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Everything posted by Xeauron

  1. Xeauron

    Installing on SSD

    I loaded the entire game into RAM using a 7.5GB RAM disk, faster than SSD though as has been mentioned before, it only reduces pop in (slightly) and load times. Doesn't improve FPS really.
  2. Xeauron

    Anti server hopping kick detection

    Also against the rules. Essentially these people run auto kick servers and passworded servers, go in them harvest all the loot, reset it a couple of times until they're armed to the teeth and fully geared up then go into public servers and kick ass (probably kill newspawns as well). When they die they simply return to their harvest server and repeat the whole process until their geared up again. Very scumbaggy way of playing and renders the whole point of the game (survival) pointless and ruins it for everyone else as well. If you come across any passworded servers or auto kick servers then report them immediately, that way they can be removed from the central hive (I imagine) so that when they transition back to the public servers they're back on the beach as a new spawn.
  3. Xeauron

    Anti server hopping kick detection

    why were you kicked? If these servers weren't full and only had one or two people in then you should report these servers as they're basically using them for loot farming and this is against the rules.
  4. Xeauron

    General Resets on Daily Basis

    I was having this problem before the previous patch, that was due to some servers having issues connecting to the main hive to retrieve your character and just respawning you on the beach. I was encountering character resets every day as well. Once I stuck to a few servers I didn't have that issue on I was OK. I've also had no character reset issues after the patch ether, had my character for about 4 days now. That's not to say there hasn't been a new bug introduced though. If you find a couple of servers where this doesn't happen then for the love of god stick to them!
  5. Xeauron

    Completely respawning when relogging

    That's a good point, your character is crouched on the previous server for 30 secs, could be worth testing that theory out by waiting a minute before logging into a different server. Would then be a good Idea to file a bug report so the devs can add a spash screen to say you're still logged in to another server and prevent you from connecting.
  6. Xeauron

    Revenge on a pair of bandits who executed me

    I try to play this way, helpful ect ect. But being shot in the face on site time after time kinda rattles that mentality out of you. I still try to help out where I can but I have to be a lot more cunning about it really, making sure I'm not boxed in anywhere. Though to be honest If I do end up in a stick up situation and you try to handcuff/rob me instead of just asking me to drop my weapon then it's checkout time and you'll have to kill me. 9 times out of 10 stick up victims end up getting robbed blind, humiliated then killed. I'll skip the humiliation part and take the bullet thanks.
  7. Xeauron

    [VIDEO]DayZ gameplay In a Nutshell

    Running down a road in the middle of Electro with an axe, good strategy if you like the feel of lead inside you. :-) Edit for accuracy...lol
  8. Just wanted to show some appreciation, many thanks! Simply amazing the speed at which this is being patched/updated and listening to the community where it counts. Thanks again.