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About yardpro

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    Meh...got another string of bad loggins again...I'm done...$30 PoS game...Elder scrolls comes out soon and this will all be moot. Thanks again Skyline for being fair.
  2. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    yeah but then I repeated ad nauseam in 15 different posts...that it was an hour and a half broken up into 15 minute burst...log on...log out...stare at the screen... like I said before...you didn't read. You assumed then you made an ass out of you. You don't come in as a dick and then try to be fair...piss off. edit...memes and gifs and vids are weak. use your words.
  3. yardpro

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    I think they wanna funnel people to the same place to incite violence...or at least give the already violent the means to be violent. But I agree...at least make a few random items appear throughout the world. Can I get ANY backyard-shed-loot-love?
  4. yardpro

    The Awesomeness of the burlap sack

    THIS coolest bags in the game!
  5. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    Thank you I will try that.
  6. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    I VERY CLEARLY SAID I log on and get booted after 15 minutes or get bad lag so I can't even draw my weapon. So I relog. And that was fine and fixed the problem but now I get punished for relogging I never said I couldn't log on for 90 minutes. I am not here just to gripe. I thought you were sincere but now I see you are either drunk, incompetent, or nuts. Please move along to another thread thank you.
  7. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    LOL K ...just for shnitz n giggles...what do you base your theory on?
  8. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    THIS THIS SO FRIGGIN BAD I WANNA SCREAM Edit No tuna for my man skyline...nothing but PRISTINE SPAGHETTI!
  9. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    I just pointed out three people in the last three minutes with similar issues. I'm sorry but now I have to believe you are fuggin with me.
  10. yardpro

    The new logout system is bad. Very, very bad.

    Happened to me today too. Twice. But it's all in your head.
  11. yardpro

    Leaving new server immediately

    Why aren't you telling him there is no issue like you told me?
  12. yardpro

    Leaving new server immediately

    No one else is having that issue! Or so people keep telling me. No massive booting of players off random servers. No ridiculous lag spikes! It's all in you head!
  13. In before...there is nothing wrong with the game, ALPHA, you whine a lot, no one else is having that issue etc. Hang in there dude...not much help for people with problems here.
  14. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    What conspiracy...it's common business practices. I worked for blizzard support back in the 90's and this stuff was in their printed manual. Obviously not in those words...but same result... Deny and deflect to buy time while they fix it. Also...for the 50th time...there is no huge connection issue...just laggy servers. But a 5 minute delay added to relogging makes a minor issue into a pain in the ass. Now for the love of gawd take 5 seconds to see if maybe I have a point instead of using every single one of your brain cells to tell me I'm wrong and maybe just maybe you'll see what I mean.
  15. yardpro

    Talk about priorities...

    How do you know it's not happening to most people? And honestly I read all of your advice...but none of it was good. I'm sorry you're butthurt. And I could give a fig if you like me or not silly little man.