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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. Considering there is no way to block melee attacks or reasonably shift your body around to dodge right, I don't much care about the realism of the machete. Again, a failure of an FPS to deal reasonably with melee.
  2. The stun gun should give you non-lethal take-downs without an enormous amount of programming new mechanics. As for lethal take-downs, I wouldn't generally favor them. While they are the only half-way decent way of doing melee in a first person perspective, melee would become even more of a spinning glitch-fest as people try to get behind other people to kill them quickly. Not to mention, without some pretty complicated grapple mechanics, it isn't much realistic.
  3. Valadain

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    1.) Motion sickness 2.) My brain compensates for head bob in real life So. No.
  4. Valadain

    Remove guns from the game.

    It is a new an innovative survival game, that has nothing to do with guns. Nobody here wants another COD or Battlefield. Arma, well yes, somewhat Arma as that was sort of the whole core of the damn game. The problem with your melee idea is that melee in a first person shooter sucks. Sacrificing basically the core of the game play for what? So you can interact with your murderer? Interactions will evolve as content is included. It won't stop those who want to kill, but it will give them options.
  5. What BadAsh said. authenticity vs. realism
  6. Valadain

    Sun is Blue now - is this Cryis 3 or what?

    Nope. That is to say, no it doesn't entirely fix it.
  7. Valadain

    Remove guns from the game.

    I would like them to keep Zombies, if they can fix them and make them a good element. I do agree that they need to take a hard look and make sure that it is possible to make them a good element and if not, focus completely on other things. That said, I don't see Zombies as the primary antagonist. They are the environmental hazard that must be cleared out. That is, there should be some strategy available to "clean" an area and suppress their spawn (something fairly temporary). Basically, a repair mechanic for areas (not necessarily large areas, maybe even as small as buildings and the area directly around). I could care less about TPV. If it is there, I'll work around it. If it isn't there, I'll work around it. It isn't a one-sided advantage. Honestly, I'd have more problem with someone playing with Oculus Rift while other people don't have it. And to be clear, I don't actually have a problem with that, so not sure why I'd care about a slight advantage of 3PP (TPV).
  8. Valadain

    Remove guns from the game.

    Yes, I often tell pollsters about all my illegal activities... But even assuming they are illegal, does that make them not exist? As for the ammo, you are flat wrong. Particularly in rural areas where you can't easily hop to the store and buy more all the time. Most gun owners I know keep at least 500, generally more on the range of a thousand rounds on-hand. That isn't actually as much as you think it is. I'll personally blow through 50 to 100 just on a day of target practice. When you buy a Mosin around here, it is common to get it with a tin of ammo, 440 rounds I believe. That isn't even taking into account police stations, police cars, ammo and gun stores, gun ranges, military bases, and your occasional survivalist. As I said, you can argue what you want for game mechanics, just don't pretend it is for "realism".
  9. Valadain

    Remove guns from the game.

    Wanting the S in the FPS isn't just for KoS or CoD players. I don't play that way, but I want my S. I uninstalled the FPM that was dead island after a few days of boredom.
  10. Valadain

    Remove guns from the game.

    Ok, full realism time. How about we assume a low-low population (considering how many big cities) of 250k across the entire map. Now lets take an average gun ownership rate of 20% (Russia is 10%, Serbia, which is much closer to the idea here is 60%). Lets also assume a low 200 rounds per weapon that people have around (it should really be much, much higher, particularly in a rural setting, but we'll assume that nearly all the ammo was used in the apocalypse). So, you now have... 50,000 civilian weapons. 10 million rounds of ammunition. Add to that the military weapons and stockpiles, which based on numbers in the same region would be far more than civilian, but lets just double it to 100k weapons, and 20 million rounds of ammunition. Sound good? No? You don't want realism. Please stop pretending to want realism. You want what you want and that is fine.. to a point. If we are head-shotting zombies with throwing knives, that is a bridge too far for me at least.
  11. Valadain

    Remove guns from the game.

    Sounds like Dead Island the MMO. The pinnacle of realism.... or something.
  12. Valadain

    Sun is Blue now - is this Cryis 3 or what?

