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Tyrion (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tyrion (DayZ)

  1. Nice to see I'm not the only one thinking this. I used to love the airfield because there was always someone there, friendly or not. I guess I'll have to go to Balota now, but every time I go there, I die.
  2. Tyrion (DayZ)

    Why did he just sit down?

    OP is a KOS bandit sniper trying to justify himself as a hero. Put his hands up? Yea, sure, that works what percentage of the time when a sniper realizes he hasn't killed you with the first shot? I put KOS snipers in the same kiddie category as combat loggers. Thankfully they all seem to love killing freshies in Elektro and leave the rest of the map to players with a spine.
  3. Tyrion (DayZ)

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    Somebody needs to make meme about the scumbag Dayz realist. They condemn using TS as telepathy/ Uses third person to peek over walls.
  4. Tyrion (DayZ)

    Attention Combat Loggers

    I never combat log. Stay in the game and deal with situation you put yourself in. This is also why I kill any combat logger I see.