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Everything posted by r0nalxd

  1. r0nalxd


    I don't have much time to elaborate on my own topic, but there was one hit already on the searchterm blowgun (click here), which state the following: On top of that I want to add sleep-inducing blowdarts. Don't get me wrong, it could be overpowered (put the opponent to sleep in a second and then kill him easy). To counteract this there are a few options: Status message stating your character feels dizzy (sleeping dart)No instant sleep, but a delayed effect, amount can be seen by the blurryness of the screen?The poisonous or sleep-inducing substance can be counteracted with certain remedies (which should be spawned in med-kits/hospitals/on top of medical cabinets in houses)Dart penetration can be limited (shooter has to hit skin or face or thin layers of clothing)These are some of my ideas, but I have more, but I lack the time to introduce everything in one go. I would love to hear the community on this and all it's pros and cons.
  2. r0nalxd

    Axe sounds like arrow and alerts zeds

    the crossbow is on a list to be implemented in the game (link here). the arrow-like sound is a placeholder for the new sounds that are going to be in the game. but always good to check out stuff, but you should check out this post of Rocket with known issues (link here).
  3. r0nalxd

    Blood on hands when searching a body that was shot

    I don't think rags alone would resolve the bloody hands, perhaps only soften the effect?
  4. Take my beans for that one especially. However, I want the blowgun to have a non-lethal option too! I love the idea to have the option to shoot on sight (because the other one has his weapon out and pointing) and not kill. The other player regains consiousness with a burlap sack and handcuffs while hearing my voice interrogating him. If his intend was pure (scared of bandits/zeds), I knock him out with my fist, uncuff and unsack him and walk away. If he gets abusive (curse you bandit!), he gets the bullet (; . But also take the beans for the other suggestions, great thinking. Give those brains some food (beans) and rest.
  5. r0nalxd

    Custom Avatar Faces and A Apocalyptic Feel

    Concerning it still looks like Arma 2 and character customization, I have one word: Alpha. They will definitly develop their own look and feel, but they have to start somewhere right? For the alpha, of course character customization is limited, but I'm certain future patches and updates will add more to your starting character choices. Concerning wear and tear of your character (giving him that mean survivor look), I think that should progress over time, after your character washing ashore. The more hours you survive, the tougher you look. You can also find a machete now, so perhaps you can perform a hardcore machete shaving session? Bandits could humiliate you by cuffing you and shearing your glorious beard? There are many, many things suggested here, but indeed character custimization should be big, it also makes you want to survive when you have that awesome look on ya.