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Death By Crowbar

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Everything posted by Death By Crowbar

  1. Death By Crowbar

    Crafting and improvised gear

    Just curious what type of crafting everyone has done. I know sometimes I get in a rut where I forget about improvised bags (since dry bags and other types are so common), and I didn't realize how awesome the improvised leather vest was. I might try to make one tonight. Also, does anyone out there trap rabbits or fish at all?
  2. Death By Crowbar

    Upgraded Pc Downgraded Performance

    Another observation - do you have 2 monitors or have you tried running DayZ in windowed mode and watched your CPU consumption? Because DayZ is not optimized yet, I notice it using a LOT of CPU and my GPU doesn't seem to get as much of the load. It's interesting really, I've read some on it but if you search the forums you can find what the devs have said about it (and it's all going to change as the new renderer come out and various parts of the engine get finished and tuned up). However, I know I suffer a little with frame rates in cities and my i5 3570 performs well over your AMD Phenom and on my system DayZ keeps all 4 of my cores humming upwards of 50% constantly. I don't know how much of that processing translates into frame rate, but some of it does: http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i5-3570-vs-AMD-Phenom-II-X3-B73 From the Steam page for DayZ for processors the "recommended" shows up as Phenom II X4 940 or better so you're really at 3 cores vs 4 cores. Hard to say how much difference that makes. Your system is very middle, maybe middle/low end imo for DayZ. It's enough to run DayZ for sure, but I don't think it's enough to expect wonders from for performance unless you really start scaling back options, and even then in cities you'll probably be like most everyone where your frame rate will really suffer, for a lot of reasons, the biggest being the game's still a work in progress and not optimized yet.
  3. Death By Crowbar

    Upgraded Pc Downgraded Performance

    Weird. Here they are compared, along with my GTX 650 TI (which is still kinda middle/low end of the road): http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp[]=16&cmp[]=1431&cmp[]=2177 The only thing I see is they're both around 3 years old, and your beefier card looks like it uses the older PCIe 2.0 were the lesser card looked to be PCIe 3.0. That's interesting. My 650 Ti is middle/low end and would blow your new card away. It seems to me as if you went from a lower end to a mid-low end card and didn't make a significant jump.
  4. Death By Crowbar

    Need some help please

    What was it? Did you get killed? Starve? Did BI support help?
  5. Death By Crowbar

    Need some help please

    If I were working from home I'd log in and come help... Have you tried logging and popping back in, maybe to a different server? You should be able to crouch or maybe stand in place, play with that. Can you roll? You can log a ticket on the feedback tracker (search on "stuck"), they help people all the time. That's a sure fire way to get help.
  6. Death By Crowbar

    V3S hillclimbing, death by 9mm and improvised backpack

    I know everything will get tweaked, the issue I have is that it's impossible to take a V3S very far unless you find one near the coast. The second you hit a hill it's game over. Again, I know it's still a work in progress - I just want my joy rides to last longer!
  7. Death By Crowbar

    V3S and the side of the map

    Until they fix it they should just make it work like motobike madness used to, where there's an invisible cannon at the edge of the map. It would be way more eventful than falling through the world!
  8. Death By Crowbar

    Help on deaths

    Do you see what happens Larry? Do you see what happens when you spread falsehood?
  9. Death By Crowbar

    Help on deaths

    Rubberbanding is related but different. Rubberbanding is where you're running and all of the sudden you snap back 20 steps as though a few seconds of gameplay never happened, you "snap back like a rubber band". The reason it's related is, per my understanding, they're both caused by the client and server not being in alignment with where you are. When you rubberband you don't break your legs or die.
  10. Death By Crowbar

    Is direct communication (typing) working?

    This is a very young, single, or pre or post kids question. Any gamer with a family especially at night will not be able to use a mic.
  11. Death By Crowbar

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    I don't server hop, per se. The definition of server hopping as I understand it is bouncing from server to server to hit high loot locations to gear up quickly. People who sit at NWAF, military bases, locations with police station & piano house close together and bounce from server to server (especially low/no pop) to get armed and geared quickly... are frowned upon and rather lame imo. However, changing servers to move to a higher pop server or to join up with friends imo isn't server hopping, it's changing servers, which as I understand it is not frowned upon and ok.
  12. Death By Crowbar

    The weakest thing you can do

    Like Jimmy Hoffa, right? Bottom line, this is a survival game. Betrayal is an important aspect and valuable lesson to learn. I've teamed up with dozens of "friendlies" with great success, I'd say I'm at about a 12/1 (Edit: I originally said 1/12 which made no sense) ratio of friendly not being so. Even when making friends and working together look for the tell tale signs and never, never let your guard down. Above and beyond all - good luck, other survivors are pulling for you and wishing you well! Friends are out there, beware of wolves in grandma's bed...
  13. Death By Crowbar

    Your sworn enemy.

