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Everything posted by HumanDecency

  1. HumanDecency

    Freeze of Dayz after the new patch.

    Same here exactly to all of that. It runs fine at first, then slowly drops in framerate then freezes completely and must be ctrl-alt-del'd
  2. HumanDecency

    Game Freezing Regularly For Minutes

    This is interesting. I have been having a very similar problem, but only today. Every time I start the game and log in, it works fine at first, then over the course of a few minutes it slows down increasingly then freezes completely. I got the game a few days ago myself and this problem did not occur until the latter half of today.
  3. HumanDecency

    Growing number of banning servers/private servers.

    In the meantime, considering plenty of players and server owners do exist who would rather play without KoS (and your personal preference does not invalidate that), I think server owners should be allowed to use the tools currently available to them to attempt to create a safer environment if they want, considering they pay to run the server and generally are already doing this anyway regardless of the rules. I don't think those particular rules should be enforced until private servers are available. They don't seem to be enforced anyway, I imagine the staff is more focused on game development as it should be.
  4. I have no idea where the blood level was between 0 and 499 before blood was drawn. I'm still figuring out the game as I got it a few days ago and had at least wanted to share that I stumbled on this being possible, including sharing it with bug fixers who may want to make drawing blood below 0 impossible if that is how what my bf did managed to revive me.
  5. My suggestion is that the rules in the terms of service for server hosts be changed to allow and support their exercise of control over their server in ways such as whitelisting, passwording, kicking, banning and allowing NO KILL policies. It is clear that many individuals, groups and clans exist who desire to create a safe environment for cooperative survival play within DayZ, and many of them are currently renting DayZ Standalone servers in order to operate them toward that purpose, to the best of their ability, given the tools provided. I propose that the tools that could help them create the game environment they are striving for should be not only allowed but provided by the game, supporting server hosts' ability to run their server in their desired fashion. The current ruleset is in clear contrast to the way that a considerably large group of server hosts and players would prefer to play. Keeping it intact is comparable to prohibition, and has shown to be equally ineffective. Given concerns about loot farming and other groups' preference to host and play under the current rules, perhaps a second hive could be created for servers who would like to exercise the aforementioned currently prohibited controls. Thank you for giving this proposed change in policy your thoughtful consideration.
  6. HumanDecency

    Allow Whitelist, Password, NO KILL, Etc

    I did search but hadn't seen anything about that. Good to know. Until they are available I also propose these particular server rules be temporarily unenforced.
  7. HumanDecency

    Growing number of banning servers/private servers.

    The rules should be changed, then. People are paying for private servers, the owners are doing what they want, the TOS should be updated to allow them that right. Whitelisting, passwords, kicking, banning should be allowed. Some people prefer to play in a way that offers some protection from the endless stream of KOS bandits. There are plenty of other servers for people to play on without forcing server owners to operate the server they paid for in the way you prefer.
  8. HumanDecency

    So ...

    Weird. I just lagged off a 2nd floor balcony and fell maybe 5m max, bam, instadead
  9. woohoo :D my ungeared ass is en route to be a spectator (don't kill me<3)
  10. HumanDecency

    DayZ SA Event: The Elektro Peace Walk

    I'm in. I suggest all of us marchers along with those there to protect the marchers (excepting snipers) walk together, all heavily armed. Bandits will think twice before firing at a larger, armed group that is prepared to have them shot dead in seconds. I know it's a peace walk, but I don't have a problem with using force in defense of peace when it becomes necessary.
  11. I found a bit of a trick regarding the blood IV bag kits. If somebody is unconscious, draw blood FROM them, then give the same blood back to them. They wake up. My boyfriend and I discovered that one the other night by accident. Maybe not the best use of supplies if you have better options available to you but it works in a pinch.
  12. HumanDecency

    Can't wait to go on hunting trips up north!

    I can't wait for this to be implemented. I wanna make a go of surviving in the wild as far from people as I can get
  13. HumanDecency

    So ...

    Thank you for the warning. Yesterday I climbed up a lighthouse tower and was surveying the landscape from the railing. Accidentally fell through the railing and landed with no damage whatsoever.
  14. HumanDecency

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    I think there should be beards, longer hair for females, and perhaps scars for both, that progressively appear over time alive. I think there should also be items like scissors to give yourself a hair/beard cut, or like Weedz just mentioned, give someone else a haircut. There should also be an item, Vitamin E gel or something, to apply to scars if you want them to go away. Edit: Perhaps the hair/beards could be time-based and scars appear after a combat session in which damage is taken?
  15. Don't try to justify your being a killer by claiming everyone else is too. Not everyone is.