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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. Valadain

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    ... Bikes are OP? I... The world is doomed.
  2. Let me video how I hop a fence and we can compare that. I can also video-tape myself not eating for three hours to no ill effect. Or perhaps I could show you what it really takes to put a muzzle break or a sight on a Mosin? A game, no matter how it attempts to be realistic, is still a game. There are compromises to be made. So you should really re-form this into a suggestion as you infer that it is broken, which it is not.
  3. Valadain

    Just wanted to share this

    You guys have got to stop making this KoS stuff so black and white if you want to be taken seriously. If three armed guys roll up in a place where they know someone else is hanging out and start yelling out demands in chat, they aren't looking for hugs and trades. They are looking for trouble.
  4. I may have given the impression that the thought of PvE private servers bothers me, it doesn't. I'm just trying to give an alternate way to think about the current game so people can relax and enjoy it a little more.
  5. I agree, though I took the post to mean "why force people to choose PvE or PvP only". Might be a mistaken reading on my part. The lack of rules is essential to the authenticity.
  6. Good for you, and that isn't sarcasm. I agree with you up to one point. Stop trying to change the minds of the PvP players and start thinking of them as NPC challenges to your efforts. They are basically unpaid actors, bringing a unique challenge to the game, with absurdly two-dimensional play that does little more than provide you with bonus content. What is a hero without the villain?
  7. This is exactly my position. Nudity doesn't bother me, but I fear it might make the torture and abuse a little too real. They need to find a way to detach corpses from the player so that people can legitimately log to avoid severely abusive hostage situations without the "combat logger" stigma. I'm all for authenticity to a point and don't care at all if consenting adults choose to role play this way, but nobody should be forced into these kinds of interactions (sexually abusive ones).
  8. To the OP, you should really talk to this guy: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176082-where-are-the-45-mags/ He's pretty upset that you took all the .45 ammo and I think he might try to rob you.
  9. Valadain

    Where are the .45 mags?

    Talk to this guy, he took them all. You should find him and rob him. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/176066-cant-seem-to-find-an-56-ammos-only-45/
  10. No joke. I was walking through Elektro backwards, with my eyes closed and fell asleep for a few minutes and *bam*, out of nowhere, "you are dead". Gotta stop those damned jabbin' stick kids. Can't use a real weapon like a hand club and beat a man to death in twenty minutes like the rest of us.
  11. Valadain

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    Then he should be careful about making your character life more valuable when player interaction is so dangerous. I really don't understand why people think this will reduce KoS, it will increase it. It might reduce people trying to go Rambo while being robbed, but that really isn't too much of a problem. Or rather, it can be dealt with pretty easily.
  12. Valadain

    Add Skills to the game

    Non-combat increases through usage don't bother me. If combat or gun usage becomes skill based, anyone I see with a gun will be shot.
  13. Nope, that's just step one. Next patch they take out all other ammo and you can only use player made weapons. You can craft from a rock, the "hand club" or from a stick the "jabbin' stick". All inventory slots will be gone now as well, since having more than one hand-club or jabbin' stick is OP. Also, if you yell friendly in voice, all weapons will break and you'll only have the "hug" option.
  14. How is being hunted by the best AI you can imagine not a challenge to survival? Pretend the KoS are E and you are set. They don't interact with you, except maybe some clearly scripted death chants and seek only to shoot you in the head.
  15. Valadain

    Is DayZ TOO Easy?

    Question: Are you playing on a full server?
  16. Run... Out? God, that would be horrifying.
  17. The verdict is still out, lets see how my "SKS and Mosin are not military" comment is received.
  18. I for one, would much rather have a three round burst. There is a reason the military has moved to that as a standard for these sorts of rifles. Still, any amount of automatic fire is generally the determining factor for "military" or "not military".
  19. SKS and Mosin are not military weapons, they are civilian weapons now.
  20. What do you mean by "gear"? Clothing? It is more rare, just people prefer to wear military-style gear. Tactical Vest? There isn't any difference between the military and civilian tactical vests. Armored helmets? These are only military, civilians are just going to have surplus. Guns? There are only a few guns in the game and exactly one military gun. I'm not sure why people are using it, but meh. But, I guarantee if I were to go get a civilian long-range rifle, put a scope on it, cover it in some nice camo.... people would start labeling it a "military gun".
  21. These types of things would be pretty rare as they already are rare. These items don't get issued to every soldier, you don't need tons of them, and there are no civilian equivalents. I don't think that's a problem. As for vehicles, the ammo for them would be in extremely short supply for the same reasons above. There aren't civilian equivalents to the rounds generally. But .223 rounds would not be extremely rare, nor 7.62. Certainly not 9mm, .38 or .22lr
  22. I still have to laugh at the idea that military gear is "the best". It isn't always the best. There are some advantages to military gear, but in a world without infinite ammo, I would use an M4 no differently than an AR. They are nearly the same gun, but the AR just doesn't have a fully automatic mode. But then, if you are trying to actually kill someone, you aren't shooting fully automatic. You are doing that to suppress return fire. If something like this were to actually happen and you offered me an AR or a fully automatic AK-47, my considerations would be durability, reliability, and accuracy. Not the size of the bullet or the rate of fire beyond semi-automatic.
  23. Valadain

    To stop Kill On Sight, we should make life more valueble

    I agree. I'll tell you honestly, that all this talk of making my character more valuable is actually pushing me more towards taking a KoS approach. Right now, I value interaction and others above my gear (I could care less about the gear, I can get it again pretty easily). If, however, my character can't shoot straight without using guns often and over a period of time. I will make sure to keep that skill razor sharp and kill anyone with a gun rather than risk dying and losing that progress.
  24. Realism is for mechanics. The state of the world is all about the story. Nobody can argue realism one way or the other without knowing the full story. I could say, that if there are military bases, there would be full armories that wouldn't possibly be able to be looted quickly. But then the story could say that there was enough time for the military to pack it all away and head out of the area to another base. I could say it is realistic that you should find handgun ammo all over the place as it would be the least important during the actual apocalypse. The story could say that hand-guns were all but non-existent in the area due to poverty and stringent gun restrictions. Without the story, there really isn't any context in which to say "it would be this way" or "it would be that way". That said. I'm not looking to play a Dead Island MMO. I'm not going to run about trying to kill a horde of zombies one at a time with a sharpened stick. Nor am I going to go through the entirely game-breaking lack of immersion that comes from throwing knives into zombie heads as if they were made of butter not bone. If guns aren't here, I won't be either. That isn't to say "I want it this way so it must be this way". I acknowledge that the game may become something other than what I expected and that is fine. I've been happy. I don't consider my money wasted in any sense. To those who don't want a call of duty clone, don't worry. It will never be one and that has nothing to do with guns or no guns. The combat in this game will always be far more strategic and the interactions far more authentic. What many who say this mean is that they don't want to get shot. I wish you luck on that. I think you'll probably be disappointed with the result of being stabbed to death with pointy sticks and taken out by arrows "from nowhere" should you get your dream of a generally gunless game.
  25. Valadain

    why are people doing this ?

    The real question is, if they had won. Who would have gotten your gear? What would have happened after that? I like to think that someone would have quickly looted it then gotten lynched himself.