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D Train

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About D Train

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    On the Coast
  1. I agree with everything except rewarding a player based on time alive as that would only hinder positive player interaction. Assuming the reward is lost in death. The imbalance already exists, as outlined many times in my previous posts, and it will only become greater equipment degrades from damage instead of becoming instantly ruined. In turn, allowing more usable loot to be scavenged off a victims corpse. Exactly. Why should we punish players for playing the way they choose? You don't have to. Actions like healing a wounded player or force feeding a starving player would be positive. Performing a certain amount of those positive actions, some worth more than others, would eventually satisfy the condition to grant whatever benefit given. In time that condition will degrade, eventually losing the benefit, unless an upkeep of those positive actions are performed. You can limited and adjusted by player, time, or value.
  2. I agree, the trade off for damaging the loot is very high at the moment. But once equipment damage is optimized, and less objects become damaged during firefights, that argument would become less valid. Your entire jacket and vest and everything in them wont become ruined just from one bullet to the chest.
  3. As I see it right now, players who KOS already enjoy the following two key benefits: Increased Safety, players cant kill you if you've already killed them first. You'll never have to worry about the intentions of your newly met companions.Extra Loot, other players are just walking piles of supplies and ammunition for the taking. No need to travel and scavenge for supplies, let them come to you. And if there aren't any players alive to loot your surroundings, more loot for you.If you decide to help others. you may gain an ally. Even if only during a short time playing together. But you would be splitting loot you come across between each other. You can also argue that playing with random players you come across would increase your safety, and I agree. But there's always a chance for you new friend to turn on you. And thats a risk MOST people aren't comfortable taking, so they resort to KOS strictly for self preservation. Implementing a system that rewards positive interactions between players, even if only once in a while, would do nothing but help the community.
  4. Employing caution and stealth tactics is not a solution, as most people worth a grain of salt will act accordingly. Including your enemies. No one wants others to have an advantage they can't attain themselves, it would be unfair. The system I suggest would provide a benefit to ANY player who provides aid to others, if only once in a while, regardless of how many players they kill. Friendlys and Bandits alike would be open to receive a benefit. And the benefit could be anything, not just what I've suggested. As long as the system gives players another reason to interact with each other.
  5. Very few of you understood what this thread is about. I encourage KOS, its the safest way to deal with other players. KOS is not a problem, nor should it be punished. The problem is that everyone who wants to play "friendly", is currently being punished. A large portion of the playerbase is forced to KOS simply out of self preservation. There's not enough reason not to. However, punishing the KOS crowd in turn, is not the answer. Enacting any sort of benefit I described would only be available to those who help players from time to time, KOS players included.. It wouldn't punish anyone, it would motivate them to help one or two players instead of killing everyone. More dangerous and more numerous zombies are definitely needed in game. But making the game more dangerous for everyone doesn't exactly aid players who are already playing a harder game than the KOS crowd. Some people will always KOS regardless, its their choice to. These condition based benefits are EXACTLY what you can give players, something that can't be forcefully taken by others. They can be implemented within a day using the current condition system in place. Performing helpful actions to satisfy that condition, with no negatives given by ignoring it, as opposed to starvation or dehydration. Limiting abuse of the system would be simple, limit how many players you can help, or how often you can help, would be a simple fix. And even if players exploit the system with friends, so what? They don't gain anything other players can't gain themselves easily through helping. While I'm not sure if the threat of zombies alone can force players to positively interact, I agree with this post 100%. I disagree, most humanity systems discourage people from KOS. KOS shouldn't be punished, motivating players to help each other, even if only from time to time, is a far more effective path. I will say it again, because no matter how many times I state it, people don't understand.There is nothing wrong with KOS. There souldn't be a punishment for KOS.The game is currently punishing players who don't KOS, and THAT is the problem we are looking to fix.
  6. I've been playing with a group of friends, and so far everyone we've encountered seems to KOS. Even new spawns are only friendly until they have a means to kill us. And why shouldn't they? We're all just walking piles of supplies and ammunition. At this point we've stopped attempting to be friendly to other players we come across, as there's too much risk involved. There needs to be something in place to motivate players to not just kill each other. And punishing players for killing is NOT the answer. The solution? Rewarding positive player interactions. Interactions like applying medical aid to wounded players, giving food and water to players in need, or simply trading supplies with one and other. All positive interactions between players. Eat enough food and your character is energized, drink enough water and your character is hydrated, help enough players and your character can enjoy a small benefit. Stop helping players, and your benefit will diminish. And any benefit could be added as a status or condition visually shown in the players inventory. Something simple like a TINY increase to the health pool, to negate part of the risk taken to actually interacting with another player. Or allowing the player to get SLIGHTLY closer to zombies without being noticed, allowing them to move through and loot towns a little safer. Maybe a FEW slots of extra inventory space, letting them carry an extra supply or two in case they come across someone else in need. The possibilities are endless. Whatever the execution, subtlety is key. The benefit gained can't be game breaking or overpowered, we don't want to 'buff' the good guys and 'nerf' the bad guys. The goal is to promote varied interactions between players, and the simplest way to do so is to make positive interactions between players directly beneficial. Thoughts? :beans: I'll updating this first post with links to my replys to people actually taking the time to read the thread and intelligently respond. Feel free to use them instead of wading through the trash posted by people who haven't read the thread. Post #2 Post #3 Post #4 Post #5
  7. D Train

    Texture Flickering

    Bumping this thread as I've the same issues with z-fighting. Playing with the in game settings, and the settings through the AMD Catalyst Control Center yield no results. Using an ASUS HD7950 with latest drivers. No one has found a fix yet?