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About liljestrand

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. liljestrand

    Where to find SKS?

    Dont know what type of building it was but in cherno in one building I found 4 sks's. The best way to describe it is its the only building I've found with the vending machine in the lobby, and each floor is a long hallway.
  2. liljestrand

    Are there any noob friendly servers?

    I agree with wierdbeard. I just started out also and I've been sticking servers that have 5 or less people to try and get a feel for the game and learn the map. Except last night when I got shot at the first experiences I've had with people have been good. I met a guy in some random town that waved and we both ran off on our own way, and the second time I came across 2 people teaming up together. They asked if i had looted the current town we were standing in and then pointed me in a direction of a bigger city where I would most likely find better supplies, since i couldnt find anything.
  3. liljestrand

    my first oh s#@t moment

    hahaha to be fair i was running from one building to another. not like i was running down a road.
  4. liljestrand

    my first oh s#@t moment

    I know you were just messing with me. The reason I assumed it was a sniper was because i was in the middle of a road not close enough to be hitting anything. I was running to the store on the north? side of electro? I think. Could have just been a random sound effect. Would be funny if they threw those in just to fuck with people
  5. liljestrand

    my first oh s#@t moment

    After I got up to a tree line and looked around to see if I was being chased or not I did log.
  6. liljestrand

    my first oh s#@t moment

    I recently found out about this game so I have no history of playing the mod and only have about 3 hours into the standalone. The first couple times i started out I couldn't find anything and eventually died to zombies while trying to fist fight them. I tend to stick to the lower pop servers just so i can get a feel of everything. Well last night things were actually going pretty well. Found a huge backpack and found lots of random supplies. I made my way to electro i think it was (still dont really know the areas but it looked familar from a video ive seen). The oh s@#t moment came when I went to go into a store and heard a bullet bounce off something near me. I can say this is the first time a game has actually made me jump. I was able to run off and find cover so I'm assuming it was a sniper looking to pick people off.