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Eight Ball

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Everything posted by Eight Ball

  1. Why would everyone get naked if you can't carry any gear ? No doubt you'd see a few dumbasses running naked with axes but everyone ? It offers no advantage whatsoever. EDIT : nevermind, you probably meant everyone would get rid of their pants and underwear. While I don't think everyone would do that I can indeed already picture a fully geared player, with helmet, gas mask, hunter back pack, military boots, camo vest and...no pants nor underwear...
  2. I think neither Rocket nor BIS are surprised with what the engine can handle, at least not surprise in the bad way. If anything they probably have under-estimated what they could do. Dean has been modding on this engine for many years and BIS...well BIS made the engine and have been working on it for the last decade. So it's safe to say they know what it's capable of.
  3. Eight Ball

    When Base Building Is Introduced, What Will You Build?

    Well someone made an offshore oil rig addon for ArmA 1...someone called icemotoboy, also known as...Rocket ;) So who knows ! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2196 I personally would love to build something like this How do you call those suspended shelter in english ?
  4. Eight Ball

    Are you kidding me?

    The mod never got out of alpha because it has never been one in the first place.
  5. Eight Ball

    Rain Needs To Be Turned Down.

    +1 Would love to see one of these ingame
  6. Eight Ball

    The Advantage of Voice... should be turned against them

    Then devs should certainly not waste their time on walkie-talkie and radios either. Because it's absolutely useless if nothing is done to prevent people from using TS. And while they're at it they can just bring back the old chat system from ArmA. Add to this the ability to team up with other player in the player list and communicate with them via the team channel, so everyone is at the same level. And that's it, one really important feature of DayZ to the bin. @Mithrawndo No problem, it's the internet ;)
  7. Eight Ball

    The Advantage of Voice... should be turned against them

    What about speed limit ? A fair amount of people do drive faster but the large majority respect them. Itunes ? Everything you can buy on Itunes is available for free on Youtube & Co. Still Itunes is a big success. What point are you trying to make ? Because some people brake the law then laws are useless ? Because we don't have a perfect solution for this issues we should just sit here, wanking ourselves in the hope our delightfull semen will solve the problem ? That's why OP suggestion is interresting. When using your mic and not pressing the chat key your character itself would make more noise (footstep, breathing,...) So your week-end with your mistress stay between you and her ;)
  8. Eight Ball

    The Advantage of Voice... should be turned against them

    Gimme a sec to clean the saliva you've spitted in my face and I'll explain to you what I meant. For THAT particular case, no, I have no solution, you'll be able to exploit the game as much as you want, just calm down and stop worrying, BIS isn't going to send a spetnaz team to take you down. You focus on the technical aspect while I'm talking about changing people attitude. My point was to send a clear message to the player : 3rd party communication sofware are cheating. Be it TS, ventrillo, skype, msn,...if you communicate outside the game, you.are.cheating. Right now the message is : do as you wish. If you tell them this is going to be considered as cheating (and enforce it cleverly) they'll sitck to the rule. No matter what you do you wont prevent some people from cheating or exploiting the game. But the vast majority of the player base is willing to play the game according to its rules. I'll just grab an umbrella before you answer.
  9. Eight Ball

    The Advantage of Voice... should be turned against them

    While it might not be the perfect solution I'm all for it. There might be many ways to bypass it but then it'd be cheating. And that could be a deterrant for people who wants to play the game according to its rules. Right now many "serious" players use TS because they don't feel they're exploiting the game. If they had to donwload a 3rd party software just to be able to use TS they might feel differently.
  10. Eight Ball


    Funny how those white knights jump on anyone suggesting to add children in the game and on the other hand they don't give a flying fuck that their entire PC setup, their clothes, their shoes and the vast majority of stuff they buy for pure enjoyment is build by 12 years old in Asia. I guess that's how those virtuous people cope with the fact that in reality they're just selfish Aholes like everyone else... People have a lot of beliefs... and tend to live by none of them.
  11. Eight Ball

    Best Character Contest.

    Yup,not easy every day to be a trans-genre in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. I found a hair dryer the other day, fits perfectly in my revolver holster. Also found a lipstick, Deep Menstrual Red by Lowrehal. I keep that for my first date.
  12. Eight Ball

    Best Character Contest.

