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Everything posted by yardpro

  1. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    Another winner that can't read...no... I played WoW and GW2...from the looks of the intelligence level here I think I might be better off with the 12 year olds in Azeroth.
  2. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    I did. Repeatedly. What's the point of posting a reply if you don't read the initial post?
  3. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    Ok so we're gonna do the thing where I say yes and you say nu uh... I guess it's my turn...KTHXBAI ...edit spelling
  4. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    I'm sorry, but that's simply not true. I get the login timer every time for any reason. And yes I include the times I log into a server where I have red latency and simply can't play. Why is this even up for debate...if people are complaining don't you think it might be because it's an issue?