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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. Valadain

    Soda can suppressor

    If you are going to craft a suppressor, it should be from an oil filter. Though even that isn't exactly easy without ignoring some things. But we ignore those things when attaching a compensator to a Mosin, so meh.
  2. Valadain

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    You don't "die out of nowhere" unless someone is hacking. They are somewhere. You failed to check your surroundings and died. You certainly have every chance in the world to fight back. Don't just shamble into town and walk straight up to the hospital. Don't loot exposed roof-tops if you haven't cleared the area. Stay low and keep things in between you and hills or tall buildings. That aside, more zombies is good. Degrading guns is not. I'm good with needing to clean them, but that isn't parts degrading. Reducing ammo and increasing zombies at the same time will have the opposite effect than you intend. It will be much more economical to one-shot a player alone, away from zombies, to loot their ammo than to waste a ton of ammo going into towns to get more ammo.
  3. It likely won't impact solo players as it only happens when you've reached a condition in which you wouldn't have been able to recover from yourself anyway. You are Unconscious <Heart Problems Here> You are Dead
  4. Valadain

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    I suppose I don't understand why you'd want to deter something that isn't a problem? I personally don't KoS if I can help it. But without them out there, hunting, I don't think I'd have half as much fun.
  5. Again, doubtful. The only official word on it was that it was a complication of bringing a player back after a severe wound, not something that would happen from running around.
  6. Yeah, if it happened, it was a bug. He said it happened on stable which doesn't have the system in place.
  7. Valadain

    Effective deterrent to KOS?

    You do know that KoS isn't cheating right? It isn't exploiting a mechanic. It is a part of the game. An intended part of the game. There are valid reasons to kill on sight, even as a "hero".
  8. Valadain

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    I just have to ask. If you've spent several days with a character and they suck so bad... Why don't you just kill them?
  9. Valadain

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Yeah, lots of zombies all around and removing the ability to actually kill them... I don't know that I'd stick around to play a "run from zombies" game. Personally, I like the KoS. It adds challenge to the game far beyond any AI will ever. It really isn't that hard to avoid them. Just don't head into town without sweeping the perimeter. It is actually kind of funny walking the sniper spot and seeing the feet of the oblivious snipers hanging out of the trees.
  10. Based on the interview posted in another thread, this is meant to only happen when you are down, not if you are walking around after a fight. Considering the recent changes to where you take less damage, it will likely just equalize back to a death you are familiar with, just with more complications to patch you up afterwards.
  11. It doesn't seem that the heart-attack is meant to be random, it is a complication when you drop for something else (starvation, shot, axing). Just a complication that must be dealt with when a character completely drops. I expect that you won't notice much as normally you'd just be dead, but this gives a chance to bring you back if you have the complicated medical equipment necessary. As for priority, in alpha priority isn't game-play, it is determined by code architecture. You have to build these fundamentals into the health system to build on top of that. If you put all the game play stuff in first, then you have to do a lot of rework to get the fundamental mechanics you want.
  12. I'm not discounting it, but you made yours from a kit. Making one from scratch would take some things that aren't that easy to do. And it isn't like they would be sitting around. Modern guns would be all over the place. Not to mention the entire lack of fun that would be having to fight only with muskets. I won't complain if they are added as an option, but I just doubt anyone would take that option over any other gun.
  13. I actually should have clarified, I mean the accuracy of some kind of "crafted" musket. The problem I would have with existing muskets is... you aren't going to find them nearly as commonly as modern guns. As for making black powder, I don't doubt you. What I doubt is that there is youtube in the zombie apocalypse. That's the point. Unless you already knew how to make it, there isn't an easy way to learn how to make it, short of being or knowing a chemist who could work it out from a recipe (assuming you could easily find a recipe). And again, not against muskets being there as an option, just pointing out that it isn't "more realistic" than having modern guns around. It is less realistic. Also, just to be clear, since this is text, I'm having a lot of fun with the game and not trying to fire off some "doom and gloom" stuff here. I would certainly like to keep firearms in the game, because I want to keep playing it.
  14. I agree that realism should not always trump game-play, but many of the calls for improvised weapons to be the "norm" are calling it realism. It isn't realism. The fact is, that this game will take place in a very strict time-frame from the fall of civilization. If it is within six months, scavenging should be the name of the game. If it is two years out, yes, not as much scavenging. If it is twenty years out... Well, rocks.
  15. Valadain

