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Death By Crowbar

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Everything posted by Death By Crowbar

  1. Death By Crowbar

    Problems with current state

    I think some people have made these suggestions but maybe some of these haven't been made. Check the guides in the New Player forum. Water - look for streams, ponds, pumps, and if you have a bottle you can collect it from the rain even. Many foods you eat add hydration (although some like rice dehydrate you). Food - learn which buildings have more food than others, but in general search everywhere, you should find something unless it's a persistence off server and someone looted that area. Remember you can open cans with lots of things, you don't necessarily need a can opener (although that's more efficient). Zombies - you can out run them, you can lock them inside buildings (works most of the time), for killing them meelee the general hierarchy rule of thumb for common weapons I find is fire ax, splitting ax, sledge hammer, hoe, machete, ice ax, hatchet. Anything else is going to take more than 2 hits, but the weapons I mentioned are extremely easy to find - any town will have several of those options. Also if your method of fighting zombies is anything but circling around them you're not doing it right, there's tutorials and videos on youtube that can tell you how to do it properly if you can't figure it out yourself. FYI this is also the best way to fight other players as well. Searching for stuff - don't overlook sheds, around vehicles, etc - there's stuff there. Storage - if you can't find a backpack remember that burlap sack + rope improvises a bag, and if you add in a stick it makes the improvised backpack that many people prefer to use. Death to gear up with a solid weapon, backpack, food, gun + ammo (even if it's a sporter) - when you've learned the map that should take you at most 2 hours, but it'll likely take you less... even on a full server.With anything less than 150 hours played consider yourself still learning the game, anyone with less than that likely has a ways to go and more times to die before they've got a good grip on the game.
  2. Death By Crowbar

    Swords, Maces, rarity vs function

    But... isn't the pen mightier than the sword? :lol: After around 30 castle visits over a 2 week stint of running between 3 different castles I've still never seen a sword. Not one. My plan to be like the Highlander, Connor MacCleod of the clan MaCleod was sorta crushed by the time vampire in finding a sword to begin with...
  3. Death By Crowbar

    How do you solve the heating problem with ghillie?

    I think when we get bikes it will make ghillie travel more tolerable. I think running somewhere vs taking a V3S or bike will be totally different - one you die of heat stroke and the others you don't.
  4. Death By Crowbar

    Mosin damage nerfed to oblivion

    Mosin seems as deadly as ever for me. Maybe someone stuffed a banana down his barrel? I do know it all depends on where you're hit. Do you know if any of the shots were to the torso or head?
  5. Death By Crowbar

    is there an eta for the implementation of the new soundsystem ?

    The "feature" of the random doors closing and chain fences clanging keep me way more on edge. If they were gone and all there was were really player made sounds the game would be a lot easier, imo. I've played enough to know you can never assume you're alone, but when the random noises even when I get a little comfy that I should be alone I hear a door close, then I'm like - wait, was that a play or a random sound? ... then I hear footsteps. ... after freaking out I discover it's just a stupid cow or pig wandering around outside the house. ... and that's when I take a breath and finally calm down. Phew! Worried for nothing! *bang* *bang* You are dead.
  6. Death By Crowbar

    Truck-eating trees.

    I can't wait until we have tree eating trucks rather than truck eating trees. Anyone seen talk of any effects such as if you hit a tree hard enough it'll fall down or anything like that?
  7. Death By Crowbar

    Just found a mi8 with large amount of loots..

    Seems I need to do more heli hunting...
  8. Death By Crowbar

    About the fireplace

    You should report this obvious issue (even though it's likely been reported already). It's certainly not a feature or intended.
  9. Death By Crowbar

    Autorun LUA Script

    Well, didn't BE accidentally ban you at one point for something bogus?
  10. Death By Crowbar

    Excited for the Upcoming Disease & Cold System

    I want to be able to sneeze or vomit on someone and infect them. I mean, that's the ultimate banditry - cuff someone and infect them! Since the zombies are "infected", I think it's going to be neat/important to also run the risk of players becoming infected and turning into zombies themselves. Imagine someone on your squad or in a group or something is acting fine at one point, then they're sick, then their screen goes black with "you are unconscious" and while that happens they've effectively turned into a zombie and start attacking the nearest player. That would be ... the best. I *have* to imagine that's also being planned? Anyone know?
  11. Death By Crowbar

    Adventures in Horticulture

    You certainly picked a location that was bound to be active and interesting... ... wouldn't you have a hoe from that gardening that you coulda used on the pickax guy?
  12. Death By Crowbar

    Does Anyone Know Any DayZ SA MYTHS? DayZ Mythbusters

    Drinking disinfectant spray is survivable (or is it)?
  13. Death By Crowbar

    Making real friends in Dayz

    Oddly - there's a few people I ninja chat with on Steam who I know from the forums, but noone else that I know IRL plays, and the few people from the forums who I chat with on occasion I've never actually gotten the pleasure of playing with. At 1100+ hours I'm a lonely lone wolf man... thus is the life of a survivor. I've met a lot of random people who, in the great words of Fight Club, were "single serving friends" who I never managed to meet up with again, and usually we forgot to exchange info before a server restart or one of us was killed so we had no way to reconnect.
  14. Death By Crowbar

    Just chillin in Cherno.

