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Everything posted by D1ST1LL

  1. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Me & friend found a flashbang and it took a while to figure out how to throw it. Well, didn't go like planned.
  2. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Campfire & friend was fishing.
  3. D1ST1LL

    Killing Bandits for fun

    Not really cool, you're just killing people that you see.
  4. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Guarding Chapaevsk.
  5. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Burlap sack man! It got bugged and was on my head, I was able to see.
  6. D1ST1LL

    Character reset x5 in one day

    Happened to me today, like 4 times. Not going to play if this continues like that.
  7. D1ST1LL

    Character reset

    Happened to me today, bye bye Mosin & Long Range scope.
  8. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I have Photoshop CS6 myself, but I've edited lots of pictures with GIMP too.
  9. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I might see you, but I am sure you won't see me... Offtopic: I used to do a lot of graphic stuff, editing pictures etc. After seeing AirFell's pictures, I might give a shot and try. Need to download few fonts, brushes and stuff first. :D
  10. D1ST1LL


    I know right, but you can't do anything with the bush you've chopped down.
  11. D1ST1LL

    Some weird shit going on down at the train tracks

    That first pic looks like a dog. :D
  12. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    We told this guy that he could leave if he wants to, but he decided to shoot with his M4, so we took him down. He had multiple chances to exit the building. Kill or get killed describes this situation very well.
  13. D1ST1LL


    I was going to suggest this, would be awesome. More use for the axe, hit a tree and pickup the leaves and sprig, tie or tape it on your clothes.
  14. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Day 39 and still no one there to pick you up. :D
  15. Very good game. Even tho there are still some bugs (alpha) I enjoy this game a lot. If you have friends who play this game, go for it and buy!
  16. D1ST1LL

    SKS damage needs to be looked at.

    We had similar problem today, my friend hit other guy like 3-4 times and the other player didn't die.
  17. D1ST1LL

    new patch Mouse issues

    Could you post a short clip of the bug?
  18. D1ST1LL

    What to do next?

    I wouldn't go to NWAF, even if the server doesn't have lots of players online there will be some triggerhappy bandits there. I just noticed this today and I almost died but then my friend helped me out.
  19. D1ST1LL

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Me & my friends near the military base in North. Some guys attacked at us but we shot them down and survived. My friends are not dead they are just on prone :D
  20. D1ST1LL

    Character reset..

    Are you sure you didn't get killed after you logged off? Nowadays your character will stay there for a while after you've quit the game.