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Everything posted by TheWanderingMan

  1. TheWanderingMan

    How much of the map have you explored?

    Found a lovely loot spot up north that very few seem to know about (all doors closed on highly populated servers). I intentionally stay to the fringes and only go into settlements to gather food or ammo. I prefer to play lone wolf although I do like the clan aspect of PvP which is also fun. Maybe I just like the idea of having to survive without any outside help, although I'd crumble if I was alone in a situation like this in real life. Very few people that I've met can actually be truly alone for extended periods of time.
  2. TheWanderingMan

    Poll: How many people would survive the apocalypse?

    Well if it was a zombie outbreak I'd say that smaller countries and island nations would do better, airborne pathogen or not. The larger countries with lapse gun laws would just end up killing eachother a lot quicker. (not trying to have the old gun debate, just stating facts). Society is fucked, so without anymore barriers people would simply go medieval imo.
  3. TheWanderingMan

    Poll: How many people would survive the apocalypse?

    The USA would be alright for a while, until there wasn't any zombies left and they all started shooting each other instead (which they do anyway lol). I suppose it depends on what type of apocalypse and the geographic location of any outbreak/disaster. inb4 the whinerzz.
  4. TheWanderingMan

    Teaming up in game? Barely...

    The clan I play with all met in game. They are some of the friendliest people I've ever met and are always willing to help/give gear etc. yeah the teamspeak comms can be a bit lapse and annoying but you have to remember that we are a group of randoms playing, not a trained infantry section lol.
  5. TheWanderingMan

    Horde of hundreds zombies spawning

    Can you imagine stumbling across that? lol.
  6. TheWanderingMan

    How do you hold so many weapons Mr. Dead Guy?

    ^Yeah that's the MAJOR con to doing this. Just don't know what to choose M4 or Mosin? lol.
  7. TheWanderingMan

    How do you hold so many weapons Mr. Dead Guy?

    If I'm not carrying attachments for one, i'll have the other but It comes to a point when too many weapons is pointless, because what's the point of carrying a sidearm when you are having to carry your second primary in your hands all the time? It took me ages to find an LRS and attachments for the mosin, plus the mosin itself, but now I'm unwilling to give up my fully modded m4 that took me weeks to complete lol. Once I'd finally found fnx attachments and a magazine the damned thing took a round and ruined it all!! Gotta love dayz maaaayyynnn.
  8. TheWanderingMan

    Where is everyone?(Balota+NWAF)

    The NWAF is a favourite haunt of mine, I like to dip in and out like a quick swim in the pool on a Saturday morn. The last dozen or so times I've been there it has been empty with most of the buildings un looted. There was one guy once who ran past the firestation as I was looting it, shooting the z's and generally being noisy so I waited with anticipation for him to come to me. A couple of minutes passed before I went out to see if he was about and he was sat in one of the hangers eating some food lol. No wonder people KOS when there are morons like that running around with no tactical awareness, they're making it easy for the bandits imo.
  9. TheWanderingMan

    Legs are broken... stuck in prone

    One or the other I reckon, well it worked with me when I used the morphine I had. made a splint later just to be sure though! Hope this helps bro!
  10. TheWanderingMan

    Weapon damage vs. "Armor"

    I've still got my CBA in my wardrobe, no plates though lol.
  11. TheWanderingMan


    Don't get your knickers in a twist bro's!! Not having a go whatsoever, just saying you shouldn't believe everything you read on the web. Most wiki pages are written by common plebs such as ourselves that have no 'expert' knowledge on the subject. inb4 the moaners
  12. TheWanderingMan

    Weapon damage vs. "Armor"

    I was always led to believe that military ballistic armour was more about keeping your internals in, rather than keeping bullets out. At least until recently when developments have been made. Either way I've seen people with broken ribs and internal injuries from taking hits. Bullets also have a habit of ricocheting off the plates and doing more damage because of them. The British Army was using a ballistic vest up until 2007 that couldn't stop a stab wound (tried & tested), let alone enemy rounds lol.
  13. TheWanderingMan


    Ha just wondered if you were an expert on the subject. Believing what you read through google or on a wiki page is bonkers anyway lol.
  14. TheWanderingMan

    Weapon damage vs. "Armor"

    That would be the ideal reality of body armour, sadly it's not as I'm sure lots of people have realised lol.
  15. TheWanderingMan


    Dayz is supposed to be realistic, so I'd say cannibalism in a post apocalyptic world is more realistic than dying from a rotten piece of fruit. ^Does eating humans make you have the jitters or is that Hollywood reality?
  16. TheWanderingMan

    Weapon Condition

    ^^I know that, was wondering if they degraded at all from firing.
  17. TheWanderingMan

    Mosin Compensators

    HAHA I've got all the attachments including an LRS but I cannot find mosins anywhere. I've been playing the SA for weeks now so I know exactly where they're supposed to spawn.
  18. TheWanderingMan

    Weapon Condition

    I've had the same m4 for a couple of weeks, fired it numerous times and it hasn't degraded yet. As far as I'm aware the cleaning kits are still derpy.
  19. TheWanderingMan

    Mosin Compensators

    I've had no trouble finding them either. Is there a police vest as well now? I've only found the press and stab vests, the latter doesn't have any storage slots though.
  20. TheWanderingMan

    D*ck Heads Of DayZ - (Post Your Encounters)

    Don't just stand there LOL.
  21. TheWanderingMan

    Post your Notes you've found

    Found one ages ago but can't remember what it said. It was placed on the floor along with an fnx loaded with one round, a book and six pieces of wood.
  22. TheWanderingMan

    Tired of being pushed around? I can help!

    If you're an American, you're an immigrant bro! Unless you're native American (if they're any left lol).
  23. Walt senses tingling..........
  24. So many walts and paintballer types playing this game, pretending that they are in the military. Fair enough if that's what you want to do but don't act like you're an expert on all things army just because you play computer games.
  25. TheWanderingMan

    I've just mercilessly gunned down two men...

    it's a game ffs, why does everyone feel guilty in a game?