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Death By Crowbar

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Everything posted by Death By Crowbar

  1. Death By Crowbar

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    You can find out for sure by walking down the road and reviewing a street sign as you enter the village. FYI - both Gorka and Dolina have police stations, but this doesn't look like Dolina to me, Dolina's police station is in a valley with it's back to a wooded hill. My best bet is Gorka. This is roughly where I think you are and why - this looks like Gorka to me.
  2. Death By Crowbar

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    Do you know if you ran north, east, south, or west? Here's your options on where you are... it's unclear to me which direction you went, and I forget which of these have a water tower.
  3. Death By Crowbar

    New Berezino and crawling zombies...

    I don't think I appreciated some of the recent changes until I finally saw them in person. Wow is Berezino different, even the vegetation coming in from the south seems like a new type that conceals you better. I saw a bunch of it and then had to high tail it out of there after 3 dudes with automatics came running after me (I am still wielding my awesome improvised bow pretending to be Robin Hood or something with this toon). It was shortly after that I noticed some differences with zeds too that I hadn't noticed, because inland where I'd been the past few days there were no zombies. They behave a little differently, and I thought I'd killed one until I turned around and saw it crawling. That - was cool. I wasn't sure whether to leave it for others to see/enjoy or whether to put it out of it's misery... I decided to finish bashing it's skull in. Even after reading through the notes I'm still surprised by some of the neat new things in this .57 build.
  4. Death By Crowbar

    been away long time - some questions

    I'm not refuting it - if you look at the timing of our posts I was typing my response before your response landed, we were essentially responding at the same time. As I stated, it only helps while loading. BI games must load various non-cached game contents occasionally as you move around the map, it's not like an old school zone based game where you get a "Loading, please wait...". So an SSD is going to pull that up faster of course. However if there's some other reason the game's code is going to disk that's resulting in an FPS boost from SSD I'd be shocked. Regardless, personally I would never run a PC on anything but SSD these days, I've been running it on a Crucial M4 since I built my rig which I think was in late 2013.
  5. Death By Crowbar

    been away long time - some questions

    SSD is only going to give you a performance boost when loading. It's not going to help you much while playing the game, that's going to be more based on your other PC innards, in rough order of importance in this un-optimized alpha state of the game - 1) CPU, 2) GPU. As for your questions: I see no experimental servers listed, are they down at the moment? [DBC] They're there, perhaps you're filtering them out on accident? If you've been away for a while up your max player pop from 40 to something higher, say 100. There's no active 100 person servers, but stable goes up to 50 now (used to be 40) and experimental I believe has 60 at times.There are no more 1st person only servers? So only one caracter on stable and one on exp.? [DBC] They're there, albeit they're less popular than 3pp.Very few animals, in a few hours play I only saw one cow. I'm looking for a boar but none was to be found in the usual places I could find them. [DBC] With the .57 release which hit about a week ago they're scarce, but that will change eventually. Each release we see more or less animals/zeds, depending on what they've tweaked with the renderer or server side performance. I'd expect this to keep changing every few weeks as they continue to work on it.no more batteries anywhere? [DBC] Starting a week ago with the .57 release, you spawn with a rag and a light stick rather than a flashlight and battery. Batteries are now rather hard to come by. Again, I'm sure that will change in the coming weeks.no more hunter backpacks? [DBC] With .57 landing a week ago a lot changed with the loot tables, and persistence is gone for the time being. You'll noticed on a server reboot all of the loot is repopulated. Thus they should be out there, but they may not be where you expect to find them.there are way less zombies now and their "detection zone" seems to have gotten much smaller, is this correct? [DBC] Zeds have changed majorly twice in recent months. In the last 2-3 months when the new renderer landed the zeds got an update so the behave far differently, you can sneak around them now, and they attack differently. With .57 there's a lot less of them, I'm unclear why but I think it had to do with some performance things that are being tuned.
  6. Trying to see what my options are. I log in, was completely healthy before, now a sprained ankle. Tried a splint - no dice. Any way to get relief from a sprained ankle?
  7. Death By Crowbar

    Sprained Ankle - what are my options?

    I logged out that evening and logged back in the following day - the following day it was gone. I didn't think to relog at the time, but maybe that would have done it.
  8. Death By Crowbar

    Sprained Ankle - what are my options?