    I've spied on towns with binoculars before. Finding a "safe" spot to watch Kamyshovo from is always interesting (although there aren't many safe viewing spots there). Sometimes I'll eagle eye off the big mountain pile between Elektro and Cherno (aka Skyrim), or sometimes off the top of the quarry north of Kamyshovo, those are good places to watch people. Actually that quarry north of Kamyshovo has the two water towers that people suicide off of, that can get hilarious sometimes because people seem so hell bent on getting a spawn closer to Elektro they throw themselves off there all the time.
  15. Death By Crowbar

    How many times have you been killed by a server hopper?

    Logging into a low pop server to loot risk free only to then log into a higher pop server to get action is definitely server hopping, 100%, and the bad kind. I sorta rank server hopping scenarios as follows: Server after server after server... sitting in a prime location (military base, airfield, etc) looting a building or two then immediately logging into another server to repeat over and over. This is the worst kind of server hopping. Low pop gear up to high pop action... basically deciding to loot risk free on a low/no pop server only to then log into a high pop server and get some action. This is the second worst kind of server hopping. Avoiding a pink flamingo, joining up with some friends, if you're a streamer moving out of a compromised server, etc ... basically changing servers for a defensible reason, this is server hopping but I think 99.9% would agree this is acceptable and in no way gimp.
  16. Death By Crowbar

    Automatics>Snipers soon?

    When the hordes get added they MUST prioritize fixing the going through doors and obstacles piece. One of the most effective ways to deal with the horde in cities is ducking through houses and potentially locking portions of them inside... but that'll be a non-option if it's still broken as it is today. I know that the navmesh changes last fall helped a lot, but I would *hope* that before any hordes or horde AI behavior get added that they'll fix the zombie clipping or at least have that as a priority coming shortly after. I fear the horde... especially the horde of old bald guys with their old balls doing that weird leap for your crotch area attack... :murder:
  17. Death By Crowbar

    North-West airfield dying? Who misses the NE airfeild?

    If I'm around Krasnostav I'll still poke my head down to NE to see if there's anything for me. It's definitely never a destination I head to, but if it's on the way I'll at least swing through.
  18. Death By Crowbar

    Which i7 CPU?

    You seek this: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html What graphics card do you have? You should also check the various posts on performance tweaks.
  19. Death By Crowbar

    How many times have you been killed by a server hopper?

    There's nothing wrong with deciding to play on a lower pop server or higher pop to suit your mood. However, logging into a low pop to loot risk free so you can log into a higher pop server and start killing is server hopping. I fully understand what server hopping is - it's not exactly sitting in the ATC, jail, etc and logging in looting and logging out to log back into another server immediately (albeit that's the worst kind). The only justifiable server hopping imo is to avoid a pink flamingo or something like that, or maybe to join up with friends. Intentionally looting a no-low pop server so you have no risk to then join a higher pop server to get action is pretty lame.
  20. Death By Crowbar

    How many times have you been killed by a server hopper?

    No, I didn't ignore that sentence. It implies one server for looting, other servers for other things (such as killing). Thus, server hopping.
  21. Death By Crowbar

    How many times have you been killed by a server hopper?

    As a server hopper you are pissed off that you were killed by a server hopper? Interesting.
  22. Death By Crowbar

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    There will always be some sway, but if it seems ridiculous that could be that you have a fractured arm and the status isn't telling you. Try morphine or applying a splint, it may actually help. The normal sway is there but it's not too bad. It's only really bad when you're injured, and the status doesn't always display when you're injured for some reason.
  23. Death By Crowbar

    too many "do not join" servers to report

    Because on "public" servers it is against the rules and honestly should get your "public" server shut down. It's that simple.
  24. Death By Crowbar

    too many "do not join" servers to report

    Every time I report it I get nowhere. Last one I reported, I think it was as Fragnet server, they only issued them a warning and wouldn't do anything more because I didn't have video evidence. It literally takes an act of god to get anything done about it. Leaving it up to Villayer, Fragnet, etc just simply isn't working imo. What's even more annoying is when the admin goes on the server wide chat and is like, "Get the fuck out" before kicking you. Best bet is to report to one of the mods or boneboys, I know they do look into it, but from my experience reporting to the hosting company hasn't gotten me anywhere, at least as far as this particular issue is concerned. This is one thing I think a number of people are hoping that BI takes a more proactive role in, because the community policing the rules for public servers may not be a system that's working.
  25. Death By Crowbar

    Watching you watching me?

    Dude, this is amazing... I need to watch this in entirety later. I didn't realize the Survivor GameZ had such great coverage that we could go back and watch.