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Everything posted by TheWanderingMan

  1. TheWanderingMan

    24 hours of game

    am a fukin para m8
  2. TheWanderingMan

    Oh fun - all geared up 12 hours ago, now naked. Fun.

    The guys character got wiped, he doesn't like that fact. Strange forum creatures assume he's a COD player! What a strange knee jerk reaction lol. Get a grip you plebs.
  3. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ Standalone Gun Review- 1911

    The classic man-stopper. 15-30m sounds about right for a headshot imo.
  4. TheWanderingMan

    Filling your weapon and reloading silliness.

    If you can load three clips quickly the mag chargers are great, but everyone who's ever used one will know that it's never that easy. Especially when you're shaking, rushing and under pressure.
  5. TheWanderingMan

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    ^hope your computer blows up bro haha
  6. TheWanderingMan

    Filling your weapon and reloading silliness.

    Mate I'd never drop a mag, been in plenty of contacts and never did it! The quartermaster would have bummed me if I did!!
  7. TheWanderingMan

    Filling your weapon and reloading silliness.

    Mag chargers never work properly, they always seem to jam at the most inopportune moment.
  8. TheWanderingMan

    Filling your weapon and reloading silliness.

    It's a lot better than 99% of other games that claim to be realistic. Sure it'll get sorted in the future. Reloading should take longer though, takes time to open your pouch, take out new mag, replace old one back in pouch and put the new one on.
  9. TheWanderingMan

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    That cat looks so happy to be there.
  10. TheWanderingMan

    whats the first thing ur gonna do after the patch ?

    Sigh or rejoice depending on whether my characters get wiped or not lol.
  11. Having good gear is the only incentive for surviving unless you roleplay in a certain way. Gearing up after death isn't that hard but like someone else said, finding all the attachments and clothing in a style you want is quite hard. If this is the only reason for exercising caution at the moment, then it's a good a reason as any. Perma-death would be a lot more brutal if your character gained something for surviving longer.
  12. TheWanderingMan

    Why don't our characters wear boots properly?

    Beards that get longer as you survive are definitely needed. When we find a Gandalf lookalike we'll know that he's truly a veteran lol.
  13. TheWanderingMan

    Why don't our characters wear boots properly?

    ^The only person In a British infantry battalion that believes BS like that is the RSM and he's only enforcing the regs.
  14. TheWanderingMan

    Why don't our characters wear boots properly?

    Tucking trousers into boots looks stupid and we never did anything like that. I only saw The Americans doing it but even they hated how it looked. We didn't tie ours or wear twisters (boot bands) because in hot places it's nice to have your trousers baggy and airy, plus it doesn't hinder movement. Tie your trousers in any way and they'll ride up over your boots eventually. The British Army used to have pretty lapse standards of dress outside of barracks. On tour we'd have beards, have our arms out and didn't have haircuts hardly ever. This was only because we'd be so far away from any rank we could get away with it. This all changed when the US marines took over sangin in 2008, their commanding officer said we looked like a defeated army. We didn't of course, they were just jealous that we looked cooler than them. Nothing worse than having to worry about how smart you look when you're stuck in PB for months on end.
  15. TheWanderingMan

    Are you ready for a zombie apocalypse?

    If a real zombie apocalypse happened we'd do a lot better than the movies portray! Wouldn't surprise me if governments have a plan just in case one does happen!
  16. TheWanderingMan

    Fully Geared Up

    People care about in game characters more than they care about real people! Get a grip please guys, it's not real has and has no bearing on reality!! No wonder the world is broken.
  17. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    Honestly guys I'm only messing around. Remember bro's!!Q It's only the internet!! inb4 lock
  18. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    The war was won at Stalingrad bro.
  19. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    OR3GONIZ3D strikes again with his superior intelligence!!!
  20. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    Cowboys are a myth anyway. Most of them were black, didn't carry firearms and not a czech shirt in sight!!! inb4 the h8rs
  21. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    lock and ban pls mods
  22. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    ^^Only if she's german, she'll most likely gas you too. Sorry that was too much Got mad love for dem krauts yo!
  23. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    ha pure rape without the symbolism.
  24. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    Europe is totes full of xenomorphs bitch
  25. TheWanderingMan

    DayZ feels American

    he probably thinks Europe is one big country HAHA