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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. Valadain

    How much authenticity is too much?

    I agree with this, though there is a line. In real life, even if you do everything right, you might die. In a game though, there should be reward for doing things right. So getting sick from an untreated wound or not properly dressing or sheltering? Just fine. Getting sick just randomly because you looted a guy who was sick and you have no way to know? Not so good, unless there's a reasonable chance to have medication at any given point. Being sick and hunted, dropping down prone and riding that sway to pop off a shot right as the cross-hairs pass your hunter's head? Good. Doing the same but "missing" because of random bullet physics? Bad. There are some things that are realistic, but wouldn't be good additions. Manufacturing flaws with bullets (pristine bullets that don't discharge, but that you'd have no reasonable way to know that they wouldn't). Genetic diseases, like dropping dead of a random heart attack. A bad roll when eating and choking to death alone in the woods. Cutting yourself while opening a rusty can of beans and dying of blood poisoning. Generally, anything so random that playing well isn't a factor at all.
  2. Valadain

    Couple things need to be addressed

    "Weapon Flashlight" is a little confusing as it only attaches to the M4 right now I think. But I'd imagine it will fit more later. Not that it is all that confusing as it doesn't really make sense attaching it to any of the other weapons. Of course, I still tried just to see. I can also see how the different optics might be confusing as well. Particularly considering they are ruled more by game mechanics and balancing than reality.
  3. Just a small suggestion to keep you alive. Don't swing an axe like a baseball bat. Ever.
  4. Surely, you at least know that it takes more than modeling and art work to add something to the game? Not to mention, that isn't at all what you said. You said they probably have a different team working on bugs as the one working on forward development, which is unlikely. You have to have a pretty big shop for that luxury. I also recognized your point as valid... that it would be different people... so not sure what you are taking issue with?
  5. Valadain

    De-Sync issues ever going to be fixed?

    Not sure if it is the same issue as mine, but if you have surround sound headphones, turn them to stereo. The ocean sound seems to play when I first log in, like it thinks I am new-spawning and the channels for the sound are seriously messed up.
  6. I don't think that will really help anyone, this is a bad bug. I think I just got lucky that I swapped my M4 for an SKS in between the patches.
  7. Valadain

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    Err... I get your point, but you really shouldn't hold someone up without checking if he has friends around first. Teamspeak isn't going to magically make them appear, just direct them a little.
  8. No need to surrender, I wasn't attacking. I do this crap for a living, so I was just sharing my viewpoint. I've actually had to make this particular call on multiple occasions and had a similar result on one of those. Put a low-risk patch in to fix a big issue right before a critical-use time and made things worse by creating a new issue. It sucks, but doesn't necessarily make it a bad call as it works out most of the time. I'd chalk it up to "bad luck" more than anything.
  9. It really depends. A memory leak is a tough one, particularly when it isn't affecting everyone (I've not had any problems at all since the patch). And they were trying to fix what was considered a pretty big issue. Probably before the weekend so that those people could play. It can be a really tough call.
  10. Hmm... I must have hallucinated all the warnings that pretty much told me flat out not to buy the game when I bought the game. I'm not brainwashed, I just actually read the warnings and knew what the heck "early access" meant. I like the development model and would rather it not be ruined by people who think they bought a finished product and that it should be supported like a finished product.
  11. Valadain

    What Is Your BIGGEST Pet Peeve In DayZ?

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one bothered by the tuna/sardine inversion. Most of my issues were already brought up. To add a new one to the list, I suppose the lack of water around areas that clearly were used to raise crops and/or livestock. It is nitpicky, but trying to survive without using an out-of-game map, I would expect to be able to use logic to find water. Logic for me, actually means that you don't rush to a city for water as it generally relies on electricity for delivery. Logic to me is to head to a place where water must exist uninterrupted always, which is a farm.
  12. You dropped your money on, basically, an instant gratification kick-start. You pre-ordered a game that lets you play before it is finished and ships. What you paid for is something that will come much later, not your experience now. Now, while I'll agree that the "alpha" talk gets annoying when talking about mechanics and design, things to which the state of development doesn't necessarily apply. Here we are talking about a bug and how a company develops a game that isn't even in official release testing yet. So yes, to this conversation, "alpha" is an appropriate response.
  13. That's likely not true, but the point is valid. The guy who introduced the bug is likely going to be the guy who fixes it and probably won't be the sewing-kit guy. Nor will all bugs be fixed before new features are added. You triage bugs so you don't halt forward progress. The memory leak is likely at the top of the list and the guy who introduced it is likely having a work-a-thon weekend. Stand proud my developer bretheren and ignore the people who just click past the incredibly visible warning that this game is in early development.
  14. Valadain

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    As a person who has shot all of the weapons being discussed on multiple occasions, I will spare everyone my spewing of gun information and simply say "Gews is right". On all points. I'll only add here, that if I pick up a rifle for the first time ever, grab a handful of military surplus ammo, then fire at a target, putting the sight on the same point every time, what I'll get is a decent grouping somewhere other than where I'm aiming. The point? Consistency. Yes, the bullet may not hit where I'm aiming, but it will hit where it is going to hit, acurrately. It isn't going to fire once off to the left, once off to the right, then above or below unless I've somehow grabbed a handful of "random" ammo or my scope is loose. The same gun, regardless of condition, firing the same ammo, regardless of quality, is going to give you consistent shots. You can compensate for this with skill. You can't compensate for random.
  15. Valadain

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    I agree that the game needs more depth, that is part of why I put my money in on an early access game. So they can fund more depth. But that depth needs to be things that bring players together (in cooperation AND conflict). In short, something that is rewarding enough to value your life less, not more. If you tie someone to their character too hard in a game that has permadeath, the forums will be flooded with rage-quitters and threats of lawsuits for dying from a ladder. In short, you will die in this game, no matter how good you are. So the depth has to take that into account.
  16. Valadain

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    Maybe some, but most do it because they want to do it. These are the same people who go out of their way to a PvE server to kill people. I'm telling you, if you make a valuable reward for surviving, everyone will kill on sight.
  17. Valadain

    Its not the Rain, there is a massive Memory Leak.

    I'm guessing nobody here has had to track down a memory leak? If they'll have a patch ready on Monday, someone is working right now and likely through until then.
  18. Sure, I just wouldn't necessarily vilify the hackers yet as, while many may not have noble motives, they are providing a valuable service right now.
  19. Valadain

    Yo, fun, not

    Sure, but what is done likely won't make him happy was my point. Even with the loot changes likely to come, I expect people will still die of starvation while learning the tricks to survival. Right now it is to find areas that are less likely to be looted.
  20. Valadain

    Yo, fun, not

    This isn't even an alpha issue. For a game to be a surival game, it means people who don't do things right are going to... you know... not surivive. It means you are likely going to die a while before you find a survival strategy. There's plenty of food to be had off-grid, you just have to play around and find some places. Trial and error. Error in a survival game is also known as death.
  21. Now is exactly the time you want all the hackers going full-bore, not at release.
  22. Valadain

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    The primary reward for staying alive is that the jerk that tried to kill you failed.
  23. Valadain

    Mosin Recoil Balancing

    I'm not against sniper rifles, in fact I hope they add some other options and nicer scopes (but as others have said, along with some items to give a chance at spotting snipers). However, if you were seeing your shot land, the recoil wasn't like actually firing a Mosin. I don't mind more realism with the guns. The Mosin is a beast. It's been a long while, but I seem to remember having pretty good luck seeing a Savage .223 land through the scope. I shot quite a few rifles that day and it was over ten years back, so I may have it wrong.
  24. Valadain

    "Military" weapons chambered in .22LR

    It doesn't fit well geographically, but an AR-7 would be a very interesting .22 lr gun to add. You can break it down and store it in it's own stock, so it would be something you could carry around in a fairly compact inventory space, at the cost of having to assemble the rifle prior to use. Aside from that, I don't know why a straight-up Marlin wouldn't suffice for pretty much all your .22 long-rifle needs. You can pretty much get any kind of magazine you want for it, wood or composite stocks, scopes, what-have-you. One rather interesting thing they could do with the introduction of a .22 is allow craftable supressors made of car oil filters.
  25. Valadain

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    At first, I thought the beard people were crazy. But I have come to understand the ways of the beard and agree. The "reward" needs to be fairly light and inconsequential to game play or everyone will be paranoid of dying and kill anything that moves on sight. The threat of losing some deep skill tree or other nonsense would make any other living person not connected to you through blood-bond a terrible risk that must be eliminated. With a beard though, its just a quick shave and a chance to grow out your majestic whiskers once again.