    I hate fire station stairs. They're my mortal enemy.
  14. Death By Crowbar

    Some people never find 1.....

    I found my first one today up in Lopatino (west of NWAF). I tried to take it on a joy ride towards Vybor, but before I got half way there 2 chaps were following me trying to snipe me. My god V3S is TERRIBLE on hills, absolutely terrible! I'm not sure it's even possible to drive somewhere such as Lopatino down to say Elektro (or vice versa) because of the hills. Anyway, long story short I hit a hill, was going essentially nowhere, and had to make a run for my life. I don't think I realized how difficult it was to get out of a VS3. Took forever for the thing to come to a full stop, and then the exiting animation froze and I was stuck there, sure that one of the bullets wizzing by me were going to end me... but I got lucky, they must have had some severe sway from running behind me and couldn't hit me. I escaped to the woods in the east. Back into the silence I go, always watching...
  15. Death By Crowbar

    Help Me Find Billboards

    Do you have this one?
  16. Death By Crowbar

    What's in your Zombie Survival Kit?

    The last box of Twinkies on earth. ... and maybe a crowbar. ... and maybe some beef jerkey, a camelback for water, an overunder 20 gauge shot 22 rifle, some rope, giant box of matches, a decent backpack, a pot to boil water in, a blanket, a small tarp, and a rolled up yoga mat (to sleep on... and maybe do yoga if I got bored even though I suck at it)
  17. Death By Crowbar

    Some things never change.

    I hear Adventure Time has lots of friends and candy zombies, that might be what he's looking for.
  18. Death By Crowbar

    Help Me Find Billboards

    Those Google street view cars (*cough* survivors in V3S's *cough*) would have to retrace their steps and screen grabs every time a location was changed. However, I'd be the person trolling the images for that one of a bunch of dudes attempting the human centipede in pink dresses! Too bad the dev's haven't added a mask like that horse mask, those are always funny when they show up on Google street view.
  19. Death By Crowbar

    Scariest Experience in DayZ

    I ran into a guy in Kamyshovo who follow me around once, and it freaked the crap out of me. He was armed holding an ax, but never swung it. I wasn't in the mood to kill someone unprovoked, so I ignored him. However, he followed me everywhere I went in Kamyshovo, then disappeared after I came out of the fire station. I ran to Elektro and was looting the fire station and I turn around and there's this freak again. Just standing there, about a foot from me, ax in hands, not responding or anything. Since he didn't seem hostile I didn't try to shoot him or anything. I ended up leading him through a wild goose chase game of cat and mouse through the apartments and finally lost him after getting down to the beach and running towards Cherno. I think he was just looking for someone to mess with, but it was funny (although it was weird and freakish at first).
  20. Death By Crowbar

    Bandit wannabe turned bandit hunter

    There is always someone hiding in Elektro, always... but regardless, you play the game like I do. You're a survivor who realizes it takes a lot of time and effort to get gear, and your conscience takes over when you want to kill someone. There's a lot of people who can play this game as a true FPS PVP style like you'd play Quake, HL, UT, etc. It's because of the MMO aspect of this game and the setback being killed actually causes someone that I have a lot of trouble pulling the trigger when I have a choice not to. I think there's a lot of people out there like that. I view myself as chaotic neutral for that reason.
  21. Death By Crowbar

    Help Me Find Billboards

    I almost wish there was a Google street view for DayZ. It would be pretty neat/fun.
  22. Death By Crowbar

    Help Me Find Billboards

    Isn't Sahrani down near Kamyshovo? Or I think along the road north east of it along the coast.
  23. Death By Crowbar

    WTF is going on?

    Zombies will follow you for a long way. Think of them like a heat seeking missile, once they're onto you they'll never stop (even if they can't see you). People have noticed them following from as far as Elektro to Berezino. If you don't have a good weapon, a few things you can try include: Luring them into a house and then shutting the door and trapping them inside. This works some of the time, when it doesn't work it's because they just glitch through the door. Smaller houses are best bet for trying this. Zombie bowling (run down a steep hill, often they'll simply fall to their deaths). Pretend you're a bull fighter and simply side step them. If you're familiar with the angular way that zombies move, you can actually have a bunch around you and run ahead and loot and do things you need to do and when they come near simply run by them or sidestep around them. When you're comfortable you'll learn that, in the way the currently move, it's actually REALLY easy to avoid getting hit by them.
  24. Death By Crowbar

    I wonder...

    Someone had to go there... This would be like in Rust, "Hey, we have penises, when are you going to implement...". Then again for DayZ, it's like, "Hey, we can vomit and carve/eat people, when can we...". No, just no. No 2 girls 1 cup, no pooping, no peeing, no fisting, no human leather, no BSDM, no, just no. Jesus people. Can't we just be happy that we can eat each other?
  25. Death By Crowbar

    DayZ.com Upgrade

    I like! GJ :beans: