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About michaeltimp15

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. michaeltimp15

    From now on I trust no one.

    I feel the same way. When I was still on DayZ mod bout 4 years ago I had a friend who eventually stole all my gear, blew up my truck (forgot the name, the huge supply trucks...now that I think about it, its probably why he wanted to keep our gear in separate URALS!! I remembered it :D) and relocated our base. I found out where it was cuz im sneaky like that, and I flew a plane into his base (I feel douchy saying that, if anybody out there lost somebody to 9/11 im sorry, and I hope ur doing ok) and just left the server. Anyway, if you have DayZ standalone and you want a small alliance, contact me and ill hope to see you soon! (steam account is michaeltimp15)