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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. Yeah, it is kind of the opposite of "Authentic". Scavenging is authentic, as is some amount of modifying. Taping magazines together? Yes. Repairing clothing and backpacks with duct tape? Yep. Popping a mirror on a stick to see around corners? Absolutely.
  2. Valadain

    Sleeper Servers

    Why not just flip a coin before you log-off for the night and Heads, you log off, Tails, you jump off a tall building and log-off?
  3. Valadain

    Happines Meter!

    That's not how depression works.
  4. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    Was just curious and yeah, that's the way to do it. Personally, I can get the mouse to the right spot much faster than an analog controller. But if you can get it there, that's all that matters.
  5. Valadain

    Dayz "ladders"

    If you really want to see something that will give KoS a moment of pause, add C4 and dead-man-switch.
  6. Valadain

    Character Customization: How far should they go?

    I would say, as far as they possibly can as a lower priority. Ideally you could fairly well recognize someone uniquely from others by chosen facial features and hair. That is authentic and realistic. However, not the most important thing for a long while.
  7. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    I have no problem with that, but for what it is worth, I was talking about the steam "console". Not suggesting this stay PC only forever.
  8. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    The whole exclusive thing is to make up for profit lost from releasing to other consoles. That is, steam would pay an amount that was good enough that not releasing to other platforms would be worth it. I agree with you on the rest. So long as they keep it till after release and so long as release is good and stable, the early access bit is moot.
  9. Bases will probably launch some cooperation, however, everyone will need to understand that groups won't necessarily be formed through in-game happenstance. Some groups will be friends that know each other outside of the game. Some will be people who trade steam info in-game. It is rather unlikely that a hard-core RPer that will never step out of the game or recognize players between spawns or look for friends while journeying around is going to find a stable group. You are going to have to step out of game a bit and find like-minded people. Because bandit groups will form. They will not be your friend just because you are running around in bright clothing and keep your gun put away. They will probably KoS you... cooperatively.
  10. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    There is one subtle point here that is being missed though. The early access model will fail if it becomes seen as a way to milk PC/Steam users out of their money in order to fund something that is of no benefit to them. Honestly, as steam is working towards delving into a console-like market, they should throw some funds in to lock down DayZ as an exclusive.
  11. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    When you are taking those long range shots, is it at stationary or moving targets?
  12. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    I assume you are hooking a controller up to your PC to play? This game has a lot of strategy in the shooting, so pure reflex aim isn't always the key factor. When it is, I will be very surprised if your controller beats a keyboard and mouse.
  13. Valadain

    Happines Meter!

    For the most part, other people tend to make me less happy.
  14. Valadain

    How DayZ has changed in the last few patches.

    They are in an early testing phase, not a polishing phase. Making you happy or mad is how they figure out whether what they are doing is right and I expect it will happen quite a bit more before they get things right (or wrong). All said, definitely worth the money so far for me. I've been enjoying it, though I really need a compass as I've been lost in the woods far too long. The one thing that I think would really take this game to the next level isn't actually something the developers can do. It would be if the community could realize that the KoS and Heros are all playing the same game and understand the role each plays in that game. And that the game doesn't work without many different styles of play.
  15. First time you break your leg or take a non-lethal shot to the backpack, you'll understand how terrible that idea is. Not to mention, it will incredibly ramp up shoot on sight as nobody will want to risk taking a punch to the head and ruining all their equipment by trying to communicate. Right now, it is pretty wonky, breaking your leg and destroying the ammo or pistol in your pockets.
  16. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    A lot of people don't realize that they tweak the game to make aiming easier to compensate for the terrible interface that is a game controller (for FPS that is).
  17. Valadain

    A console version would kill this game tbh..

    That won't happen. Consoles require that you use their network, which doesn't allow any other platform on that network.
  18. Valadain

    Reusing cans

    How do you re-close a pop-top can?
  19. I have to laugh at this whole conversation as, while I'm not KoS myself, without them there is no authenticity. This isn't a survival game without people trying to kill you.
  20. Valadain

    There are simple not enough guns in this game.

    How much ammo did you find? Finding guns is nothing. Guns last forever and will absolutely outlast the ammunition supply.
  21. Valadain

    Let's talk about heavy weapons

    I gave you beans. Who cares if it increases PvP? It is an integral part of this game. Do people not realize that the whole thing that distinguishes DayZ from something like Left 4 Dead is the player element? There are plenty of zombie PvE games out there, I own quite a few. They are fun. I picked up DayZ because it adds a whole new element of having to be strategic against thinking enemies. Players. Not AI shambling, wall-walking-through zombies.
  22. If you have brass, you don't need a factory. You'd need that to make brass cases. Reloading isn't all that complicated, just make some gun powders spawns, some lead molds, and rare-spawn presses. You'd also want to let people pick up their own brass after firing. Though honestly, that's a lot of work for little gain. I'd just go with putting in more types of ammo. Make ammo for civilian weapons more common and ammo for military weapons far less common. You can also put some decent environmental obstacles around the military ammo (like hordes of military zombies that are a bit tougher). Once bullets are a bit harder to get for military weapons, full-auto has less appeal (which it should anyway as it is really for suppression fire, not killing people). Ramp up the .223/5.56 damage to what it should be and you'll have everyone on a fairly level playing field. I like the idea of improvised weapons, but aside from a bow (which, by the way, would be tough as shit to improvise) or a crossbow (even tougher), you are mostly going to have melee weapons. Melee weapons don't level the playing field, unless you make them unrealistically powerful (see Far Cry 3, automatic melee death). Which, by the way, is really the only decent way to do melee in an FPS (focus on the approach and animate the result as actually fighting is just a mash-glitch-fest in first person). I think they made a huge mistake by just not putting in binoculars right away. More prolific in-game maps and compasses would also help a ton as people wouldn't feel the need to stick around the death-fest areas and get frustrated. Removing sniper rifles (easy to do by just making the Mosin more authentic by disallowing optics) until there is a properly unrealistic sniping difficulty would also help a lot.
  23. Valadain

    DayZ with an Xbox controller

    I'm not positive, but it seems like if I stop moving, my weapon responds quickly. If I am moving, I have to keep clicking till it takes. I'm wondering if there is some ghosting issue in the server communication. I know it isn't hardware as my keyboard handles more simultaneous buttons than I can possibly hit and I'm not even using my keyboard, but my mouse, to pull weapons (and it is the only button I'm hitting on my mouse).
  24. I just hope that players don't also become scarce. I'm interested in the vision and will take the ride, even this direction (though I'm starting to think the things that seemed really fun about the mod were just things he couldn't find a way to take out, like the Arma part). I won't lie though, if the game is all just melee, considering it is an FPS format, I doubt it will hold much appeal to me. Melee in an FPS format is not skill or strategy, it is just button mashing and glitchy spinning.
  25. Valadain

    Mosin is single load now

    Ugh, yay for completely outdated posts. Well, if anyone doesn't know how to fix this, at least I posted it. Eject and reload.