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Everything posted by ArsenicLamb

  1. ArsenicLamb

    Can this computer run DayZ on high? Please Answer

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/ Refer to^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2. Don't let my hot keys scare you :3
  3. LMAO I'm generally a person with a good heart, but I have been waiting for my chance to be a bandit(not a KoSer). The only time I "robbed" someone, it ended up just being a forced trade. I took the guys handcuff keys, and replaced that spot with a can of beans. I think he was fine with that though ._.
  4. :3 Ohhh I see you noticed :) Wanna get handcuffed and find out ;)?
  5. I knowww which is why I had to put in dots and the "i guess if it really comes down it". Trust me, I feel the same way. Your buildings (at least) should be solid, and zeds shouldn;t be able to clip through whatever wall they please. That's also why I had to say you should really just keep trying lol. It's frustrating I know :( I'm all too familiar with this issue. Just be patient.
  6. Well...I guess if it really comes down to it( you need to keep trying though ), you gotta remember this: http://orcz.com/images/thumb/a/a2/Dayzstandaloneeawarning.jpg/400px-Dayzstandaloneeawarning.jpg
  7. Trust me, that time I was stuck in the confessional I actually got very, very angry because I couldn't get out. I mean I was stuck there for awhile, then somehow, after doing the same thing over and over again without changing anything on my own part (haha who says insanity isn't the way to go, eh?) I broke out. Try different combos. Have you tried running and then pressing v (to step over) to the area you got pushed into? It's likely where you got pushed into isn't the only invisible "opening". Perhaps try another area to try and bust through to....Just keep trying. I always kept trying, even if it took a bit, and I always got out.
  8. If you can get in, you can get out, it just may take some time. Try running into the area you got pushed from. I've heard logging out then back in and using the desync you get when logging in to almost "clip" out. It can be done friend, no worries. I got stuck behind the confessional in the church one time and thought I was never going to get out. I had been clipped into places before, but that was the hardest to get out. I wish I would've screen shot it though.... No worries, you'll break free in due time, just keep trying. EDIT: try logging into a server with high ping.
  9. It's okay, I'd need the map to actually name the cities. Thank you for the help I really appreciate it. I was just so bewildered. I know we're not suppose to get attached to our gear/chars but I've had this char for a good two weeks and I suppose I have the materials to survive being lost in woods for awhile, but she's precious so me :) and her pristine cowboy hat.
  10. Ohhh...I don't think it is actually, I'll have to fix that. Also I figured it out, I was just North of Guba Bay(How the hell I got alllllllllllll the way up there in what seemed like such a short time). http://imageshack.com/a/img811/4147/azhy.jpg That screen shot is where I came from. My cursor dot it right where the terrain ends. There's coast up there that's No Mans land. The water my char is looking over HAS to be Guba Bay, it has to be.
  11. UPDATE: Those clouds are definitely moving East. My compass is telling me right. I think my best bet is to travel what would be South, according to the clouds. Ill find out the first town or whatever I come to, dunno how long that'll take, though,
  12. I'll try, I was JUST by a city that had a damn coast. I'm not kidding.I was just at Balota and only made like an hours worth of a run. Even if I accidently went West, there wouldn't be a coast. I will find out where I'm at, cause I'm still looking at the Chernarus map on google, thinking what the fuck lol.
  13. Well my game looks a little better in-game than that picture. But I'm a little confused as to what you mean by the same as desktop.
  14. Okay I think I'm going to just enable clouds. I just shouldn't have fully trusted my compass. What I did this time was I followed the coast, with the coast being on my right side, until there was a bunch of huge rocks I had to get around, found the coast again, but instead found a dirt road, followed it until it dead-ended, then checked my compass, said I was going East and I then I come to this part of the map. :) Thank you for the reply. I think I'll just enable clouds and see what's up. I'm no where near any power lines lol. I just got super confused when I saw that in-game.
  15. But still, I'm looking at the Chernarus map on google, shaking my head at where I could possibly be. LOL
  16. You deserve beans for the use of the word "permavirgins".
  17. Yeah I don't have the best computer and tried to get the best screenshot I could, I fucked with the settings the other day and made the game worse and can't get the resolution I want back..I haven't tried logging back in, but I suppose it could just be the result of a buggy compass. The game issss still in alpha so that could really just be it. I was just so surprised. I have clouds disabled because it adds to making my game play more...miserable. Thank you for the reply. I'm sorry for the poor rez ;[
  18. ArsenicLamb

    Falling 3ft to your death!

