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Death By Crowbar

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Everything posted by Death By Crowbar

  1. Death By Crowbar


    When you walk on them do the do damage? Like, if a guy is unconscious or restrained via cuffs as a hostage can I just start a fire on him to finish him off?
  2. Death By Crowbar


    "I don't really know what to do with it"... LOL. :P
  3. Death By Crowbar

    The Zombieland Rules

    My sig. Rule #1.
  4. Death By Crowbar

    DayZ Standalone - SURVIVING!

    Well, a couple of things on the video: You've got a couple of parts where the screen is blank and you're just talking. Fill in those parts with an image or something so people don't think the video is broken. Maybe add some suspense music/noise back in for fun in some parts (if you can).Game play thoughts: You seem to always manually grab items and put them into your inventory. To be quicker you can also simply double click them. I notice at one part in the hospital you grabbed the cereal but you missed an "empty icon" piece of loot next to it - that was probably a can of tuna. The red house with the stairs (has the piano downstairs) where you went upstairs and all 4 doors were locked - you missed the 5th door directly in the back, that's the main loot room in those houses. I think you were just turning too quickly and somehow didn't see it. When fighting zombies, don't just stand there and take a beating. Run around them in a circle while keeping a bead on them, you'll have to use your a and d keys more to strafe, but if you do that while hitting them at the same time you'll beat them up and they'll likely not even be able to hit you at all. If you only play daytime, the very first thing you should do after spawning is drop your flashlight and battery - save those 2 inventory slots if you're not playing night.
  5. Death By Crowbar

    DayZ Standalone - SURVIVING!

    Watching you put the backpack in the backpack as you're talking is hilarious. "I don't even know what the hell I'm doing!" you said, lol.
  6. Death By Crowbar

    Motohelmet load error

    Anyone else been getting this lately? What's even more strange is that this seems to only pop up when a player gets near me that has a motorcycle helmet on. If what appears to be happening is actually happening I'm going to stop wearing motorcycle helmets, I don't want to alert others that I'm around! Looks like it's a known bug, but it happens a lot for me: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=11429
  7. Death By Crowbar

    Trouble with racist names

    White people don't call each other the N word, and if they do, they're in high school and don't understand what they're saying - either because they're living in ignorant areas or don't have parents who're raising them properly.
  8. Death By Crowbar

    Your first kill

    Wait, and I reading this right? TonyMahony Sokak Ben_uk cuweYou've never killed anyone? At what looked like 30+, 40+, and 100+ range hours played? Wow, that's impressive. And I thought I played rather passive. I think there's a few groups out there that are heroes only you might fit in well with, kudos! It's not a bad thing, people who aren't solely KOS are what helps make DayZ tolerable.
  9. It was approaching lunch time, I was hungry. It was the best analogy I could find using food.
  10. Death By Crowbar

    Trouble with racist names

    Anonymity makes the internet a cesspool. The fact that you can't link a player name back to a steam name is problematic, DayZ SA essentially allows for completely anonymous play so anyone can do anything without risk. That's problematic. People (especially in the USA) confuse freedom of speech/expression and internet freedom with meaning they can say/write anything with impunity. That is, and always will be false. I mean, look at what happened to Donald Sterling. You're free from the government, but not from the populous identifying you as a douchebag and reacting accordingly. The same goes for online player names - there is absolutely no reason to accept certain things, one of them being racism or language that really has no place anywhere. There is no argument that anyone can possibly make that can justify use of racist in game names as being "ok" or acceptable, period. ... unless you're a douchebag trying to get a rise out of people, in which place you deserve to get kicked and ultimately banned when/if that's enabled.
  11. Death By Crowbar

    Your first kill

    I had been on a high pop server dying constantly - bandits got me on the road using an unarmed guy as bait, I was taken hostage shortly after and killed, then two fresh spawns boxed me down to death (I was a fresh spawn too). I spawned and found a fire extinguisher, and while in a house heard a dude upstairs eating. I waited and he came down and didn't see me and was looking on a shelf - and I bashed him on the back of the head, he fell and was like, "Oh man, really??? Come on..." As I continued to bash him until I was sure he was dead I felt kinda bad, he might have been a survivor or hero type and not a bandit, but I'd had a really rough evening and was just assuming it was a kill or be killed type of night. At least I got an SKS from his corpse!
  12. Death By Crowbar

    My dayZ experience so far

    You may want to run around on a low pop server and explore for a bit, get to know where Elektro is, where Berezino is, visit at least the SW and NE airfields, and try to identify the types of buildings that commonly have gear that will be useful. The square 2 story building with a circle thingy and a door on top commonly has guns and useful stuff and there's one in at least 1/2 the towns - finding those as a place to start really really helps. Also never assume you're alone on a server, always hit "P" and check who's on. Even if you're on a low pop server exploring never assume you're alone unless you see you're the only person on the server. I thought I was fine on a server where it was me and one other guy yesterday and wouldn't you know it I ran into him - but I lived to tell the tale luckily. He was not so lucky.
  13. Death By Crowbar

    I should have known better

    If you had been running around for a while I'd put money on a zed got you. I've encountered some pretty weird things with zeds - I've seen some keep aggro for what seemed to be an eternity, I swear one once followed me nearly from Berezino almost all the way to Elektro before I finally stopped and killed it. This can happen easier if you're carrying a shotgun in hands or something and not running as fast but it can still happen. If I've got to rest I always do it elevated, either lying atop a ladder somewhere or on a 2nd or higher story of a building, but if I'm away for more than 30 seconds I log.
  14. Death By Crowbar

