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Everything posted by lordkalvaire

  1. lordkalvaire

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I understand they can remove ability to peek over walls. But corners? Seriously?? How would u place the camera, behind the head so u can't see s*** while PLAYING? Go play first person view only then.
  2. lordkalvaire

    Exp Update: 0.55.126981

    It was me at the prison who held you hands up to the cell and missed the first shot at my surprise as I was holding the mosin at my hip. Unfortunatelly I ruined that ak74 mag. But thankgod that can opener was still intact.Actually I didn't spawn under you. I swam all my to the island. I even lit a fire on the shore. When I was not cold/wet anymore, I took my gun and started walking up the main prison hill, aware that someone could be inside, knowing for a long time someone was with me on the server. As I was approching the main door, I was already earing loud footsteps on metal flooring. It was obvious there was someone inside. I was ready to kill. Once inside, we finally met. Your gun on your shoulder I yell HANDS UP. You obeyed. I thought for a second that I could make you drop all your loot to the floor and you would have swam to the main land. And I changed my mind, and pulled the trigger. Twice. Next time I would suggest that you keep your gun in hands ready to fight, and listen to your surroundings. God, I filled 3 PET bottles with all those tears.. Cheers
  3. Do no reload with 30round mag, if you don't have enough space to put it in ur bag (2x2 slots), it's gone forever, it doesn't even drop on the floor. :( it just happened to me.
  4. lordkalvaire

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

    Half past elvensies almost lunch! LOL
  5. lordkalvaire

    Feature or Bug?

    I think it's a bugged feature.
  6. lordkalvaire

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

    You're welcome
  7. lordkalvaire

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

    MSI afterburner 3.0.0 beta, supports 64-bit apps overlay like bf4. Greater than EVGA precision IMO
  8. lordkalvaire

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

    Because russia.
  9. lordkalvaire

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

    Found akm right next to it on the bed, this is the second drum and first akm i find on stable, found drum once on exp. When I dropped the m4a1 I had 3x 60 stanags, unload and load works now, I didn't had that <3 on bottom left of the screen.
  10. <3 At the bottom left of the screen, and ammo is gone forever. I don't know if this has been discussed, but it happened since exp 0.45 and still in stable. Looks like the devs are trying to make a joke here.
  11. lordkalvaire

    shaky sights

    yeah sometimes it does, sometimes its very still. don't know what's causing this. (of course im still no heavy breathing)
  12. lordkalvaire

    If you have a 75 rounds drum for AKM...

    I found one since the restart of yesterday. They seem to be very rare.
  13. lordkalvaire

    I won't lie, I'm quite excited

    Things like akm, longhorn and large vest are back on experimental since this morning. Currently wearing them.
  14. lordkalvaire

    update exp to 0.45.124426

    But can't join any servers yet, waiting for them to update. And I don't see any steam update this is weird.
  15. lordkalvaire

    update exp to 0.45.124426

    Stuff that has been removed is back , i have my akm with longhorn and some nice military clothing with extra large vest ^_^
  16. lordkalvaire

    update exp to 0.45.124426

    I start to see Aus/NZ servers, remove the ping filter.
  17. lordkalvaire

    DE Experimental Server 45.123906

    noticed that zombies are back to easy. No more HS only.
  18. lordkalvaire

    DE Experimental Server 45.123906

    Just had the update, 149mb
  19. lordkalvaire

    Any friendlies in standalone...?

    They will act friendly when they are fresh spawn. Like everybody does. The random dude with an m4 won't. Stupid thread.
  20. lordkalvaire

    New Experimental?

    I had couples of disconnects because of server crashing. But what annoys me is the game crashed twice to desktop (never happened before). But I didn't experienced any desync on EXP 100/100 or any 40/40 compared to massive desync on the previous 43 stable.(warp back inside building while trying to leave said building) FOV now seems the same between 1st and 3rd person. And you can zoom while ads with reddot.
  21. I'm having same problem. Trying to connect to any servers, all I get is 'please wait...' 'Waiting for host', if I try to connect to another it's 5 min wait and same messages again. Really pissing.
  22. lordkalvaire

    Still lagging.

    Actually it's really not about ur clock speed, u have i5 u should be fine at stock. Try to disable ambiant occlusion it drains to much power for what it gives and see if u get any fps gain.
  23. lordkalvaire

    Did characters get wiped?

    just played like an hour ago, logged out to get a snack, back into another vilayer server, character reset it's been like this since yesterday, if i play 30-45 min, log out and back into same host server, it resets. I always played on vilayer servers and never had reset issues before. -update: now trying default on gameservers.com
  24. lordkalvaire

    The Lag is Real

    i confirm that removing flickering items in inventory restores stability and fps are not dropping to crash anymore, just some spikes as usual. but i observed that my data throught put is more than before, this game is pulling a constant 2mbps, never saw a game that hungry on the interwebz.