    What gets me is if there's no "jumping" mechanic on the game, why are you going to attempt to jump anyway? All you get right now is the ability to step over shit, so that's really what you should stick to for now, imo. It's better to just spend the extra second walking down those stairs. And it seems you need to be careful how you're maneuvering through buildings. Edges of places = always bad to be close to. Desync right off them boys. Just gotta be more careful for now. ****Alpha Reminder**** ^^^^That, too. EDIT: How I start how my post is the result of many other threads I've read that are just like this one.
  19. ArsenicLamb

    Books ? why they exist ?

    This is wonderful knowledge to me. There are 150 books, gotta collect 'em all!
  20. ArsenicLamb

    Sudden, strange death.

    Okay after watching the video I want to say it was definitely a glitch-related death.... I try to stay away from trying to walk over items, like the little pile of wooden planks or whatever those are...I want to say your character got like "squished" to death. It's happened to me. That one industrial building with the tall tower part and the small flights of stairs... yeah my char has gotten like squished to death walking down those narrow stairwells, several times. I tend to crouch now whenever I go up and down stairs now lol...Look, I feel I can say without a doubt that what happened to you is nothing more than glitch related. Keep calm and stay patient as we get through alpha. <3
  21. ArsenicLamb

    How to open a can without Tools real life

    This is what I thought when I saw him squeeze the lid off. Could easily slice open your thumb and need stitches. Wonderful knowledge to have though! Thank you for the share!
  22. ArsenicLamb

    Elektro Wall Glitchers recorded by TLa

    Yeah, I've actually clipped into that exact area and thought I was screwed and wasn't gonna be able to get out....I'm not going to lie, I thought whether or not it would be possible to shoot someone through the walls( that thought popped up because there was a zed right down there on the street). Shitty that people would exploit it though.....it'll change with Beta. Stay strong Alphateers.
  23. ArsenicLamb

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    My longest, and current character :) She hasn't died yet and has survived many mishaps! I've had her for a little over a week.
  24. I'm a woman and I love this game. CS:S use to be my game of choice, then I got this game and have fallen in love with it. I tried to get my boyfriend into it, but he doesnt want to play it until it is out of alpha. I myself havent met another female player, I usually only meet men( perhaps some were female with a super deep voice?)....and only an ignorant 12 year old would presume only one gender can be on the internet. And the same person who says that a female can't be on the internet probably doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't get sandwiches :3.
  25. Usually when I'm playing a run through Chernarus I end up dying by the hands of a bandit. It sucks, I mope, so is the game, I respawn and play again. Well this run was a bit different. I finally made it to Elektro. My character was starving and I didn't have anything to open up this delicious can of Beans I had in my hoody. I'm looking for something to open the can with, and during this time another survivor in one of those new bubble jackets comes up to me and says something but I couldn't understand him at first. I ask him to repeat what he said,..."There's a guy with a mosin down the street and he pointed it at me. Just be careful." As he was explaining this, I saw another man with an orange backpack, mosin, and fire axe step over the fence. It's too late. As I realize this is the man this friendly is describing. I mic out to run and he's right there, but the friendly gets whacked one good time by the bandit's axe; the friendly is bleeding out a lot of blood. Neither of us were a match for this mans axe head-on. I run a different way as my friendly friend and I don't see him ever again. I hope he survived. I survived and tried to loot a little more for something to open my can with. I'm so happy and surprised I'm not dead by now. But you know what? I see that little fucker with the orange backpack running down the street and I actually manage to follow him up into the second floor of an apartment and I readied my bat. I beat him to death. I beat him to death in rage of all the times I've been mercilessly shot down by other survivors. I beat him in the silence rage I witnessed him use on that other survivor. I took his gun, backpack, goods and I ate until I was stuffed. I dedicated everything I took from this asshole to the bleeding, weaponless survivor who warned me of this assery. :)<3