    Here is Pamela :)
  13. He said it multiple times. It wouldn't be for the sake of realism but to make the experience more challenging. I can't understand why people are even arguing this. It's like if I was saying "Black people have darker skins than white people" and then you'd reply "yeah but it depends of the lighting, and some people are light brown, blablabla" In this world women are weaker then men. it's a FACT. There are exceptions but that's exactly what they are : exceptions. There's absolutely nothing wrong to say that, it's not sexism, it's how we were made and it's been like that for thousands of years.
  14. Eight Ball

    >Enter hardcore server

    I've played +/- 85 hours on regular server, have had +/- 10 minutes of "friendly interaction" Recently I've decided to try hardcore servers, spent 3hours on a full one, 3 hours of friendly interaction. Maybe I've just been lucky but I'm clearly not going back to regular. I play at night during the week on european servers.
  15. Eight Ball

    I don't understand this game.

    What do they do beside dropping dead on the ground ? What do you mean exactly by broken ? There are several things "broken" in the game right now but I feel like you're not referring to them.
  16. Eight Ball

    Purge them all

    Dean Hall heard you. He recently made an attempt...didn't worked. Next step is Baygon and then we're fucked.
  17. Yeah, I don't know about you but I'm already starting to feel better. That's probably the satisfaction of helping someone else and I'm sure one day you will be the one giving a hand to someone in need. You did horrible things in the past but if you start right now acting for the good of all, well...well it won't change anything but I guess some people will find a way to be proud of you. Good luck.
  18. Hey, I'm not the cold heart bastard who's ruined someone else virtual life. By now this guy is probably hanging in his closet so I would change the tone if I were you. You ask for advice you get some. You don't like them...well then ask for more advice or just be more specific : "I would like an advice with blue eyes, blond hair, passionate for rainbows and ants. Thank you very much" Some of us are still pure inside, all pink and shiny. We are there but we can only help you if you first help yourself (and for that, I reiterate, flagellation is a very good start).
  19. Have you tried flagellating yourself ? If it doesn't work and the pain to your heart is really unbearable you could always try a pinch of pepper in the eyes, should move the pain temporaly. Did that with a friend who severly burned his hand, totally work ! After that his hand was the least of his concern and he even bursted into tears and scream (of relief and gratefulness I guess)
  20. Eight Ball

    I'm Done

    I'm a new player too, bought the game 3 or 4 weeks ago and never had played the mod before. But I've been playing the OFP/ArmA serie since 2001 so I didn't struggle with the controls and the "complex" keybinding as a totally new player would. How many times I died ? lol I lost track of that after the first few hours. A lot, is probably the most honest answer I can give you. Not so long ago, I've had the same problem as you, I had all the gear I wanted but instead of enjoying it I was constantly afraid someone would shoot me and stole it. So I've been wandering in the woods alone for 20 hours. Then I realise I was screwing my own experience. All that geared I collected was just keeping me away from what I consider to be the "real" DayZ experience : interaction with other players. Since then my priority isn't to have a fully modded M4 or a complete military outfit, I actually avoid that. I just try to enjoy the most of what dayz has to offer. It is a looting competition, it is a PvP deathmatch on a huge map but it's so much more than just that, if you limit yourself to that vision you'll miss what makes this game one of the most intense experience a gamer can have.
  21. Eight Ball

    I'm Done

    Did he force you to read his thread ? Did he ask you to loose even more seconds of your so precious life going on youtube finding a vid of a baby crying and posting it here with a meaningless comment ? Can't be mad at him for that. If you can be so easily manipulated to do things you don't want to you probably should worry about that instead of wasting your time here...
  22. Eight Ball

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    What ? Our animal nature ? When was the last genocide commited by lions ? Could you post a video of a parrot beheading another parrot because he prays to another parrot than his ? What makes us human is this very ability we have to inflict pain and misery to any other life form on this planet. Love, compassion, sense of justice, etc... those aren't exclusively human, we actually share that with many other animals. Not everything with every animals but you're totally wrong if you think this is what makes you a human. What makes us stand apart from any other animals isn't really something we should be proud of.