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About ArsenicLamb

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. ArsenicLamb

    Hunting ~end of may

    Love me some sheep, too.
  2. ArsenicLamb

    Question regarding Experimental Servers

    Yeah actually nevermind I don't know.. I opted into the branch. My issue was addressed in this topic ( http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/173353-bad-version-server-reject-connection/ ), albeit it didn't work. Maybe there aren't any. There aren't any servers above 100 ping...All the host names have red X's, it's happened in the past when I've actually found Experimental servers( Those that are labeled it) EDIT: Highest ping is like 307.
  3. Can't delete this topic, but nevermind.
  4. ArsenicLamb

    Im really worried about the game now.

    See I read all these topics about char wipes and I have NEVER had that issue. My game has never crashed and I've never lost a character... maybe I'm one of the lucky ones.
  5. ArsenicLamb

    A Typical SKS story

    Wow, you can adjust your scope? I had no idea o_o ......
  6. ArsenicLamb

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    Rule 129: Kill anyone who comes close enough to hit you. Being that close is unneeded and will result in the death of your character.
  7. ArsenicLamb

    I help people get jobs in dayz

  8. ArsenicLamb

    While your adding in content.. can we get some cats?

    BEANS FOR POSTAL 2 <333 OH LAWD ALL THE BEANS. Sorry, I got excited.
  9. ArsenicLamb

    Well This Is Interesting, Another DayZ Spinoff?

    Oh my god. MY EYES THEY BURN. Did anyone thoroughly read the Our Stretched Goals? How can someone not know how to spell "making", or "different"? Obviously it's going to be a giant fail(again).
  10. See this is why I had to put horde in quotations, unless you're able to round up the whole city-worth of zombies, there really aren't any hordes yet.
  11. Well, you have to cut off the zombies line of sight and hearing, sprint over fences, around buildings, and you'll eventually lose them. When you do lose them, be conscious of where you lost those zombies so if you happen to have not found a weapon yet, you won't have to dick with the "horde" again.
  12. This and I am bumping as well. I don't know Chernarus like the back of my hand, however this is a cool idea and I'd love to be apart of it if I were more experienced.
  13. ArsenicLamb

    Cant stand up

    Yeah I think you can still climb up ladders, do that and crawl off the roof. Or if you're closer to zombies, make yourself the zeds target.