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Everything posted by Valadain

  1. Valadain

    Rethink Reloading

    Yes, I fully acknowledge that my country is superior in this regards. But seriously, yes, for some it will be something to learn. For like ten minutes. Then you know how to do it. Opening a can with a knife is an annoying, painful, and dangerous task every time you do it. But then, I also know how to open a can without a knife. So I won't be starving.
  2. Valadain

    Voice Chat. Which? Why?

    My friends and I are using Mumble right now, seems to have almost no delay, which is nice. With vent, my wife would talk right next to me and it would be a few seconds before it caught up in my headset.
  3. Valadain

    Rethink Reloading

    No, opening a can with a knife is way harder than replacing the magazine on a gun. It just is. Heck, I can field strip an unfamiliar weapon faster than I can open a can with a knife.
  4. Valadain

    Rethink Reloading

    Sorry to nitpick again, but if you are releasing a magazine that isn't empty, it almost certainly means there is already a round in the chamber. No need to futz with charging again. In fact, if you do, you lose a bullet and will have to add "pick up bullet from ground". With a bullet in the chamber (swapping a not yet empty mag or on the very last shot) the steps are: 1.) Remove Magazine and put away 2.) Pull magazine and insert into well 3.) Fire gun
  5. Valadain

    Rethink Reloading

    Just a quick note, for most semi-automatics, you just release the mag, put a new one in, and hit the bolt release. You don't actually charge the weapon again, it locks open when empty. So for instance, the set of steps in the OP is wrong. You don't lock back the charging handle, it is already locked after you fire the last round. You just swap magazines and hit the release. It doesn't take a combat veteran to do that. The only hard part to swapping magazines is putting the empty away and pulling a loaded magazine. There is also no "preparing the magazine". You grab it in your hand and shove it in the well. No trickery with modern magazines. With a tactical vest, the times we have are generally fine. Without a tactical vest, it should likely be a bit longer. If you are keeping your magazines in your backpack, it should take even longer. Still, very minor in the grand scheme.
  6. Valadain

    How do you deal with zombies?

    I try to be friendly to them, give them food and guns, but they just keep attacking me for some reason. Damn KoS zombies. I think we should remove hands from the game. Edit: I actually had a funnier response in mind, but I became hypnotized by omgwtfbbq's signature.
  7. Valadain

    When can we lock servers?

    My guess would be "not until there are private servers". Because, you know, a locked server is really the definition of a private server.
  8. I think most people get this. I think the idea in general is that people (I am one of them) would like the sound engine to not be seen as "polish", but rather as a core system. Sound is very important in this game, particularly in hardcore mode. Don't get me wrong, I understand "alpha" and am not complaining at the pace, just throwing my opinion out there on the topic. I personally don't have as much fun playing as I could due to the random noise placeholders (why they wouldn't use empty or inaudible sound clips I can't say, but oh well). I personally find it hard to play seriously (well as serious as you can while testing) when any number of random sounds make it seem like people are around, but nobody is. I've heard eating, reloading, footsteps, and even phantom voices. I'll tell you that was fun. Hearing "stop, get down on the ground" as if it were right behind me and I look around and absolutely nobody is anywhere near me.
  9. Valadain

    Pistols and mags

    It just doesn't make any sense. Either it is being stored and should have magazines with it or it was dropped. If it was dropped, in death, it would have a magazine, possibly with bullets in it. If it was dropped for lack of ammo, it would have an empty magazine in it. Probably a few other empties as well. I'm not sure why anyone would drop the gun but then carry the empty magazines tot he other side of the city just to drop one there, then presumably head to an entirely other city to drop another? The one scenario that might play out here is if the gun were broken or if someone already came upon the gun and took the magazine (presumably because they have a pistol of the same type). But as we are the survivors, it should be us that does this, not some invisible NPC.
  10. Valadain

    Pistols and mags

    Yeah, I think people are confused about just how much more common rifles are in general. And cheaper too. Particularly military surplus rifles. Or how many people keep scopes on their rifles. I'd honestly expect to find far more scoped rifles and shotguns more than anything else in rural areas and handguns in more urban areas. People don't want realism. They want the game they want.
  11. Valadain

