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Everything posted by shadowxwarfare

  1. shadowxwarfare

    I have never had so much fun

    Ok, let me start off, I know full well this is an alpha but there are still way too many problems. Server hopping, 2minutes is completely worth it. How come people can still combat log? Had six people combat log on me today. Unconscious system, still not working, epipen, defib, both not working. Furthermore, if i click respawn, i would like to respawn, not have to exit the server and rejoin first, and guess what? That means waiting now! This has been in for several updates, why not fixed? No fall damage either. And to top it all off with the release of the standalone, the influx of new players is unbelievable, good mostly but you get some real idiots. One guy, saw me, combat logs, logs back on four minutes later right behind me! wtf? Finally, disappearing items and "duplication" bodies, where it appears to duplictate, but really everything just disappears if more than one person tries to loot, with everyone ends up ploosing stuff, really not fair. And really devs, you've done a great job, but surely, there should be no glitches in the actual one if they've already gone through the beta testing! Why put glitchy and broken items into the real one when they're not working! Sorry for the rant, but it really needs to be said.