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Death By Crowbar

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Everything posted by Death By Crowbar

  1. Death By Crowbar

    Zombie view distance

    I've logged a bug where it appeared as though zombies I was observing from as far as 800m away (farther than you can see with the unaided eye) would aggro and come after me. Also keep in mind some do wander, and if you aggro one I have no idea how the aggro radius nor timer works, but sometimes it seems as though it's infinite. Also a player may have aggroed one, had it chase them, then lost aggro but the zed was either close enough to you or started to wander and pathed close enough to you to notice you. There's so many factors, including things that are known to be bugs or partially implemented, it's hard to say exactly what you were dealing with. Always be on your guard!
  2. Death By Crowbar

    Haven't heard about this happening yet...

    You should log this in the bug tracker, or search for "catapult" and there's a couple that sound an aweful lot like what happened to you. Chime in on them and add some color.
  3. Death By Crowbar

    Hackers galore this weekend?

    Problem is - most of what OP is saying appear to me to be well known, I've seen them discussed in the pinned thread and also seen reports of them in feedback tracker (although some of those appear and disappear off feedback tracker for obvious reasons). However, the one he's most upset about is well known, you can find a report of it here. So there's not really much to submit to forum staff that's not been already submitted. What OP is saying is it seems the frequency of running into people taking advantage in this way is increasing, and I'd say I'd have to concur.
  4. Death By Crowbar

    2-3 months creating one unique building -SenChi

    Depends on what he's saying. If he's saying creating one building takes that long - well, yeah that's a long time, but I don't think that's what he's saying. Sounds to me as if he's talking about creating more unique buildings for various locations and then integrating those into all of those locations, which I'd have to imagine would take re-working some of those locations a bit. I could see that taking time. The 140 character limit of twitter seems to not have given him much room to elaborate.
  5. Death By Crowbar

    Dayz - Hacking and Unusal Items

    As mentioned, you'll want to check the pinned topic at the top of the thread for more info on this, all of what you've mentioned is discussed in there. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/168635-whats-the-current-hacking-status-like-in-dayzsa/ Some of it is being addressed by BattleEye, some of it (duping and glitched items) is being addressed in the upcoming .49 build, and some of it they're still working on. However, everything you've mentioned is known and definitely in the Feedback Tracker.
  6. Death By Crowbar

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    I don't see why that would need to be. Other players cannot "see" my hydration, hunger, or health indicators. Other players cannot "see" my total hours played. There's already things in game that only we know and that aren't available to other players. So no, it doesn't have to be that way, it could simply be revealed to the individual user and not to the community at large.
  7. On the burnt topic - burnt toast is often one of the household items that helps with mitigating poisoning, I believe it's because of the carbon and absorbant nature of the dried/burnt bread. I *think* that burnt meat could have a similar effect (although it wouldn't be as absorbant). Thus burnt meat poisoning you is contrary at the least. You could argue that the carcinogens in the burnt meat will raise your cancer risk over time (this is true), but it certainly shouldn't hurt your DayZ character.
  8. Death By Crowbar

    After a 6/7 month break from Dayz

    Here's a repost of something I wrote when someone was asking similarly here (give that a look too): http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/208513-complete-list-of-features-already-in-game-stable-build/ Here's a swag at some of the stuff over the past few months: Fishing & Hunting More crafting (make backpacks from pelts) Camp fires Chem lights and flares Zed movements / pathing more reliable now via navmesh, far less likely to go through fences and walls (but doors still need work). Hopper zeds now in game (the ones that crouch and jump like a frog at you) More animals (and you can kill them). If you find chickens let everyone know because there's a lot of people who seem to be interested in that. If you find a pig leave it alone or Shrub Rocketeer ™ will come at you like a spider monkey. More weapon variety, new meelee and rifles. Crossbows and crafted bows. New towns on the map in the north. NEAF has been redone. Grenades! (although I'm yet to find one) Persistence (if I write a note and leave it in the street and the server reboots, it will still be there for someone to find when the server comes back up). Tents have been added.I dunno, that's a list of stuff that sticks out in my mind.
  9. You shoulda punched him in his stupid head and knocked him out, stolen his gear, cuffed him, and force fed him disinfectants spray while yelling, "Hydrate this fothermucker!" But noooo... you had to go the easy route and blow him away immediately. I mean, maybe he would have shared his refreshment? Maybe you could have been friends? Or maybe he would have blown you away as well and wouldn't have wanted to be friends, keeping all of the refreshment to himself. Selfish jerk.
  10. Death By Crowbar

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    I'm not sure about other people seeing it - but I certainly would be interested in knowing: My zed kills My player kills My zed deaths My player deaths My deaths other
  11. Death By Crowbar

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I've been trolling around on your server lately trying to find Irish. :lol: I've been having a decent time, but I didn't realize you guys preferred 1pp - that's been a change of pace for me because I've played almost exclusively 3pp! I totally understand it's not a server thing but a player thing that can happen on any server. I had sent this along to Irish directly as well. He mentioned you admin that server, I'll PM you directly if I spot anything else!
  12. Death By Crowbar

    Face It - This game is PvE

    True that. And may the odds be ever in you favor... I mean, especially since the favorite past time of many clans is to gather up bambis and have them fight to the death.
  13. Death By Crowbar

    Does your aim seem to stink?

