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Death By Crowbar

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Everything posted by Death By Crowbar

  1. Death By Crowbar

    As someone who has predominantly played experimental...

    Yeah, there's a bug. You should see if you can find something like a fire station or jail that's loot bugged - it's like a guns, ammo, food, clothing pinata was exploded. This started with the .50 update, and I've stumbled upon a few of them. It's like Christmas!
  2. Death By Crowbar

    How Persistent is Persistence?

    What JPWiser said. It has nothing to do with storage really - it's all about things you interact with and leave. Say you write a note on a piece of paper and leave it in the first floor of the police station in Elektro. Then you log out for the night. Over night the server reboots a few times. You log back in the next day and the note should still be there (unless someone picked it up and/or moved it). That's pegged to the server on which the action happened. So if that piece of paper was on Kilo's Wasteland and then you log into Gray Matter, it won't be there, because it's on Kilo's server.
  3. Death By Crowbar

    Got Loot? (NWAF content)

    Someone is marketing an alternative forum me thinks. Subtly. :huh: I've run into this on 2 different servers, once in the jail at Green Mountain and once again at the back fire station in Elektro. To be honest the way the gear was laid out I thought it was some sort of a summoning hack, but based upon what everyone is saying it seems it's a loot spawn bug related to persistence? Curious what someone like accolyte or boneboys knows about it...
  4. I am so online right now... where are you guys?
  5. I love dying, Imma gunna log in!
  6. Death By Crowbar

    Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

    If I read things right - persistence is an opt out, not an opt in thing now. You may have your settings reversed. Check that first.
  7. Death By Crowbar

    What changed?

    Also try searching - about 2x per day someone pops onto the forums asking the same question, there's a lot of threads where people have tried to consolidate the various build notes into summarized highlights.
  8. Death By Crowbar

    Let's talk about client optimization

    There's several approaches - two big ones are "make it run, then make it run fast", another is "engineer it optimally from the bottom up". It's the prior that's at work here, because if it were the latter the concept of an early access alpha would be impossible and we wouldn't be here discussing it in the first place. There also arguably might not be capital to do the project in the first place. Also, seeing as how DayZ SA started as a port that's being re-worked in pieces, the entire project was never a candidate for starting from scratch with resource efficient code. The concept of an early access alpha is entirely new and very very difficult for most people to grasp, because it's unusual and confusing. It's both a business model as well as a development model - traditional acadamia or "ideal best practice" doesn't apply in most cases. In some ways early access alpha is it's own worst enemy from a development model, but from a business model it's very clever.
  9. Death By Crowbar

    Let's talk about client optimization

    I think it's premature to worry about client side performance given where it is in the alpha stage, the engine updates still being worked on, etc. The client hardware requirements and performance now are no indicator of what the beta or even final release will look like. It's like trying to gauge how many miles to the gallon a car will get when it doesn't even have a gas tank, frame/body, nor even an engine finished yet... or perhaps better put it's got something that looks like those so it at least runs but they're all going to be different (some parts greatly different) by the time it's done.
  10. Death By Crowbar

    Couple of Noob Questions

    On the initial screen where it's like "Play", "Change Servers", etc in the lower right click on your name ... you change it there. Subtle and strange, that's where you change your name. No clue on the history question.
  11. Death By Crowbar

    Do alpha/beta testers get perks on the forums?

    That video - was awesome... and the way the chick blows her own brains out - you can't do that today!
  12. Death By Crowbar

    Is it time to come back?

    With 700+ hours played I'd say a solid "yes"... but it depends what you're looking for or expecting. There is content being added, fixes and adjustments being made, it's an alpha in flux. However, it's nowhere near unplayable and I think I've gotten my money's worth several times over already. Log in and make your own decision.
  13. Death By Crowbar

    .50 tips for lazy non exp players

    Lock picks I can explain - with a lockpick you can lock a door (from either side). Once locked, someone can open it but they'll either need to shoot it open, meelee it, or stand there punching it for a while. In other words, say you want to camp safely or avoid pursuers such as a bambi with a death wish - you can run into a building and using a lock pick lock the door behind you. You can also lock someone in a building this way, someone runs in to look and you can close the door and lock it behind them for grins. This will be a fun one to play with!
  14. Death By Crowbar

    What exactly qualifies as server hopping?

