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About Sgt.Oddball

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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    Reading a book somewhere quiet
  1. Sgt.Oddball


    Unfortunately not. Im yet to watch a single episode of it. It has recently hit the top of my things I want to watch list though. I've no idea where the urge came from...
  2. Sgt.Oddball


    Vision is definitely reduced when its raining, but not what I would class as foggy.
  3. Sgt.Oddball


    I woke up this morning and went to work through thick fog.... I think it would be great to see this in DayZ. It would add a great atmosphere, very similar to night time playing but easier to see thing in your immediate vicinity and probably harder to exploit. Obviously not all the time but an occasional fog bank could drift in off the sea and hang around for half an hour. You could head to high ground and see over the top of it and just see other hill tops and church spires etc poking up through the fog. Probably too difficult to implement, but just though I would throw it out there.....
  4. Sgt.Oddball

    Well what the f*ck is this?

    The shot you don't hear is the one that kills you. Gratz to the sniper for not wasting ammunition....
  5. Sgt.Oddball

    Zombies Repairing Gear

    No, not yet. Still some months away I believe
  6. Sgt.Oddball

    Zombies Repairing Gear

    I noticed my press vest go from badly damaged to pristine. I couldn't tell you when where or how it happened though.
  7. Sgt.Oddball

    Why should street lights work?

    There just little Firefly conventions. No electrickery involved.
  8. Sgt.Oddball

    Hack or Glitch?

    Do you live in the same area? It might of been a localised dropout.
  9. Sgt.Oddball

    is there like something like a dayz trello?

    Not that im aware of. You need to follow the Devs on Twitch and the Reddit Dayz page plus all the other kinds of social media they use. If your lucky, a helpful forum user might repost it into these official Dayz forums :thumbsup:
  10. Sgt.Oddball

    >Enter hardcore server

    Overall I think they are. However, there are bandits/ KoS types on all servers. Basing your opinion on one single encounter is like driving a Lada and saying all cars are shit. Play a while longer :)
  11. Sgt.Oddball

    What I expected and what actually happened (...)

    There was no point in this thread where anybody was being racist to a black guy. If they were, that would also not be ok.
  12. Sgt.Oddball

    DayZ Epoch Series Auditions

    Your in DayZ Standalone forum. Scroll further down for Mod section..... Hopefully not wasting your commenting space :P
  13. Sgt.Oddball

    These are our stories

    Not a bad little read. I appreciate the time and effort put into it... I don't think you need to edit the swear words on this forum though. As long as there not aimed at a (real) person.
  14. Sgt.Oddball

    Prison Castle

    Both at 6.54 lol.
  15. Sgt.Oddball

    Prison Castle

    Picture of prison castle from the Dayz Facebook page.... Thoughts... Looks pretty cool to me. Probably another leg breaker though.