    This is why I forage sticks or chop down bushes for sticks and tear up all tshirts I find into rags so I can make splints at any time. Sometimes if I'm not sure I'll splint myself. It does seem odd though that you can add 5 splints to yourself and nothing shows up on you, you don't even know where your splints go. It would be interesting if you had to choose *what* to splint (arm, leg) and that you eventually had to remove the splint after getting healthy or risk negative effects. That might be overboard though.
  14. Death By Crowbar

    bridge spawn thingie

    Wow, that looks like WAAAAAY more than 40 people. Did it also duplicate some people too?
  15. Death By Crowbar

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    There's nothing more disappointing than being in a building with the door shut for 20+ minutes where it's IMPOSSIBLE to know you were there, have the server reboot, log back in, wait 5 minutes (still in the same room with the door shut, never having moved) and then hear "Survivor, drop you weapon." I was like, LOL, he's talking to someone else. Then I hear again, "Survivor, drop you weapon!" I ignore it again because it's impossible, the room I'm in doesn't even have windows to see me, there's NO WAY anyone can know I'm there. It's then that I see the door open and a guy head shots immediately. The nail in the coffin to knowing it was an ESP hacker - he even ridicules me, "Death by... well, Death By Machine gun I guess now!" My ingame name is DeathByCrowbar and there is no WAY with 20 people on a server he could know who he killed. Here's the list of players who were online at the time. Time, server, etc of where it happened is: "09/11/2014 12:45 AM" lastMPServer="";lastMPServerName=".:In FOG We Trust, The Rest We Dust. Zero Admin Abuse:."; They're still online, whoever it was.
  16. Death By Crowbar

    Follow the power lines, they said...

    When I first started playing I would always head inland and try to avoid being seen, following the power lines was a favorite tactic of mine. But after doing this for upwards of 40 hours and never seeing anyone and rarely ending up somewhere worth while I stopped and tried different tactics. The powerlines do take you places, but you need to know when/where to jump off and head N,S,E,W to head to a worthwhile location. I did get amused by the few places where the power lines dip down too close to (or clip through) the ground and found it interesting that you couldn't clip through them, they're solid. That gave me an indication of their implementation for when/if helicopters and other flying things get introduced into the game.
  17. Death By Crowbar

    Weather patterns in DayZ

    I'm soooo very tempted to make a reference here to the weather man phallic thing with the "afternoon t-storms" but I'm concerned about taking it too far and requiring some sort of moderation. That being said, I often feel like the weather is simply trying to kick me in the teeth. When I'm ready for stealth, it's sunny out. When I'm ready to see long distance and survey things, it's raining. I can't make heads or tails out of it, and every server seems to have different weather. As unpredictable as it is it keeps things fun.
  18. Death By Crowbar

    So has there been a wipe yet or not?

    I believe "shit or get off the pot" is the expression, Grimey Rick! But you smelled and seemed to agree with what I was getting at - just play, don't worry about the wipe. Listen up gang, there will likely be more wipes, this is a permadeath game, you shouldn't get attached to your gear, use it or lose it. Who really cares if there is a wipe coming? Go out and take some risks and have some fun. Live a little (or die a little). You're welcome!
  19. Death By Crowbar

    4gb download new patch for exp?

    ^This. ... oh damnit, duping exploit just happened accidentally! :lol:
  20. Death By Crowbar

    So has there been a wipe yet or not?

    You should log in and see if you're wiped or not. I mean, when you last logged are you sure you were safe? Even if the wipe hasn't happened yet, how do you know you're still geared?
  21. Death By Crowbar

    Face It - This game is PvE

    In the great lyrics of Epic by Faith No More, "It's it." But I agree with boneboys "it" is stuff and things, just like RAM-bo4250 said. The point is the singularity, and we've all been sucked in and may never again escape.
  22. Death By Crowbar

    SERVER MAINTENANCE is upon us! what will you do with yourself

    Interesting. As a few have noted BattleEye was certainly spamming the crap out of me last night that the .49 build was coming. One of my favorite quotes from a place I used to work, "Alright, who broke the build?" :lol:
  23. Ummm... this you say one thing and do another here. A player with skill will not combat log, which is what you seem to have done here. In the future if you want to be seen as a strong player you should NEVER combat log, above and beyond the hacks and exploits currently available in the game, server hopping and most critically combat logging are some of the worst type of non-bannable player offenses you can make. You would have been better served to try to locate the shooter and either successfully flee with your life or roll the dice in a gun fight. Again, just trying to lend you advice for the future, combat logging on someone because "im not letting character with no skill catch me off guard" is one of the biggest oxymorons that I've ever seen. I wish you luck in growing your character in this game and playing it in a more legitimate manner.
  24. Death By Crowbar

    Invincible Bullet Catcher

    When did they add rubber bullets to the game? :P