    Not really. Server hopping example is being at an airfield in the ATC or Jail - looting, camping, waiting 90 seconds, logging into another server and looting, camping, waiting 90 seconds, and logging into... this is server hopping and douchy, completely crap play and unjustifiable. There's another scenario where you simply hit Play and log in for a bit, realize you're now on a very low pop server and want some interaction. So you log out and look for a high pop server to play on. I don't consider that server hopping. Server hopping is essentially an exploit used for gearing up, any action to move to a different population server or to play with your friends isn't server hopping.
  15. Figured while waiting on maintenance I'd share a recent story from a day or so ago. With over 700 hours played and plenty of time on the forums I know many have shared such stories before but figured I'd pitch in my own recent one for a maintenance window read. The New Kid I was on a nearly full pop 40 max server on Stable in Svetlo looting the police station and apartments looking for clothes, food, and mosin ammo. I had a minimal recent spawn kit but had gotten lucky finding a fire ax in the piano house and a backpack somewhere else. As I hit the corner apt with the restaurant downstairs I hear punching and zombie growls - someone is attempting to punch a zombie. I poke my head out into the street and see 2 zombies at a window and inside I see a bambi trying to punch them through the window. Me: Need help? Bambi: Yes please! ... was a kid's voice, middle school or early high schooler at best. So I ax the two zombies like fish in a barrel and he comes out and thanks me. His name was Maxax ... or something like that, he told me he got DayZ SA about 2 weeks ago and that I was the first person who didn't try to kill him. I laughed pretty hard at that. I also cried a little inside - here's a new guy who's only run into one way to play DayZ, it was a golden opportunity to show him a better way and have some fun. Me: Want to loot together, safety in numbers? Maxax: Sure, I'd also like to hit up an airfield, never been to one before. Me: Alright, there was a sporter in the police station, let's get that, check a few more buildings, then we can head to NEAF even though it's been nerfed, it's close. ... great, he runs into the Police Station looking for the sporter I saw on the 1st floor. I stand guard outside while he loots. I notice a guy running down the street, he's got an ax, a rifle on back and one in hands. Oh great, this will get interesting. He runs up to me and stops, shouting, "Be cool, be cool!" At this point I realize I'd had my ax raised the whole time from killing zombies, so I lower it and say, "Oh sorry, forgot I had this up from killing zombies." At that instant he raises his rifle in hands and fires once - I get hit but not bad, in the arm or something I think. I strafe to the side as he shoots again, and he hits me again - but it must not have been a good hit because somehow I'm still standing, although I'm bleeding and my vision is already blurry. He fires 3 more shots all missing while I try to put an ax through his head - finally one ax swing hits and he's instantly dead. Maxax comes out to find me standing over the corpse, I'm assuming he was hiding inside the whole time. The jerk had a Carbine with 2x5 mags in hands and a Mosin on back, with ammo for both. Maxax gets himself a fresh mosin (with ammo!) and I take the Carbine into hands. Maxax: This is cool. Me: What is? Maxax: This is the first time I've gotten a gun WITH ammo before getting killed. Me: LOL... I think we're ready to head to NEAF! After patching up and eating some we truck off SW towards NEAF. We arrive, hit up everything and see noone - but there's a corpse with gear in the ATC, Maxax gets a full backpack of assorted stuff and food, he's pretty stoked. Maxax: Hang on a sec. How do you take a screenshot again? Me: F12. Why? Maxax: I've never been this geared up before, taking a pic to show my friends! Good times. Once out of the ATC I make a fire because we're both freezing and plus he'd never made a fire before. Maxax was the one with the matches so I made the firekit and got the wood but let him do the honors of lighting it. The fireplace kit was glitched up ontop of the root of the fallen tree, so the fire is about eye level in the air which is hilarious and we laugh about it. We then head off to Krasnostav and I show him the little room on the top floor of the Hospital that sometimes has guns, and there's a Longhorn there. Maxax gets to try out his first scope, and as luck would have it he's got ammo for it (same ammo for mosin). I camp out in that top room as Maxax guards me. This was a good day to be a survivor. Maybe there's one more hero in the making. The choice is up to him...
  16. Death By Crowbar

    Playstyle Poll

    Neutral to Rather Hero. I guess that would make me something like Chaotic Neutral? No, I guess that would make me more Lawful Neutral.
  17. Death By Crowbar

    Player count to increase on the horizon?

    Yeah, I recall seeing accolyte or one of the devs request on the boards for people to join up on a particular server maybe a month or so ago when they were testing 75 pop max servers. Experimental runs 50 person regularly. Stable's max is currently 40 but I believe every intention is to raise that as things are optimized, implemented, and/or re-worked.
  18. Death By Crowbar

    Big forum family photo

    Just when you tried to take a picture you'd realized your camera is badly damaged or ruined and we'd have to search for a new one.
  19. Death By Crowbar

    Haven't played in a while

    It's better. The time when you could barely land a hit is past, but you have to practice and learn to circle and deal with the desync. Bust a move brother, if done properly it may take a few swings but you can ensure it's nearly impossible for you to get hit. You can also have zeds chase you into buildings and then shut the door on them while inside and trap them.
  20. Death By Crowbar

    Who hates this "hugging myself like a maniac" bug?

    There's nothing stopping you from hugging him back over and over. LOL
  21. Death By Crowbar

    My first bandit experience

    He probably didn't fight back because he knew darn well if he stayed alive he could log and server hop a few times and get all of that gear back, but if he had to make the run to NWAF naked unless he got a Vybor spawn it would take him "a while" and perhaps several attempts. He was smart to comply, in a server hopper mentality way. ... but since he was an obvious server hopper you should have blown him away. Server hoppers are usually the biggest wimps, only care about gear.
  22. Death By Crowbar

    Who hates this "hugging myself like a maniac" bug?

    I find this one hilarious. There are bugs like these that once gone become a distant memory and great hilarity is forgotten. Enjoy them while they last....
  23. Death By Crowbar

    What exactly makes Standalone so taxing on your system?

    It's an un-optimized game in alpha status who's engine is being rebuilt in sections still. That's pretty much why.
  24. Death By Crowbar

    Is Fire useless for Hypothermia?

    I reported a bug on this a few weeks ago, the feedback I got was that they were well aware of it from internal testing and it sounded like they thought they'd fixed it in the next release (assuming that would be .50). Sadly we had to roll back to .49 because Wednesday's update ran into issues. This almost killed me as well one time but luckily I somehow noticed what the issue was. You've gotta be on the ground floor, and it has to be a FLAT ground floor (not raised). Outside always works, outside under an overhang will work to keep you dry, and some buildings it does work in as well so long as the ground floor is not raised at all (as if on a cement block or one of those 1/2 floor heights).
  25. Death By Crowbar

    How long......

    12 inches. That is all you need to know.