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About devvz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. devvz

    US #1357 Locked server

    Obviously you guys don't understand the rules for DayZ servers that comes straight from a community support member... The server is still locked by the way.
  2. devvz

    US #1357 Locked server

    I'd be glad to hear it. Sort of why I posted it here.
  3. devvz

    US #1357 Locked server

    Good point. Should be blacklisted IMO even if they take off the password. That kinda stuff isn't cool on persistent servers.
  4. Server Name: DayZ - US #1357 ( [VET] [-4] [testing] Multiplay :: testing testing Timezone: EST Date/Time: 8:21pm, 7/31/12 Server Administrator: Unsure What happened: Just noticed a locked server when looking for one to join. 4 People in the server, 3 with [iCE] clan tags on. I bet they're "testing" how easy the loot spawns at NWAF :/ Evidence: Attached.