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Everything posted by dani360c

  1. dani360c

    Need forced Respawn

    I'm stuck in a room in the big office building where you are not meant to be, and my character is now useless. I have tried to kill myself i every possible way and i am just not starving to death or even a little hungry. Now i just want to be killed or forced respawn or anything so i can play again. My handle is Dani360c and it is the character playing on the regular servers if that helps. edit: and this happened a while ago, so it has now been through two updates.. need anymore info, just ask!
  2. dani360c

    Need forced Respawn

    had the same idea, but somehow i doesn't seem to work for me :/ update: went on a test server that said 100% character resetting, but i somehow spawned in a room about 10 m to the right, a little bigger but still stuck, WEIRD!
  3. dani360c

    Need forced Respawn

    i have had it running for hours while doing other stuff, still well hydrated and energized :(