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Everything posted by the6thmartin

  1. the6thmartin

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    so how are people playing on updated (version .35) servers. steam only has the .34 version available, or is this something that will be released later today
  2. the6thmartin

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    Some people say " hey its alpha deal with it" on comments where people are complaining about the game not working as if its in a full release stage. they complain if they get stuck in a glitch or they have lag. this is annoying for anyone else because it appears as if they are putting it down and calling it terrible (and the devs too). most of us just go "lol that was a wierd way to die" and go reloot whereas these other people go and rage on the forums for about an hour putting the game down and making themselves look like a fool, while forgetting that little accept button they click while launching the game...... anywho hopefully this update fixes glitchy textures on thoes few items like magpul parts. hoping to be able to play later today i just tried to launch it but i dont have .35 yet.
  3. how prevalent are blood clots in the brain in this game??? running along healthy, hydrated, middle of nowhere and instantly "you are dead" :o say waaaaat????? :(
  4. yeh some items are having issues rendering it seems causing what almost feels like a memory leak, i guess as it keeps trying to re render it. This may have been introduced from the painting of gun parts/guns. currently i am having an issue where my game just flat-out freezes w/o frames loss. Still looking into it maybe the update to experimental will fix some stuff and HOPEFULLY wont break more(poor devs). and am i going to have to deal with spawning in .... 300 seconds every time my game crashes and joining same server threw out my cans of beans still crashed
  5. any way to like delete character so it creates a new one?
  6. stuck in "you are dead" "please wait......................................................................................................................................................................................................" (ive waited like 30 min) or " unconscious"
  7. sonyonekonobi some guy that just shot on sight and combat logged instantly......
  8. please ignore the child behavior. I'm sure you guys will have it fixed asap. it is an alpha after all.... not like this is BF4 or anything.
  9. you didn't give a solution simply the cause. Now the devs have to experiment by finding what they added caused an item to make a memory leak. One by one finding whatever it is. This is alpha, you click a button on EVERY start up saying that YOU understand this is alpha and this is a PART of alpha testing. Don't be a child about it just go play something else. I'd love to play its probably one of my favoite games but i understand things will go wrong. its not like Battlefield 4 which i bought expecting a fully functioning game with little to no issues (which is why it was 60$). Don't say they don't care to get a rouse because it wont happen, there's only so many people in the dev team. if you really wanted to make a solution become a dev.
  10. the6thmartin

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    game still has HUGE memory leak
  11. the6thmartin

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    you defend the combat loggers so faithfully.... havent you had anyone combat log on you? its a stupid way to run away..... if your good 30 seconds is nothing. if your a combat logger then you deserve getting your head chopped off and all your stuff taken.
  12. the6thmartin

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    combat logging is logging while in combat..... his punches put the guy in combat and he logged. its the same in the mod, if someone near you shoots you cant log except alt+f4 but most servers have a detection system for that and punish people who combat log like scared girls.
  13. yeh i had said like 3 hours ago when people where trying a quick fix i said it was memory leak. game starts at 100,000k and crashes at 1,200,000k in 10 min. the quick fix gets you an extra 10 min.
  14. lol i said this like 30 min ago. i watched task manager on second monitor and this is what i saw. At launch 100,000 (normal) and climb quickly to 500,000k. at this point it would climb at a rate of 400k a second to around 800,000k here it would rise at a rate of about 150k a second up to 1,200,000k at which point it instantly froze and continued to climb slowly to 1,209,488 Edit: OH and one more thing, it would climb faster when looking at stary sobor than when looking away. (400k a second at stary vs 150 some looking away)
  15. the quick fix lasted me another 10 min but i do think it is a memory leak. when i start the game its around 500k to 800k in task manager but it climbs to like 1,500,000k when it crashes. i should add my graphics card load is not high.
  16. it feels like an enormous memory leak in the way it behaves. frames start out as normal and slowly decrease and decrease until it inevitably freezes. Not sure why maybe it is the rain. hopefully rocket knows about this and is working to fix it. <_<