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About DrDuke

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  1. DrDuke

    Where are you?

    Where the hell is everyone at nowadays? I just came back to the game recently, after a few months away (but I put in a looooooot of time back then), and I was wondering where the PvP hotspots are now? Doesn't seem to be much in Berezhino, not too sure about Elektro, NEAF looks nuked now with no loot spawns, Cherno dead as always.....Anyone have tips on where I can go to run into more people?
  2. Play it and find out man. If you are too lazy to play a video game, even god can't help you bro.
  3. DrDuke

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    They already do, its called "walking forward and immediately falling to the ground". You can't take steps forward if your legs are broken.
  4. DrDuke

    Ruined Clothes/Backpacks worth keeping?

    It does indeed work fine. IF your clothes are badly damaged, or damaged (NOT ruined), it will restore them to worn condition. Does not work on backpacks, raincoats, vests, or helmets.
  5. DrDuke

    Who wants to play?

    Three people down so far, lets do this.
  6. DrDuke

    Who wants to play?

    So, we are at Green Mountain, and we have gear and are ready to fight. Our server name is TORONTO , 3PPON. Come one, come all, lets play some DayZ. Lets do this.
  7. DrDuke

    How to report hackers/cheaters?

    I am quite curious about this as well, getting tired of hackers as their only aim seems to be to try to ruin this game for the rest of us.