    Servers: "Friendly server, speak before u shoot"

    There is no honor in banditry... and there is a lot of banditry. However, a lot of people play this game as if it were a pure FPS, which it is not. It's not Quake, COD, Battlefield, etc. It's survival - and some think the only way to survive is to shoot first and ask questions later. Those folks are missing a good portion of the game that makes it different and fun.
  15. Anyone else seen a trend in hostage taking and robbing going down? When I first started playing, I got taken hostage and cuffed a lot (and robbed a lot). However, I would most often come out of the situation alive. For the past month or so I've not been taken hostage once (nor have I seen anyone take hostages, I do a lot of scouting with binoculars). Is it just me or does it seem the status quo is now KOS only? Perhaps a big difference is now I'm more familiar with where spawns are and am more likely to have a gun, perhaps people are more likely to shoot someone packing heat? One exception was maybe 3 weeks ago 4 dudes surrounded me, and cuffed me in the middle of the road and then split up to pop off anyone who came by to look at me, then they let a wandering zombie kill me. But other than that it's been pretty much KOS. The poor handcuffs are getting lonely people, use them! Isn't it better to have good loot than risk ruined items?
  16. And that's a community management problem in itself. Why would you post everything on Reddit rather than on your official forums, especially when, as far as I can tell - you've got maybe 50% more community visiting the forums than you do Reddit? Yes, no wonder, it should make you wonder.
  17. People are expecting a yummy, polished Cookie Monster snack! But instead because it's alpha they're finding a derpy muttled state with some obvious issues that need to be worked out. Either way, it's still yummy and can make you fat, which makes it worth it...
  18. Death By Crowbar

    funny story

    In that situation, especially if I have no weapon with ammo, I usually just lay down. It's a 50/50 chance I'll get shot, but if I stay standing I find it's closer to 100% chance I'll get blown away. I've had something sorta similar happen, I forget what the outcome was, but the "groups" that are less seasoned and jittery are kinda funny to come across.
  19. Just trying to make a possible wrong right. I spawned in today and there weren't many people on whatever server I was on. I think at one point there was just 2 of us on, the other dudes name showed as "James". I has been running from deep inland, I had just checked out a castle in the mid-west. I knew Balota airstrip must be somewhere south so I headed that way. I got there, and there was noone around (server was jumping between 2 and 5 players during my run). So I loot the first building, check both hangers, then check the control tower. While just getting to the 2nd floor of the control tower I thought I heard movement, assuming it was a zed after me I headed back down to dispatch it - only to see a dude with a wide hat, a mosin, and an orange child's backpack. Like nearly at the door! I yell "friendly, friendly!" over direct chat, and duck behind the door. I hear nothing in return nor see any chat, so I retreat to the 2nd floor. I'm frantically looking up and down, assuming since he said nothing he's hostile - will he Fox me out from below or will he take the ladder up and come at me from above? Then I hear a zed - it's clear the zed is after him, so I take my chance, I run downstairs, SKS hot and ready, and see him tangling with a zed. I blow them both away. But then it hits me - I'm 90% sure he was sitting on the front steps facing out watching the airstrip when I shot him, as though submitting as friendly and keeping a look out. I'm pretty sure in my desire to survive and not die on a low pop server of all places I blew away one of the good guys who was merely being attacked by a zombie. I'm sorry sir! :( God damn KOS infection and double crossers have everyone making poor decisions these days. I apologize!
  20. Death By Crowbar

    About Navigation Mesh Pathfinding

    It is the residual image of your digital self. Follow the rabbit...
  21. Death By Crowbar

    Motohelmet load error

    But it seems to only happen when a player with it equipped gets close enough, like within binocular sight distance... that's my concern.
  22. Death By Crowbar

    how did you start playing?

    I started out running inland, far far away from the coast. I found things like the radio tower, a castle, etc - but I didn't see many people. It took me a while to figure out why and how even though I was way on edge out there there's typically noone out there and it's rather safe. Then I learned a bit about the coast, figured out how to get my bearings and use the sun to navigate.
  23. Death By Crowbar

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    Until the item duplication exploit is fixed people should be able to run like rockstars because that's the only way to compensate for snipers with essentially endless ammo. Once the item duplication exploit is fixed and snipers have realistic ammo foraged (20-40 rounds) I don't think you'll see as much sniping and you certainly won't see a sniper holding down an area for very long like they can do now.
  24. Death By Crowbar

    Is character movement too responsive ?

    Do you honestly think wielding sniping capable guns is a simple/easy as it is in DayZ? If using the M4 do you think you can just hit F and get a new mag out of your ammo box automatically? IRL that would take quite a lot more time and fishing and you wouldn't be able to do it while keeping an eye on your target the whole time. My point is that the lack of realism in player movement is balanced with the lack of realism in the capabilities and options available to snipers.
  25. Death By Crowbar

    Leaving traps for people :)

    It's not called "traps", it's called "bait banditry", or "fishing". People have been doing it for a long time. Noone stops to look at random gear on the road, if they do, they're either new to the game, don't visit the forums, or had a lapse in judgement. Due to this you'll also see people intentionally leave random stuff (flashlights, etc) in the road merely to make people "think" someone is around when they're long gone or have since logged. You get both kinds.