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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. Valadain

    Counter the brightness at night time

    I don't disagree with what you've said, but when I log into a night server, it is the same as if my monitor has just been turned off. So... Yeah, not what you are describing. In reality, I actually see very well at night (the trade-off is lights at night blind the crap out of me). So unless it is a pitch black night, I can see just fine most of the time. So yes, I would have no problems going out at night. In this game though... You can't see anything unless you smack the gamma up.
  2. Valadain

    There was a guy- a fully geared guy-

    Since it means someone basically wearing the known best tactical gear, I vote for "Tacticlone".
  3. Valadain

    2 Ways To Make Bloodbags Useful/Increase Teamwork

    I agree, but that wasn't really the point. The point is to bring worth back to blood bags. Put a medical ID on people and bandits will steal your blood, then shoot you on the fifty/fifty chance they don't need to waste a test kit.
  4. Valadain

    Counter the brightness at night time

    It doesn't matter if the people using gamma continue to use it as long as others can be on equal footing with them without having to do the same thing. That's why I said they shouldn't be hard to get. Not to mention, they can just make the night vision work a bit better than the gamma. As for sticking to the spirit of the game, I agree, but that would really mean not playing at night. Nobody in their right mind would go out in a zombie apocalypse at night with no way to see.
  5. Valadain

    Slipping down hills ..

    The only problem is that mechanics like this are why we get broken legs walking down stairs or climbing ladders. Trying to create realistic mechanics across a very fluid terrain create mistaken triggers that cause nonsensical accidents. I can just imagine someone walking over some pipes and going into an uncontrollable death roll across perfectly even land, breaking both legs and falling unconscious. Aside from this, I generally suggest they stray away from too many "gotchas". They may be realistic, just as dropping dead of a heart-attack for no apparent reason may be realistic, but they will remove too much control from the player. Yes, in real life, you have very little control over your own fate, but in a game, control over your own fate is sort of the point.
  6. Valadain

    Counter the brightness at night time

    Good news, now they just need to put them in and make them something less than rare (maybe uncommon, but not rare). Gamma problem solved, everyone on equal footing.
  7. Valadain

    Counter the brightness at night time

    This. Gamma can be set on the monitor, in a multitude of video card applications, as well as in-game. The only thing they can do is actually not render what cannot be seen (guessing this would have to be post-processing, which wouldn't help much as it can be turned off as well) or fix night to be fair for everyone (basically, let everyone see). I understand what they are trying to do with night, but it really just isn't going to work. First, I play at the same times about every day, so if I'm on a server that is light during that time (which I am), I will never experience night. If I were on a server that was night, I'd never experience day (i.e. I wouldn't be able to play). Honestly, unless they are going to add night vision, there really is no purpose for having a night cycle the way they intend it to be (dark as hell). Any reasonable person would be holed up and sleeping during that time. The only people running about at night would be those who could function (night vision). So, in short, without night vision, I agree. Make it day always, maybe an extremely short period of dark between dusk and dawn to keep the overall day cycle in place. Or add night vision items.
  8. Valadain

    Server Hosting Without Paying Or Singleplayer/Lan

    Unrealistic isn't the word you are looking for there. In a real disaster of the magnitude in this game, people would be shooting you for your shoes.
  9. Valadain

    2 Ways To Make Bloodbags Useful/Increase Teamwork

    I really don't understand why they don't just tell you your blood type period on spawn. The test kits would be to ensure the guy you may have just stolen blood from isn't lying or to test mixed up blood bags or found blood bags. I don't think it is at all unauthentic to actually know your own blood type without having to test.
  10. Valadain

    Sprinting while shooting handgun

    Walking and running yes, sprinting no. Sprinting is running as fast as you can, pulling a gun and trying to do anything with it is going to take you back to running.
  11. I meant, as people start joining those servers to scavenge other people's backpacks.
  12. Valadain

    Anyone else been alive since you got DayZ?

    Actually no, it depends on when and on what server you log in after the patches, I've not had a single wipe since I started.
  13. I was saying, that I think you don't have to worry as I'm sure they'll bind to the server where they were dropped.
  14. That's a self correcting problem as the low-pop servers would cease to be low-pop.
  15. I highly doubt they would have these across servers or you'd have backpacks popping out of nowhere around you.
  16. I actually doubt either of those things would stop players from shooting on sight. If you have less bullets, you'll want to take the shot that uses the least of them. Which means, unaware target. Zombie changes will just change where people are killing.
  17. I would think that is why they would start with backpacks. You can store a backup weapon and some food and water, but not really a ton of stuff and no rifles.
  18. How do you have bases and groups without some ability to store things? Playing with others is pretty well a "persistent storage" system as they either watch your stuff or pick it up for you to get back.
  19. People really need to stop thinking of this as a "perma-death" game. It is a "lose your inventory" game. Perma-death only really works in single player. In multi-player, you just meet back up with your friends again, you remember the map, you know where to go... If you delete all signs of a character on death from the server, you make things unrealistic for the other players. Are you going to be happy when you find a player's stash, start looting, and poof it disappears because the player died? Also, by the way, the reasons for backpacks that I can think of is that they can't hold primaries. Only backup weapons.
  20. Valadain

    Anyone else been alive since you got DayZ?

    The only death I had was day one, went to the top of a barn, magically teleported to the roof, slid off and died. But, to be fair, I haven't been able to play as much as I'd like and I've been lost in the woods for several days (can't for the life of me find a compass or maps).
  21. I actually have the opposite fear, that it will be nothing like the mod. Crafted weapons is an interesting addition, but it only makes sense for melee weapons. The idea that someone is going to craft a bow and arrow that does more than launch a stick randomly or just flat out break is far, far less realistic or authentic than the idea of finding a crate of M16s in Russia.
  22. Valadain

    KOS WTF?

    What's the point of getting smacked to death by a zombie while looting? It is just an environmental hazard. Find a new strategy and you'll get some gear.
  23. For me, it is the fact that they walk through walls and sometimes the axe just magically passes through them doing nothing. Their range can also sometimes be simply amazing.
  24. This. Find a way to interact with other players that doesn't leave you at their mercy (or lack thereof).
  25. Why do you assume the KoS all run solo and have no friends?