    My complaints about the sun: 1.) Way too bright and god-rays, they burn. 2.) Lens Flare... Please god no lens flare. The color seems fine to me. Just please, no lens flare. And tone it back just a bit for most of the day. Right now, if the sun is anywhere on my screen, I am blind.
  13. Valadain

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ME.....and every survivor

    I seem to be the only person not having trouble with this. Never died to a ladder. Never broke my legs on stairs or ladders or uneven terrain. The only strange thing I really had indoors was that I was teleported to the roof of a barn once when on the top-most level. Slid off the roof and didn't even break my legs, I just flat died. My only difficulty with navigating has really been opening doors and getting on the right side of them, though I've mostly figured this out now and can do it smoothly. The only thing I can think is that I crouch when going through buildings. Maybe that is the trick?
  14. Valadain

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    I don't think they should be VERY rare, just require some work to repair and maintain. Group play is pivotal to this game, so once they make it impossible to run everywhere, they need an alternative to actually get to your friends and play.
  15. I have no doubt the unlimited sprinting will go away around when vehicles appear. I won't mind if they revisit strafe movement, so long as they get the other stuff in first. The last thing we need is our simplified sniping along with "realistic" movement, and more people being killed and yelling about KoS. I'd still be curious to see how they can achieve positive realistic movement in first person, while simultaneously putting in restrictions for realism. The alt-head-movement is nice to have, but awkward as hell.
  16. And I would urge them to consider the results before they spend so much time and effort. Right now, we don't have a lot of issue with people not getting shot due to crazy strafe moves. The one exception being running around a player at close range, but that's the shooter's fault. You let someone get that close and there's a number of bad things they could do to you in real life that they can't in the game (grab your weapon, grapple you, latch on to your back). But, if you fix that, then you need independent arm and hand movement to aim the gun over your shoulder or fend them off with one arm while shooting with the other... In other words, you make one thing more realistic and it exposes the unrealistic area somewhere else. It is best to find balance than to fall down the hole of forever tweaking every single little detail until you have the matrix (or rather, an unplayable game that is never finished). In short, I find things pretty well balanced right now, if not fully realistic, and I'd rather have realistic ballistics and guns, more types of guns, and other content than people falling over or freezing in place when trying to evade.
  17. Valadain


    I don't much care either way, but just for educational purposes, improperly maintained roads turn to potholes alarmingly fast. Also, skateboards are a bit louder than I'd recommend with zombies about.
  18. I don't disagree in general, but considering all the things you can do in real life that you can't in a game, why put realism in this one spot?
  19. See, the problem is that you are trying to play, rather than test. Stop that.
  20. Sure, but I don't think the suggested changes make it more realistic, just more difficult. In real life you can switch directions while keeping a central focal point without too much difficulty. In game, in first person mode, that is very difficult. So I see it as a trade for authenticity rather than a failure of reality. The whole point of strafe in an FPS is to allow some semblance of independent head movement that doesn't take keyboard twister to achieve. It isn't to mimic reality, but to give some sense of mobility that would otherwise be lacking. It also happens to be why I don't want the game to be all melee and bows. Movement isn't going to hit full realism. You can either make it more comfortable or more restrictive than reality. I think right now it has a good balance.
  21. I agree, but I think the current mechanic is good enough since you can't really circle strafe and shoot effectively. It might make people harder to shoot, but there are a lot of things I could do to make myself harder to shoot in real life that I can't do effectively in the game, so I call it even.
  22. Valadain

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Personally, when I say "this won't stop KoS", my intention isn't to throw my hands in the air. My intention is to get people to understand that they need to stop thinking about things in terms of KoS and no KoS. We need content, certainly. I don't spend my time killing people randomly, so I absolutely want more content. Not to stop KoS, but to have things to do. Avoiding KoS isn't the point of the game, it is just one of the survival aspects. I'm all for more zombies, crafting, building, repairing, and other things that we can do to have fun in the game. I also want KoS out there hunting me from time to time. I don't want to feel safe walking up on a city, knowing all I have to worry about is zombies. The only thing I don't agree with is the idea that guns should ever be so rare or ammo so rare, that it becomes a secondary weapon to melee or bows. Melee is terrible and always will be in an FPS. Thrown weapons are idiotic, entirely. Sorry, but they are. Not only is it hard as hell to get good at throwing edged weapons, but most of the light ones aren't going to brain-dead a zombie. You'll be lucky to get it in the skull at all if it isn't a heavy item like an ax. Bows are interesting and certainly have some advantages, but I think those advantages are enough without taking guns out of the equation. I certainly don't demand that the game be made around my specific requirements, but just as information, not as "rage quit", I probably wouldn't continue playing the game if it was just bow-hunting zombies.
  23. Sure it tries to be realistic, but it will fail sometimes and succeed others. That was the point I was making. I haven't seen anything wrong with strafing, seems to work fine for me. Sounds like you want it to work differently (a suggestion) or you think you have a real bug, which you'd want to report.
  24. I get what you are saying, but you know there's a whole world out there besides the two? Barretta is everywhere, not American. Glock is everywhere, not American. For this particular request though, there are probably more American guns that meet the criteria for rifle + handgun on the same ammo, it isn't all that common. What is more likely is pistol and SMG. You could do a Taurus Judge and a 410 shotgun, or I think .45 Long Colt. Generally speaking though, you are going to be dealing with a hand-cannon if the rifle is any good.