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About patrinoss

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I played wow for 6 years and always did pvp. now I play dayz and also pvp. I enjoy this more because when I kill some one he loses everything. Anyways ,locking a server isnt a bad idea. makes it harder to get loot but they should fix the respawn rates of loot first before they lock a server and increase the player cap. speaking about wow , wow has pvp and pve servers. they should do that here also. so ppl donte wine when they get killed. I also never kill fresh spawns only ppl with guns and some gear. waste of bullets to kill a fresh spawn nothing to steal from him :> and a nother thing you call this a survival game what would you do if you see a dude with army cloths and a m4 in his hand running around town wait and ask if he is friendly >? moste ppl will kill him steal his gear. in nature only the strongest survive.
  2. Hello I am prob one of the cod kiddies your speaking of and.. I know what you mean and I agree with your statement of lowering ammo. But now is too early,what are you going to do in the game besides crafting your own backpack and find food and water ? I Gear up a new char in 4-5 hours when playing on a low populated server. that is with food guns and whole soldier stuf on when I got all of this stuff I get bored and run to the city to kill ppl. I think alot of ppl do it this way. just because there is not much to do in the game atm. and if you donte wanna get killed by one of the so called cod kiddies stay away from airfields and big citys.