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Death By Crowbar

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Everything posted by Death By Crowbar

  1. Death By Crowbar

    Cannibalism - Lets make it USEFUL

    I can't wait to get my hands on some fresh orlok. Gunna roast that over a fire with a side of beans!
  2. Death By Crowbar

    The People of DayZ (What Makes You Special?)

    Is that like Wilson?
  3. Death By Crowbar

    The amount of players.

    No, there have been 100 servers earlier on I believe, and they were testing up to 75 on experimental again as of maybe 4 months ago. The max for Stable servers was just upped from 40-50. In the end, as I understand it - there were limitations and performance issues which are in the process of being addressed by things such as moving from 32 bit to 64 bit on the server side along with engine updates and tuning. This is a game that's in early access alpha, it's not done yet.
  4. Death By Crowbar

    The People of DayZ (What Makes You Special?)

    DeathByCrowbar Lonewolf, Chaotic Neutral, general survivor I'm a survivor and a journeyman. I've hit most of the map at one point or another, but after getting over my paranoia now more often seek human interaction. I've killed more than I've been killed, but rarely have I ever provoked the violence. Well, maybe once or twice after a few beers where I decided to take out some aggression after being double crossed or killed unfairly (such as by some evil stairs!) or been smited by a mystical being with the ability to teleport and float through the air. I'm yet to find a grenade. I enjoy chopping down random trees across roads or in towns. I prefer Tactical Bacon to anything else, that shiz is the bomb. I killed a few pigs just out of spite, I hope Shrub Rocketeer doesn't see this!
  5. Death By Crowbar

    loot hoarding / tent security

    Well, worse than loot hoarding - I've actually watch people decimate fire stations and police stations by taking any guns or axes and merely ditching them under nearby trees and such so they can go about their CoD style onslaught of that town or area. I've watched Twitch streamers such as ClamTaco do this a lot as well. With persistence on it ruins the game for any popular areas.
  6. Death By Crowbar

    Has anyone found themselves locked in yet?

    Punching is an obvious option because they've not implemented kicking. Those old crappy communist doors and door jams come apart like butter with a solid kick...
  7. Death By Crowbar

    What about..

    Just keep punching, it should open.
  8. Death By Crowbar

    Can't we reset to 0.49 for a while?

    This is what it's like to participate in an early access alpha. Expect things to go wrong - and enjoy them while they do. These loot piles won't last forever - have fun with them and enjoy times of plenty!
  9. Death By Crowbar

    Is It Possible?

    Anything is possible. Whether directionally it's a good choice for the game and if they actually decide to add it, well, that's a different topic.
  10. Death By Crowbar

    Something for the ladies... the Pink Derringer exists!

    If I blew someone away with it I'd probably cap it off by hitting G and throwing it at them for good measure, lol. I gotta find ammo for this thing...
  11. I swear I led a few people up to NEAF maybe a week ago and the control tower was still there. Did it change to that strange buggy building with the .50 update? I searched that thing high and low and nothing in it at all, and what's crazy is the open doors you can't get through, etc. I did some quick searching and couldn't find much info on this, can someone point me in the right direction for info on it and also what the plan is with that building?
  12. You should also try just a little North East of there in Cernaya Polana, that's a good one too and has a fire station.
  13. Death By Crowbar

    Was this a hacker?(My 1st hacker experience)

    You should report this to boneboys.
  14. I had my server search filter on min 15 max 40 (to eliminate the experimental servers). I thought it odd that there were very few well populated servers - until I expanded max to 50 and saw all of my familiar servers with even more people on them! I have to read the change logs more closely, I didn't realize that .50 also upped the max players per server above 40.
  15. Ok, so I'm not crazy, it did change with .50. So weird. It needs a lot of love being lootless and buggy! Poor NEAF... that airfield needs some love!
  16. Death By Crowbar

    Where is the new Status Report?

    Someone was trying to write the note but then some KOS jerk came up behind them and axed them in the head. Just another day in the life of a DayZ survivor...
  17. Sure. Here's a few pics. Right where the control tower was, this changed in the last week or 2, I'm guessing with .50? With this odd buggy building it's basically pointless to go to NEAF right now. It's just strange. This door is buggy, you can't even walk through it! Nice view of the airfield from this rounded corner. There's a porch that wraps all the way around it, just weird.
  18. Death By Crowbar

    So where dou you hang out in Chernarus?

    I hate the north. I prefer the greater Elektro area, but also like venturing inland to the little military bases such as the one NE of Green Mountain.
  19. Death By Crowbar

    I feel dirty

    Well, today I ate another man's zucchini and had a banana thrown at me. Don't feel bad.
  20. Death By Crowbar

    I had forgotten just how dangerous Electro can be.

    My last run through Elektro involved splinting a random guy on the fire station roof, followed by axing down 5 zeds attacking a shirtless bambi, followed by 3 people bandaging each other, followed by a random guy running up the 3-4 of us raising his shotgun and attempting to blow us all away. Elektro is a blast for many reasons, you never know what you're going to get.
  21. Death By Crowbar

    My dream " House " location in Dayz

    Irish that's hilarious! I want to build a fort out of corpses.
  22. Death By Crowbar

    I feel bad, even if I shouldn't

    You should walk proud after this one. Not only did you survive someone who tried to pull a quick one on you, you got some decent gear. Karma's a bitch, you came out on top! Now go forth onto the world and do your best to keep surviving...
  23. Death By Crowbar

    As someone who has predominantly played experimental...

    It's like Christmas! Thanks Dean! ... to be honest it would be awesome if on Christmas this is what all loot spawns looked like. That would be hilarious.
  24. Death By Crowbar

    How Persistent is Persistence?

    Your character, in the public hive, is persistent... but there's effectively 2 public hives on stable, 1 for 1st person and 1 for 1st/3rd person. The persistence of what's on you goes across servers, but because you put a tent down on server A doesn't mean that tent also now exists on servers B, C, D, etc. What you put on the ground stays on the server where you put it.
  25. Death By Crowbar

    How Persistent is Persistence?

    Persistence has issues, I doubt it was anything related to the snare itself. Also - silly question but are you sure you were on a persistent server? Persistence can be turned off.