    So yeah, to bring this to closure - nothing I tried would fix it. After logging in again a few hours later the status is gone. I guess it was just a status bug? Or maybe it healed up?
  9. Death By Crowbar

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    I said it's basically a PC, I never said it was a high end PC. That's obvious. It's basically an 8 core AMD system at a lower end clock speed with a mid-ish range AMD GPU. A system with a newer i7 and latest NVidia card would blow it away. BUT - given that DayZ is not optimized yet, it would/should perform similarly on the XBox One as it would on a mid-range PC rig. That's the major point, and as DayZ moves out of alpha and more into Beta the performance will only increase as it's further optimized, making it even more current gen console realistic.
  10. Death By Crowbar

    Sprained Ankle - what are my options?

    Incorrect. I used a splint, then I tried a second actually, neither did anything. The ankle remained sprained.
  11. Death By Crowbar

    I killed myself... on purpose

    So you did the leap? Of what high point? Didn't want to F11 with a knife or something in the middle of the street? Need details on how you met your untimely end!
  12. Death By Crowbar

    I killed a man today...

    The definition of a survivor - to survive. You lived to tell about it. You also saved him the pain and suffering of having to live off all those bullets, the guy would've been pooping lead and gunpowder. ... but in this release food is plentiful and hunger/thirst seem to move at a snails pace so it's not like you need a lot of food right now. He also may have been a KOS guy who ate everyone he killed hoping that it was still safe (which it's not supposed to be anymore). I've seen a lot of streamers that basically lived that way because hey - it's quicker and easier than looking for cans and stuff! But the real reason why this was ok - NWAF is a KOS warzone usually. People comply or people die there, plain and simple. He knew what the risks were, don't feel bad.
  13. Death By Crowbar

    SurvivaL Please ...

    I agree with Tatanko - and I would attribute things such other sandbox and survival games launching and getting updates pulling away from the DayZ SA base (such as H1Z1, Ark, Rust, Reign of Kings, etc). It's a similar player who likes all of those, and as of late even the streamers have been shifting their attention, which in turn also helps turn the attention of the available player base. There's also when in the school year things fell (a lot of high school and college kids play) and the fact that spring/summer have come along in the northern hemisphere and people's attention is being pulled away from being cooped up in the cold. There's a lot that goes into a trend, the patches are a smaller factor than you'd think.
  14. Death By Crowbar

    Bush Writings

    Nice bush trim! I still like this little gem:
  15. Death By Crowbar

    What now?

    F11. :beans:
  16. Death By Crowbar

    Sword damage worse than ever

    I think Guts from Berserk would tell you that sword > ax. And to be honest I agree, I don't see how a fire ax would do more damage than a long sword.
  17. Death By Crowbar

    Sword damage worse than ever

    It does if it's not been balanced out. I've never heard favorable performance on the sword - I'd be curious to know if anyone had stats for comparison against the various axes, etc. That doesn't change the fact that I still want one, because like Bororm seemed to indicate, it's a freaking sword!!!
  18. Death By Crowbar

    Sword damage worse than ever

    Now that .57 is loot happy I'm going to try to find a sword and give it a look. Prior to this I'd hit about 60 castles with not a single sword sighting.
  19. Death By Crowbar

    SurvivaL Please ...

    Were you on one of the bugged private servers or did that effect public as well?
  20. Death By Crowbar

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    Xbox is basically a PC anyway? Probably an easier port to Xbox than a vastly more powerful yet different system like the PS4... :)
  21. Death By Crowbar

    SurvivaL Please ...

    Here's what I see - right now in .57 with "times a plenty" and the new guard houses working like the mythical cornucopia giving us everything we need then doing so all over again each server reboot - I think it's a wonderful (and rare) time in Chernarus that everyone should take advantage of. Gearing up takes maybe 20 minutes tops now, and everyone should use this time to hone their skills and try out guns they might normally not find in their average adventures, especially if you're someone who avoids military bases and doesn't scour for heli crashes. These are actually very good times indeed, make them count!
  22. Death By Crowbar

    SurvivaL Please ...

    You should also really give this a read: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/225797-the-guide-to-wilderness-survival/
  23. Death By Crowbar

    DayZ confirmed for xbox one at E3?

    Yeah check this out: http://www.dayztv.com/video/dayz-on-xbox-one-game-preview-e3-2015-announcement/
  24. Death By Crowbar

    SurvivaL Please ...

    I mean, making working bow and arrows is easier than ever as well. 6+6 rags = improvised rope, the changes in arrows and what sticks can be used for bows, etc. Even walking up to chicken coops and searching for feathers makes that part of improving arrows so much easier. Animals are scarce in this build (a known and recognized issue) but foraging, fishing, etc - it's all there. You can quite easily live off the land. Pick a nice spot waaaaay up north and set up camp, noone will bother you. You can farm, fish, trap, cut down trees to your heart's content, etc.
  25. Death By Crowbar

    Sword damage worse than ever

    Didn't you ever watch Indiana Jones?