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Everything posted by TheWanderingMan

  1. TheWanderingMan

    Allow 2 seperate hand slots

  2. TheWanderingMan

    I tried to be a nice guy...

    nice life....
  3. Get involved bro, a pre-patrol spliff makes everything so much more exciting! I miss the old patrol base days where local goat meat and lovely afghan hash are easy to get hold of. The beards, vests, patrolling in shorts - the perks of being an infanteer on tour far away from the REMF's at bastion!!! The nostalgia is enough to make me teary eyed
  4. TheWanderingMan

    How often do you find a Long Range Scope?

    They're always in tent spawns now, found 3/4 pristine ones on the same loot run. IMO finding them isn't hard at all.
  5. TheWanderingMan

    Tactical Vest

    Maybe there are still some floating around from older characters. I've not seen one spawn for months though.
  6. ^Try and try again brother, you'll make it out eventually! My regular player is in the same situation and I refuse to give up this gear that took weeks to collect.
  7. TheWanderingMan

    Are you kidding me? How is this slander?

    The mods here are very pedantic imo. It seems that moderating powers on here equate to some sort of real life meaning in lives void of any real significance.
  8. TheWanderingMan

    Just now gave the 1911 a chance...

    1911's are notorious for being inaccurate. People want realism and this is it!
  9. TheWanderingMan

    Ballistics damage?

    Pistols are inaccurate IRL, yet so many people on here expect headshots at 100m+. Headshots on a static target on the range may be possible if you're a good shot but translate that into the dayz environment and it's not going to happen like people think it would. Plates may stop the bullet but you'll still be pretty fucked up, most plates only take a few rounds to shatter and the internal damage/broken ribs could easily kill you anyway. Soft body armour may stop shrapnel but not bullets. I still have my CBA and that won't stop a sharp blade. The shotguns we used were 12 gauge and we were told that each pellet hits with the force of a 9mm round. Take five of them to a ceramic plate and I'm pretty sure it would shatter and most likely kill you in the process.
  10. TheWanderingMan

    How do you think DayZ Standalone is going?

    If we all we're getting is useless clothing items then hand bags and flip flops next update please!! inb4 fanboys ALPHURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111
  11. TheWanderingMan

    [Question] M4 and ACOG

    It's nothing more than a fancy looking pea-shooter at the moment.
  12. TheWanderingMan

    "My" vs "your" status messages

    They could release a steaming turd as finished product and people like you would defend it!
  13. TheWanderingMan

    Would love to play

    Had a few lost sessions recently but no other problems server wise. Rubber banding, or rubber retracting is the main issue for me.
  14. TheWanderingMan

    Getting killed by nothing ?!

    A.) I'm 26 B.) A warning point for what? A joke lol. Get a grip m8
  15. TheWanderingMan

    Getting killed by nothing ?!

    ^Internet facist lol.
  16. TheWanderingMan

    "My" vs "your" status messages

    Yeah we want more pointless clothing items, don't bother with making the game a polished and finished product.
  17. TheWanderingMan

    Getting killed by nothing ?!

    I have an invisible friend following me around, he makes noises from time to time but he doesn't hit me. Maybe you have an invisible friend following you, but this one is violent lol.
  18. TheWanderingMan

    "My" vs "your" status messages

    I'd rather have a game that isn't broken, like the removal of the pouncing ghost hyena zombie. Status messages don't bother me if they are functional. The fuck is wrong with you lol.
  19. TheWanderingMan

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    If people are posting p90's why not this lol #wildestdreamscancometrue
  20. TheWanderingMan

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    ok m8 no beef yeh
  21. TheWanderingMan

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    Isnt there mp5's and many other smg's chambered for the .45? If there's already the m4 no doubt there'll be the ump or something?
  22. TheWanderingMan

    When there are only 2 players on the server...

    I usually play early in the mornings after a night shift. Usually all the servers are empty at that time but whenever there is two of us on a server we always seem to bump into each other. Most of the time it doesn't end nicely haha. As a freshie I did the bereznio/NEAF run on 36/40 server and the airfield was deserted and un-looted. Where has everyone gone? lol.
  23. TheWanderingMan

    Version 0.43+ Known Issues List (April 4, 2014)

    ^Happened to me a few times and I've been playing long enough to know when and where to log out. None of this whole 'you were killed during log-out timer blah blah. The rubber banding and flickering textures are annoying me atm, hopefully they'll get patched soon!
  24. TheWanderingMan

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    ^M8 it's not an LA swat game lol or CS!
  25. TheWanderingMan

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    I'd be happy with this, both magazines would be nice too!