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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. The sawed off shotgun is basically a pistol, not a rifle.
  2. Running and zombies makes sense honestly. Unless you are getting them around alone, I wouldn't be running into a group of them with a damn axe or a sharpened stick. Not in a world where a flesh wound might turn septic and kill you. Honestly, I'd be setting up traps, popping a few to get them following, then lead them to their death. From as big of a distance as I can. I wouldn't be slapping them with boat oars or trying to perfectly chuck a knife at them, knowing it was more likely to bounce off their skull than do any harm. I doubt I'd be axing them in the head either, as the skull is a pretty thick bone, so the wear an tear plus potential difficulty of popping the axe back out to fend off the others would be tricky. The only reason melee in an FPS is a good solution for zombies is because it is wonky as hell and pretty much works like a free and silent bullet. Not for any sense of "realism".
  3. Don't much care as a lot of rifles would realistically be found with slings on them already. It makes sense for the axe if you don't have a backpack, but you could find a way to attach it to the backpack. Honestly, the better solve for melee is to make smaller melee weapons more useful for zombies and then you don't have to have people running around with big axes on their back. They don't have to make them as effective for me to use them and at that point, they could even make the axe take up the primary slot, so you can't reasonably lug around a giant axe and a rifle at the same time. Add a hatchet that can be slung at the waist to use instead. I would actually rather see some better strategies for taking out zombies than melee anyway. Like putting out some traps and fresh meat for bait.
  4. That is why I'm generally skeptical about the idea of reducing firearms and moving towards crafted and thrown weapons. Neither is very realistic and I actually prefer the idea of scavenging in a world full of stuff, but now light on people. I have the feeling that there is a game Rocket wants to make, but it doesn't much resemble the mod that drew me to this game. I'm hoping he is willing to adapt and compromise to keep something that is fun to play. Dead Island tried for the whole melee and thrown weapon zombie game and just felt completely wrong to me. You aren't going to launch a kitchen knife into a zombie's brain-pan. You might get a sharpened stick spear to do the job, but it is going to take some effort and it probably won't be much usable after the first kill.
  5. The answer is no, because you don't have to drop your rifle to pull your pistol. I have an SKS and a magnum (and a sawed off shotgun, because why the hell not). I use the rifle when clearing the perimeter, and the magnum or shotgun when clearing houses.
  6. Valadain

    A Little Ingame Humanity?

    Some people help others and some go on a looting rampage. Some kill. Some horde. Even the "mentally sound", when faced with banding together with people, will be wary of newcomers, protect their stuff, and probably kill if they must to survive. The trouble with killing on sight, is you, having been killed, have no idea what the reason was. Did you just get popped by someone that is randomly killing or did a lone survivor kill you because you were carrying a gun and likely to come across them and they didn't feel confident they could control the situation? I was playing solo at one point, heading to check out the north east air field, running the perimeter to ensure it was clear, when I saw a pair of legs poking out of a tree in front of me. The guy didn't realize I was there, so I had really two options. Kill him or walk away. Being solo, it wasn't really going to be possible to just rob him, no cuffs. I wasn't going to disarm him and run him around the air field in front of me as it would be too big of a distraction. So I sat there, aiming my gun at his head and decided to just go loot somewhere else and left. Honestly, I should have just killed him, but to him, it would have seemed like random KoS.
  7. Who said that? Stop using the "for realism" argument and just say you want something and people will probably stop pointing out to you how unlikely it is that someone would have the extremely specialized skill of musket manufacturing.
  8. Valadain

    Disruption of body functions after a gun fight

    Why can people only think things half-way through? What is the natural result of making any bullet wound a royal pain in the ass? Ensuring that you kill anyone with a gun, straight out, no warning, from as far away as possible. In short. More KoS. Not that I don't think that things like this should be added, but really, the "reduce the KoS" is getting as improperly used as "for realism".
  9. "with very little skill" is false. You would really need to know what you are doing to get the whole thing firing right, unless you are directly lighting the powder, which is also a bit tricky. If we were talking ten to twenty years after, maybe people would be picking up these kind of skills through a lot of trial and error.
  10. Valadain

    Dual monitor support for multi-tasking

    It is actually kind of interesting, but at least in Arma II, the freaking windows cursor doesn't get disabled. So every once in a while, if I have something like my steam friends list on the other monitor, I get hover popups and have to "roll" the mouse back to the left to put it back on the other monitor.
  11. Valadain

    Are People Keeping Characters Between Sessions?

    That is likely the case. Part of why I've lived so long is that I keep ending up back at the same mid-population server. When I venture out to another server, there always seems to be something bad. The last one I was on, I kept getting voices that sounded like they were right behind me, but nobody was there. It also had bogus server messages on log-in.
  12. Valadain

    Are People Keeping Characters Between Sessions?

    Had the same char since I started (well technically about five to ten minutes after, as I experienced one death due to teleporting to a barn roof and sliding off)
  13. Valadain

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    It isn't realistic at all, at this point it is more "tradition". Some FPS decided that it was real and everyone followed suit, even though it isn't.
  14. Valadain

    AKM or the AK-47?

    Yeah, I'm actually dreading the day they start introducing actual civilian rifles that aren't odd-ball rustic looking ones, and people start screaming about "too many military rifles". Most of the rifles people have trouble with (sniper rifles) can be purchased by civilians or have very close civilian counter-parts. Really, aside from fully automatic weapons (including 3 round burst) and explosive weapons, there aren't any "military" weapons.
  15. Yes, actually, the fashion police will be with you shortly. Don't resist.
  16. Actually, yeah that is all you need, so long as your scrap metal comes from another M4.
  17. Valadain

    Would you play a game with real permadeath?

    There actually is a way to do it, you make a world sufficiently large (large enough that it would take an extremely long time to walk from one side to the other, if even possible), with no map and no global communications. When you die, you respawn with nothing at a random place on the map. The problem is that such a game would not allow playing with friends, so you would need a friendless player base.
  18. Valadain

    Would you play a game with real permadeath?

    I give you beans, because you understand.
  19. Realistic really doesn't matter anyway. It wouldn't be fun and fun does need to be taken into consideration in a game. I would quickly uninstall this game if it turned to musket warfare. Ugh.
  20. Valadain

    AKM or the AK-47?

    Any AK is fine, put it in and switch the M4 to 3 round burst and give it back realistic accuracy.
  21. You aren't going to be making brass without modern equipment, but you don't have to, as you can re-use it a lot. You don't need copper, just lead. You do need smokeless powder, but again, won't be making it. You can make primers, but not easily. You'd have to find the parts, which depending on where you are, could be very easy or very difficult. However, making a good arrow from scratch is also hard as hell. You'll need some machining equipment to make good metal arrow heads. You can make them out of flint, but I would be surprised if anyone here could do it after a few months of practice (not just make an arrow head, but make one that actually flies straight). Quite bluntly, unless you are driving nails through base-ball bats or sharpening a metal plate, you aren't going to be realistically crafting weapons.
  22. I don't care about nudity, but honestly, until content is added and we see how people end up generally acting in game, I think it would be best to hold off. Bodily functions, however, no. They won't add anything positive to the game at all. There may be some survival elements that could be explored with it, but there are plenty of survival elements that could be explored without the heavy down-side.
  23. Valadain

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    It isn't really even debatable. It isn't at all realistic. My eyes move independently of my head. Period.
  24. Valadain

    Would you play a game with real permadeath?

    No. I doubt after very much time anyone would be playing.