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    A guy can't be a pretty princess? What kind of sexism is that!?
  12. Valadain

    Try not to freak out

    Starting a project with a lot of people is completely different than injecting a bunch of people into an existing project. They've already scoped it and found that they could get where they wanted by end of year. Even so, they doubled the staff to help out, which is quite an undertaking. Tripling or quadrupling the staff would be a bit extreme, would slow things down, and honestly not be very fair as they'd probably have to cut most of them right after the project. Not to mention, 30 million dollars is not as much as you think it is.
  13. Valadain

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    I should have clarified. I understand in gaming in general, some people don't associate themselves to their characters. I don't understand in a game where you regularly speak to other players. Seems a bit off to have a girl walk up and talk like Barry White.
  14. Valadain

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    It is very normal for you to be curious at your age... Oh wait, different conversation. I don't understand it either. Generally the answer I get is "if I'm going to be looking at my character's butt all day, might as well be pretty".
  15. Valadain

    Really, devs?

    I haven't seen that confirmed anywhere, just that military spawns will reduce. I can't say for sure, but I have a feeling you might be disappointed at the lack of naked rock-bashing in this game in the end.
  16. Valadain

    Missing gun: Found :)

    So... Not that I don't get the inherent unfairness of looting up a low population server while others are trying to loot on high population servers, but my question is how low population servers will ever get to be high population servers if nobody joins them?
  17. If the ocean doesn't sound like an indie heavy metal band falling down a flight of stairs on a double-decker bus careening into a glass factory, I just don't think it would be DayZ.
  18. Valadain

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    Snipers are not OP, you just need to adjust your strategies. Binoculars definitely need to be added right away. Long Range Sights should not be craftable. There is an insane amount of work that goes into making optics. Doubtful that you could even repair them adequately.
  19. Valadain

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    I demand that they defer all things gun-related to Gews directly. Ok, not demand, but I'd certainly prefer if they either pay attention to someone who knows what they are doing (Gews) or just pop back in the Arma values.
  20. Valadain

    SKS capacity/loading inaccuracy

    If it starts in Texas, it won't be an apocalypse at all. Just a minor skirmish.
  21. Valadain

    SKS capacity/loading inaccuracy

    Why would I need more than one cell phone?
  22. Valadain

    Craftable Guns

    There are really only two types of guns I could see being crafted. A zip gun, basically a disposable one-use gun with no accuracy. Or a 410 Shotgun. These are actually pretty easy to make as they are just a tube and something to hit the primer on the shell. I think it would be nice to be able to disassemble guns for specific gun parts, but I think it would lead to guns degrading at an incredibly unrealistic rate. Still, it would be very gun specific. You aren't putting a Mosin bolt in another rifle or making a new gun out of an M4 lower receiver.
  23. Valadain

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    The problem is that this mechanic doesn't even the playing field. It still comes down to who has the better reflexes for a sudden gun-fight. As others have already responded though, tactics is the differentiator. Learn and use strategy and tactics. Unfortunately, this mechanism also hurts that ability. What good is it to plan and excute your approach, come in behind the enemy unaware, carefully line up your sights with no twitch necessary, then miss, miss, miss, hit, miss....
  24. Valadain

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    You need to read my post. There are no private servers yet, only public hive servers. You can't be linked up to the public hive and have different rules or it causes issues for the general public hive players. So to have a public hive server, you have to follow the rules all public hive servers follow. Once private servers are available, I would assume you could do what you want with your server.
  25. Valadain

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    Truly, I suggest they don't, anymore than I suggest they randomly decide who can run fast and who can't, who has good eye-sight and who has bad eye-sight. Who can box like Mohammed Ali and who can't. Who can swing an axe correctly and who can't.... Leave it to the player. There is no need to falsely simulate reality where ability and skill is concerned, that is the player element. What they bring to the table in this game. Now, the limitations of the gun itself, sure. Any environmental things that can be added? Great. Some sway when standing? Absolutely. Wind? Why not, if it can be done.