I have toggled and changed all my video settings (in game) and it will not go away. Anyone have an idea? It does this on every red dot optic I use. I haven't seen this problem in the four months I have been playing this game.
  3. Exactly, sort of. Now this may be my second post ever on THIS forum, but don't think for a second I am naïve to the business or gaming world. I think this game is fantastic and my personal knowledge of programming stops at running a game server, modding files, etc but that is not to say I do not understand what it is going to take to make this work. Personally, I am new to DayZ but have heard constant chatter about the platform blah blah blah, using the CPU not the GPU and or to many fixes. Hardware issues can be fixed. Bottom line is this game needs to be bought by a major gaming company or someone who run it like such. by that I mean, make some decisions: are we going to do this, do that. This platform, that platform. etc. etc. I think the sad and shitty thing would be for the 4 million $ made off this game to go to nothing instead of working it over and making it work. A leader will (needs to) step up and make this work. There is money to be made. And that keeps the business world moving. On another note, please don't tell me that all the money made on this game is gong towards more Everest climbs, other games, hookers, blow, houses, cars, lost somewhere etc. ?, and bullshit. We all paid for a game, expecting something in return. It shall be seen.
  4. For what its worth, I was having all the above issues also. Someone posted about dumping non-rendering gear which I followed. The cans of food were easy because the were a solid brown or olive drab with no labels. I had to dump them fast because I was glitching and freezing within 60 seconds of joining. I actually had to restart three times to get all the cans dumped. After that, it ran ok. I was running through a field and noticed that I had another couple of pieces of gear in my inventory that would flicker occasionally. I dumped them and have been running no problem for two hours last night. My friends, who have not experienced this problem, were guys who have died since this patch upgrade whereas I have not died yet. They started with nothing, on the beach, and have been gaming just fine. I get 30-60 FPS depending on the area. I should note that I have not been to any of the larger cities yet so I don't know if I will have the same problems. Thanks guys. GeForce GTX 660 Intel I7-2600 3.4ghz 8 GB ddr