    empty beans can body armour

    I think this is covered. Empty bean cans wouldn't do a single thing to protect you from anything unless you layered them so thickly, you couldn't move.
  16. Here's the problem I have with generally reducing guns (hopefully won't happen and they will just balance them more towards civilian style guns). Melee -> Awkward in an FPS always and useless in a zombie apocalypse as imagined for this game (fast zombies in droves) Thrown -> Completely useless and unrealistic. Learning to throw a weapon with accuracy is hard. You know what else is hard? A skull. You aren't going to kill zombies with thrown weapons light enough to carry in any quantity. Bows or Crossbows -> Useful, good addition, but the idea of crafting them is absolutely unrealistic unless they are extremely under powered. A player with a full backpack and a helmet is going to be nearly immune to bow-fire from the back. If it is a biker helmet, any crafted bow isn't going to get a head-shot period. A professionally made bow and a direct frontal hit would probably wreck someone's day, but even a bit to either side and it will glance. Muskets -> You aren't going to craft these. Their precision is nil. 99% of people wouldn't even know how to properly load the thing. Powder would be far harder to find than ammunition for these rifles. You can make the powder... If you happen to be or know a chemist.
  17. Have you considered that they might be using you for testing? Knock the LRS Mosin out and see how effective the range is on the SKS or Blaze? See what guns the snipers move to? Wait, i shouldn't give away the secrets.
  18. Go to steam. Look up DayZ. Scroll down to Development Road map.
  19. I think you might have missed the part where the other guy said "when you die you go to another server" That is to say, you can't go back to your group. You have to play alone on another server. Which is just damned silly. Base building has already been put forth, with base building, is persistence. Through death. No game is going to institute true permadeath. They aren't going to delete your game. They aren't going to kick you off the server.
  20. Valadain

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    I absolutely respect what you want to go for here, but technology doesn't allow the experience to be universal. Anything put in the game that isn't as good as jacking up the gamma, will just put players at a disadvantage.
  21. Valadain

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    Just curious, do you know that when you say "should be extremely rare", you are actually ensuring that it is "a big advantage"? The advantage is just one person having and another not having. With the existence of gamma (which will never be solved, so don't think this to be the case), night vision should just be available around for those who don't want to use the slider "inappropriately". Right now, there's no point to night. If I play with my gamma where it belongs, night is like I flipped my monitor around. It is unrealistic that I'd actually be bumbling about in that kind of dark. Since that is unplayable and I don't want to futz around with my gamma, which is on a fine setting, I just have a monitor with good contrast, I use another "exploit", which is to pick a different server. One where I can see things and interact with the environment.
  22. It wouldn't work as it would completely wreck the multi-player experience. Hey out-of-game-friends, what to hop on and play Dayz? Oh, sorry, we are all on different servers. You are right in one sense though, that is the only way you get anything resembling perma-death. But that's the thing. This game isn't perma-death. It is "lose everything on your body" death. Which is still a pretty harsh loss. But you'll never get your "reset everything on the entire account to zero". Aside from obvious things like bases (what is the point of cooperation if you can't make any changes at all in the game world?), you can't strip away knowledge. Also, as the servers reset less frequently (loot spawning), you would easily be able to drop a backpack and come back for it after death, just not days later.
  23. Oh god, how much I do not want to play a revolutionary war simulator... Why even use the Arma engine if we throw out modern guns? Ugh.... So much ugh...
  24. The survival aspect you seek can't happen for various reasons. One, if you have everything run out and no more, people will hop servers. The game experience will change over a short period (meaning, guns for a couple of days, then no guns forever.. which means.. why even have guns?) There will be re-spawning for consistent game play. That means some will loot, horde, loot, horde, then have the ammo they need to do what they want. So scarcity really becomes time, not resources. I'll tell you flatly. The survival aspect of this game is the human aspect. Sure, they can do a lot with Zombies, but at the end of the day, they will be AI and the true threat will always be actual intelligence over whatever else they can simulate. The more you ask them to take away from you, the less you will have to protect yourself. Just keep that in mind. The truly vicious are going to find what they need.
  25. Valadain


    There are some great Russian swords. No need to resort to katanas.