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Everything posted by TheWanderingMan

  1. TheWanderingMan

    Do you want firearms to be rarer?

    Guns should be un-common but ammo should be very hard to come by. ^There is enough gun and ammo in the USA to last twenty years into the apocalypse. MURICA FUCK YEAHHHHH
  2. TheWanderingMan

    The most underrated City on the Map

    Old news about a month ago bro!
  3. TheWanderingMan

    Calm the hell down about Dean allready....

    ^climb out of his arse you snivelling yes man. People like you created the cult of celebrity.
  4. TheWanderingMan

    Calm the hell down about Dean allready....

    OP be like:
  5. TheWanderingMan

    Mosin painting

    Mines fully camo'd and I can still load five at a time!!
  6. TheWanderingMan

    Is Dayz over?

    Stop boosting this guys ego! Whether or not dayz fails will not be down to him leaving or not. He's a fucking human being ffs, stop treating these people like demi-gods and they will stop acting that way.
  7. ^ what this guy said. So many geared players leave everything except the one thing they were looking for. Done it myself loads of times.
  8. TheWanderingMan

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    No wonder 'famous' people and celebs act the way they do when there is an army of plebeian morons supporting every pointless action they make. The guy could have said 'it's a flawed concept that's obviously not going to work, therefore we're abandoning the project and it'll stay at aplha' There would be an army of people supporting and defending this. it's a facet of a wider problem with modern society, people are willing to accept everything that's forced down theirs throats and they'll be happy about it ffs!!
  9. That shot could have been a de-sync ricochet maybe.....
  10. TheWanderingMan

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    They advised us not to buy it but were perfectly willing to take the money. Fucking teachers pet lol.
  11. TheWanderingMan

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    I'd say his flawed concept was releasing a game and expecting people to play it in a certain way. Flawed humanity more like.
  12. TheWanderingMan

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Got a sneaky feeling you may be right bro.
  13. TheWanderingMan

    Is it too much to ask for smooth controls?

    ^^What Army were you in that teaches you to hold your breath when taking a shot? lol Real world Armies release the shot on the exhale broseph.
  14. TheWanderingMan

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    The way some of you brown nose this rocket guy is hilarious. Do you think he reads these comments and appreciates them? I doubt the guy could care less either way and all you're doing is boosting his already over-inflated ego!!! All hail the Lord god rocket!!!!!! (When will he learn to pronounce 'bear' correctly in his squeaky auzzie/weird accent)
  15. TheWanderingMan

    Is it too much to ask for smooth controls?

    Aiming and shooting weapons IRL is easier than doing it in this game, I want it to feel realistic but the way the weapons are now when it comes to aiming isn't realistic imo. Anyway.................... APLHAAAAAAAAAAA U NOOBSSSS NOT ALLOWED AN OPINION U SILLY COD KID KOS SCUM
  16. TheWanderingMan

    Thank You Dean.

    Maybe he'll learn how to pronounce 'bear' properly at his new job inb4 brown noserz
  17. TheWanderingMan

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    The way dean hall says 'bear' really grates on my nerves, you're talking about an animal not an alcoholic beverage lol. That is all I gathered from the stream, the rest was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. TheWanderingMan

    NWAF - You lied to me

    gr8 justification 4 kos bro!
  19. TheWanderingMan

    Most upsetting memorable memory in dayz

    Those stairs are pure evil man.....every fucking time haha.
  20. TheWanderingMan

    A Day In the Life Of A DayZ Sniper

    awww m8 ur so hard innit
  21. TheWanderingMan

    Who Hid All The M4 Magazines? And the Mosins? And The SKS's?

    Took me a good couple of weeks playing a few hours a day to find a mosin. Pistol mags have vanished also, yes I know where they spawn but I'm just not having any luck. I'm glad the m4 is rarer now because it makes finding all the attachments a challenge and a reward when you have a fully modded one. The mosin just looks sexy with those bipod legs and LRS though.
  22. TheWanderingMan

    Would phones/internet work in Case of Apocalypse

    As soon as the internet became available on mobile phones the world had gone too far to save. Never before has there been a society so obsessed with self gratification and self promotion. People would rather film the victims of a car crash than help them (paul walkers death is a prime example). People only give to charity because it improves their social image and looks good on FB combined with loads of 'likes'. We need an apocalypse to wipe the slate clean imo.
  23. TheWanderingMan

    Naked Coastal Misfits Owned

    Were you abused by your daddy as a child broseph?
  24. TheWanderingMan

    A Day In the Life Of A DayZ Sniper

    ur a relle gud snpr m7
  25. TheWanderingMan

    Breaking "IT"

    Has a bit extra that you don't see in the film, like a spit roasted baby for example. Also explains a bit about other communites etc.